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Meeting Redskins in Public...


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Last December, around my birthday, a lovely lady from extemeskins sent me an invitation to have dinner with some of the Redskins. I met Colt, Stephon and DeAngelo Hall and had my picture taken with them. Of all of them Stephon was the coolest. A really nice guy, and I got to talk to him a bit. I was suprized how short DeAngelo was. I had expected him to be very tall since he played corner. I didn't get a lot of time to talk to Colt since there were other people that wanted to talk to him.

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Last December, around my birthday, a lovely lady from extemeskins sent me an invitation to have dinner with some of the Redskins. I met Colt, Stephon and DeAngelo Hall and had my picture taken with them. Of all of them Stephon was the coolest. A really nice guy, and I got to talk to him a bit. I was suprized how short DeAngelo was. I had expected him to be very tall since he played corner. I didn't get a lot of time to talk to Colt since there were other people that wanted to talk to him.

More reason to root for Heyor becoming a great RT.

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Not sure if this counts, kinda like saying you saw a tiger in the wild while at a zoo but here goes.....

We (daughter and I) went to the CC Rally for the Cure event last month. We talked with a few of the players that were there and aside from the awesomeness that is Cooley the 2 players that stand out for me are Colt Brennan and Chris Horton.

Colt was just flat out awesome with the way he dealt with my daughter and Horton..... Kind of a story, He was standing there eating a plate of the finger foods that were available as my daughter and I walked passed him. She asked if he was a player and I told her yes, thats Chris Horton. Her eyes lit up and she said "you mean to tell me that "the predator" is here?" At that point a picture was mandatory, I asked if she could wait til he was done eating, she of course says she could but Horton was having none of that..... he put his plate down and was very gracious and awesome with talking and having his picture taken with her.

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Not sure if this counts, kinda like saying you saw a tiger in the wild while at a zoo but here goes.....

We (daughter and I) went to the CC Rally for the Cure event last month. We talked with a few of the players that were there and aside from the awesomeness that is Cooley the 2 players that stand out for me are Colt Brennan and Chris Horton.

Colt was just flat out awesome with the way he dealt with my daughter and Horton..... Kind of a story, He was standing there eating a plate of the finger foods that were available as my daughter and I walked passed him. She asked if he was a player and I told her yes, thats Chris Horton. Her eyes lit up and she said "you mean to tell me that "the predator" is here?" At that point a picture was mandatory, I asked if she could wait til he was done eating, she of course says she could but Horton was having none of that..... he put his plate down and was very gracious and awesome with talking and having his picture taken with her.

More reason for me to get a Horton jersey.

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The preseason before he was traded, I met Heath Shuler in front of the Providence Biltmore hotel. The buses rolled up and out come all of the Skins. They were playing the Patriots up here. I had a t shirt for Heath to sign which he was happy to do. Very nice guy. Talked with me for about five minutes. The story gets better. My buddy worked the banquet hall for the Biltmore and went up to Shuler and thanked him for taking the time with me an signing my t shirt and that I was a huge Redskin fan since the early seventies. Heath told him to hold on while he got up and went over to someone sitting down, talked with him for a minute and came back and handed my buddy two field passes for the Pats preseason game. Best game I ever saw (and that includes the 35-7 Cowboys game). Couldn' t tell you who won but it was the coolest to drink from the Gatorade cooler. Also the Patriot mascot got mad at us for trying to talk to the cheerleaders. Because of that I have always defended Heath Shuler and am probably the only guy to own two 5 jerseys.

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Yesterday I met Chris Cooley for the first time at a signing in Yorktown,VA. I must say that Cooley is a great down to earth guy. During the signing Chris took the time to talk and interact with every person there to see him. He signed whatever you wanted, even if you didn't pay to get every item signed. He took as many pictures with you as you wanted. He also encouraged everyone there to stick around and hang out. Chris answered every question people asked him from the current team to who is the best safety in the NFL to his relationship with Sean Taylor and to how he got away with his Wife being a cheerleader at the time. The thing that stood out the most that he did was when he offered to take a poster board will all the redskins medallions from 711 back home with him to get the whole team to sign it for a sick fan that couldn't make it to the signing. Chris asked to call the man, talked to him to see how he was doing, and then told him he was going to take his stuff have the whole team sign it and send it back. Overall it was a great time and the best thing he told us was that the only team he will ever play for is the Redskins.

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You went to that, too? he accidentally touched my butt yesterday and the look on my face in the picture when it happened is pretty priceless. I wasn't gonna go because I figured it was gonna be a mad-house. My parents went up there and my mother had forgotten her mini-breast cancer helmet so I drove it up there for her to get it signed. My parents were up there all freakin day hanging out with him. And yeah, I'm pretty sure my parents paid for him to sign one thing and he ended up signing all these pictures my mom had of him, my pro-bowl 09 helmet, and my dad's jersey. Really nice guy.

Now I just gotten get big Mike and Clinton to sign that helmet.

By the way, support that store as much as you can, even though the owner is a die-hard pukes fan he's a great guy and runs a great store. My parents go in there all the time and have nothing but great things to say about the guy. That was the first time I had been in there because I just moved back to Yorktown from Richmond about a week ago. Nice to see a pukes fan wearing a Skins jersey yesterday =D

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I've met several Redskins at training camp and such, but I do have 2 random run ins.

Last summer I was in Baltimore for an Orioles game, but a couple friends of mine and I decided to meet up at one of the restaurants on the Harbor (I can't remember what it's called, but it's adjacent to Phillips) for a bit of food and drink.

As were finish up and walk out, Jason Campbell and the lady that was with him (I think it was his sister or something, because it didn't look like Mercedes) were walking out of Phillips. I did a double take and started muttering "Joey...Joey (another ES member)...it's ****ing Jason Campbell". I spin on my heel and walk straight up to Jason and simply say "Jason Campell...what is up!" like he's some sort of long lost friend.

He took it in stride, shook my hand and chatted me up for a minute before I excused myself and gave him the obligatory "go get 'em" comment. He was a real nice guy. Any interviews you see with the guy are pretty much a perfect representation of his personality.

I play volleyball up at my neighborhood pool every Sunday during the summer (Tanterra in Olney, for those of you familiar with it). My buddy's sister was dating Gary Clark at the time, and they both came up to the pool for some beer and volleyball. I ended up playing volleyball with Gary Clark for awhile.

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Back in the 1980's sometime, a drunk John Riggins stepped on my foot while he was walking by me at PJ Skiddoos in Fairfax Circle. That used to be the big Skins hang out bar. I guess drunk Riggo stories are a dime a dozen though! :silly:

Funny, I saw Champ Bailey at PJ Skiddoos years ago. Wasn't able to speak to him since every girl in the place flocked to the table he and his buddy sat down at. He appeared to be drunk or high on something. I was surprised how short he was.

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I was a neighborhood canvasser about 4 years ago. Actually knocked on Nick Novak's door and got to meet and talk with him. I mean he's Nick Novak so it's whatever but he's a cool guy.

Met a bunch of Skins when I was younger. Father used to go to some Redskins dinner thing his company is involved with every year so I went a couple of times. A lot of the old timers. All nice. The biggest disappointment was Darrell Green though. His wife was the nicest person you could meet but he was a dick.

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I was a neighborhood canvasser about 4 years ago. Actually knocked on Nick Novak's door and got to meet and talk with him. I mean he's Nick Novak so it's whatever but he's a cool guy.

Met a bunch of Skins when I was younger. Father used to go to some Redskins dinner thing his company is involved with every year so I went a couple of times. A lot of the old timers. All nice. The biggest disappointment was Darrell Green though. His wife was the nicest person you could meet but he was a dick.

I know people that have said the same thing about Green.

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The only places I've ran into Redskins was at Training Camp. I hung out with Patrick Ramsey his first day with the Redskins, got Fred Smoot, Jon Janson, Chris Samuels and a bunch of other Redskins to sign my hat, chatted up with Sam Shade who was riding a bike on campus and was looking to meet/chat with fans. I told him I had been voting for him to make the pro bowl and of coarse he loved that.

Last year I got to meet the coolest of them all when I asked Chris Cooley to take a pic with me. And he did. Cooley's true to this name. ;)

I actually run into more Ravens than I do Redskins. I was at the bowling alley with my family with my cousin up from out of state, and the Ravens were getting ready for some kind of team party. They all started rolling in as we were finishing up and getting ready to leave. I ran into Ed Reed on more than one occasion but as cool as he is, I am of the frame of mind not to bug them as I know players get that all the time so I didn't bother him. He did keep looking over as to say "what's up man?" in a sociable friendly way but I just left him alone to keep warming up and keep taking practice bowls. I like to give them their space as well because they are normal people like everyone else and if I was in their shoes I know I'd get sick of people bugging me all the time when I'm in public. Privacy is valuable in my opinion. But for the several different times I have ran into Ed Reed you would think we were neighbors or something.

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We have a redskins group that gets together in Orange County, Ca and watches the games at a local bar. One of our members knows Gary Clark. He watched a game with us one day. He even let me wear his Super Bowl ring in one pic.

Very cool and humble guy.

Dude... I just moved to Orange County, Ca from DC, and looking for three things.... a group to goto the Chargers/ Redskings game, a group to goto the Oakland/ Redskins game, and a place that has some DC natives/ Skins fans to watch the games at..... Where you all chill at?

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Meet a couple of Skins players mostly at big functions but I did have a funny one with Joey T. years ago!!!

Years ago(1980-84) I worked for a beer company and Thiesman had a few restuarants around well I was delivering to one and one day and there he was nice guy talk to us for a while ,when I told him I was originally frm New Jersey he got on my case but then told me he was aslo, so we leave.

About 2years later I'm taking some friends from England and our kids through the Air/Space musem in D.C it was in the spring,we were getting off the escalator and ther he was...he said he rememerd me and was I still working for the beer company he talk to us for around 10 mins,gotta tell ya it impressed the wife big time.:D

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  • 4 weeks later...

shawn springs was my neighbor for about 2 - 3 years. never met him, cuz you know its his house and i thought it was just cool, seeing him drive around with his fam, now his house is on the market still and havnt really seen anyone since.

met portis randomly, cuz my fam's house was on the market, and his agent brought to look at our home through open house. he was with his brother, and didnt say much. apprantley he was tryin to ge a house for his brother who just got out of jail. portis lives down the street from me

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  • 1 year later...

Bump for new sighting.

Just saw Trent Williams at a gas station off Belmont Ridge Rd.

He has a sweet car, dont know what kind it is.

He was walking to pay for his gas or to get a drink or something.

He was walking very slow almost grandma like.

I saw that I have a Redskins towel in my car and a sharpee in my pocket.

So I waited for him to come out and I asked him for his autograph. He gave me one. I asked him if he practiced today and he said he just came from there.

Also I asked if he was sore and he laughed and said "yeah". I told him he had a sweet car and he said thanks.

He is a really big dude but looks tired!

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