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Meeting Redskins in Public...


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I would like to share all of my encounters with Redskin's in public. I thought it would be cool to hear other people's aswell.

Haynesworth- I was at Jackson's bar in Reston on cinco de mayo and was wearing a Redskins jersey. It was my first time there and I didn't realize it was a very "classy" sports bar. A guy came up to me and asked me if I had seen Haynesworth. I told him no and he said he was on the other side of the bar. He also called him a name and basically said he was a jerk. I went over to check it out and he was there. I showed my girlfriend him and she wanted to talk to him. I didn't want her to because I am not that kind of person. I want to give him his space.

A couple people told her not to that he was a jerk and would not give her the time of day. I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was freaking talking to him. She told me later she said stuff like "You know your not a Titan anymore, your a Redskin!" and said "You gotta get us to the playoffs because Redskins fans deserve that." I walked over and said "Common let's go" He actually was pretty nice to her and looked at me and said "What's up man?" He turned out to be pretty cool to us. I don't know about the others.

Vinny Cerrato- When I worked at Lowe's he came into the indoor garden section and was looking around. I asked him if he needed help with anything. He was looking at garden hoses. He asked me what the differences between these two hoses were. I had no clue really but I wanted to say, ones green and ones red. But of course I didnt. I got someone else to answer his questions and that was really all that happened.

Chris Cooley- He came into get his car inspected. This is when I worked at a shop. I didnt get a chance to talk to him but I went to my car and tryed to see if I had anything he could sign. I usually have a football in my trunk but of course I didn't. I had an idea to print out a pic of him on the net. I did and he signed it later it was pretty cool.

David Patten- He was the coolest dude. I had a name tag on and he got my attention by calling my name. He talked to me and a couple of guys for probably 10-15 minutes. He told us he was probably going to the Saints. He got his tire fixed and said he didnt have any cash but he would come back the next day and give the guy that helped him a tip. I thought he wouldn't but he did. He also brought some old nice rims in and said we could sell them cause he was moving and he didnt need them.

Jason Campbell- Before he was the starter he came into Lowes by himself and was at the paint desk. He seemed really shy at the time. Not a whole lot has changed.

I could go on a couple more but all the others aren't as good. Has anything cool happened to any of you. MOD's feel free to attach to another thread or delete.

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Vinny Cerrato- When I worked at Lowe's he came into the indoor garden section and was looking around. I asked him if he needed help with anything. He was looking at garden hoses. He asked me what the differences between these two hoses were. I had no clue really but I wanted to say, ones green and ones red. But of course I didnt. I got someone else to answer his questions and that was really all that happened.


so you were to hoses what vinny is to player personnel... good stuff!

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at training camp last year, everyone was swarming around santana and cooley and no one was giving love to devin thomas... so i went up and just started talking to him and he was a real cool guy. Seemed genuinely excited that someone knew who he was... and then i challenged him to an arm wrestle, telling him if i won he has to get me season tickets..... i lost

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The only Redskin I ever met was Dan Turk back in 98/99. He came into the VIP Lounge, to check in at the hotel I was working at, while I was working on a computer problem for one of the girls. Really nice guy, was supposed to get me an autographed football from him and his brother (Matt). Never did get it, but, he was pretty cool to everyone, unlike a lot of people that went into the VIP Lounge.

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ok since the almighty Mod wont let me tell people when i meet a redskins, i'll do it here, good post hrny4zrny. mod, bless us everyone.


my girlfriend and i getting out of the car, on our way into borders books.

(im wearing my redskins vs broncos superbowl champions shirt, by the way.nerd)

and spot carter getting out of a black chevy tank.

"alright, alright A.C. go get 'em this year." i says.

"we will man." he says.

my girlfriend smiles. i tell her who he is, that he plays panio, practices karate, and is a generally sweet dude. "oooooh he sounds cool." she tried to get me to go talk to him about the redskins, i guess cause everyone thinks im too psycho when i talk about the redskins, and that only a REDSKIN himself could possibly be able, to satisfiy my curiousity...oh well,...i didnt wanna NOT say something cause of what i was wearing, its my obligation to acklowlage him...im of the opinion... not bother him.


its dallas week, and im at track auto getting some bulbs for my rear lights. todd walks in, he's in a hurry, im in a hurry. tempted to give him the nod, or the "go get 'em bit", but decide to lay off.

i pay for my bulbs and leave, i put them in in the parking lot, but can't see if they work, so i try a jig....i fix a big water bottle to a large book, and wedge it up into my depressed brakes, to no avail.....alas, my local friendly neighbor hood Yoder is exiting the track auto, i think to my self, "why not?"

"hey todd!" i yell.

"hey." he looks at me like im crazy. i explain.

"sorry buddy, big redskin fan, i love ya...but, could you do me a favor?" he laughs kinda, and says "O..K.."

"i just changed my rear right taillight, and need to see if it works, could you just give me the 'thumbs up' as i'm leaving, if it works..." he laughed.

"sure thing man."

as soon as i got the thumbs up, i leaned out my window and yelled, "thanks man, BEAT DALLAS."


my girlfriend and i were in victoria secret looking for something to....you know.....

and in walks casey rabach, pushing a baby carrige. aww nevermind, this story sucks......


on the side of route 28 filling up someone's tank with a red gas can. what a nice guy.

saw blades at linda's before training camp talking to matt sinclair, but i see guys in there all the time, they go to the barber shop next door, "CUTTIN UP'.

well thats it, thanks for sharing. and letting me.

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When I met Haynesworth at Chris Cooley's Rally for the Cure as I walked by him I was a little intimadated but then I see a friend of mine start talking to him and was laughing so I figured he was down to earth and talked with him for a couple minutes telling him about Dave Butz and got his autograph and that's what impressed me. I first met Stubblefield at Bridges in Fairfax and he was real stuck up.

I saw Andre Carter walking around the Washington Auto Show in 2008 and my friend walked up to him to see if he could get a picture with him so Andre talked with us for a couple minutes mainly about cars

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A few months ago I was out boating in ft lauderdale with some friends.....we had just stopped at a bar and there was a bunch of commotion out front....I go over there and its Jason Taylor....on his own boat out front putting his kids life jackets on. Just before he sped off I yelled GO SKINS! (this was before he was released).....he didnt acknowledge one bit........and thats my story.

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Saw Brunnell at Cheesecake factory in Tyson's I think it was

He had his hat pulled down really low and was with his family I said hey Mark as he was walking out...He said how are you but kept going....He was pretty much trying to keep a low profile he wasnt the most popular guy then....

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I got to talk to coach Blache last year. I have a fmaily friend that's his assistant, so we went inside Redskins Park during training camp.

He's one of the nicest people ever. He told my Dad & I how pointless he (and the rest of the staff) thought preseason was. He made us all take some Gatorades out of this big fridge filled with them. He was very, very cool. He let my bandmates & I take pictures with him & stuff. Very cool guy.


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I got to talk to coach Blache last year. I have a fmaily friend that's his assistant' date=' so we went inside Redskins Park during training camp.

He's one of the nicest people ever. He told my Dad & I how pointless he (and the rest of the staff) thought preseason was. He made us all take some Gatorades out of this big fridge filled with them. He was very, very cool. He let my bandmates & I take pictures with him & stuff. Very cool guy.


That is pretty freakin sweet...

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Aside seeing them all at training camp...The only Redskin i've seen in public is Laron Landry at a gentlesmen club in West Virgina...very stand up guy....He let come into the VIP section and talk to him and he signed my Sean Taylor jersey.

I remember that happenin

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Huly and I have met and re-met so many skins over the years and had many lengthy conversations with them (almost every single one is a great guy)... We are actually very close freinds with one in particular (ex-redskin)

But the one incident that Huly loves to re-tell over and over:

We are driving though our neighborhood in Ashburn and some guy comes along and squeezes in just ahead of me without using the turn signal on... well... lets face it... he cut me off. Well me being the level headed person I am, decided I am going to come around the side and tell him politely how I feel.. Just as I am along side (everyone's windows are down, including the other car) and just as my bird is going up, the other guy turns and looks at me.

Huly remarks: Its Marcus Washington!

I yell crap! and quickly put down my finger and both of us yell Hey Marcus!

He grinned.

I groaned and Huly was :doh:

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We have a redskins group that gets together in Orange County, Ca and watches the games at a local bar. One of our members knows Gary Clark. He watched a game with us one day. He even let me wear his Super Bowl ring in one pic.

Very cool and humble guy.


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When I met Smoot at an autograph session he seemed really quiet and shy. I was very surprised because well you all know why.

Landry was quiet to but I think he wasn't used to all the attention yet.

Rocky Macintosh signed a football for me when he came into my job. One of my bosses said "A Redskin was just in here, his name is Roger Macintosh." I laughed cause I knew it had to be Rocky.

I think it would be cool to see Colt, London and Portis out somewhere. Even Horton would be cool.

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I have been to a ton of autograph shows at the CSA. All the players that I met generally have been really pretty nice. They should be of course, since I was paying to meet and get their autographs.

Outside of autograph sessions that were either free or paid, I met Ken Houston at the HOF during the Green/Monk induction. He was really nice and I tried to get him to sign an index card, but he said he doesn' sign index cards. He was with his grandson. I felt bad about interrupting him. He was really nice though. It didn't matter because I told him that I sent a photo of him to his house that my uncle took of him during his playing days here. When I got back from the HOF, the phot was returned to me signed. I thought that was pretty awesome! I haven't seen too many redskins out and about in public places. I don't think that the skins come around to Arlington all that much, unless it is Mr. Days, which I hate that bar because you can't wear jerseys in there! What a joke! You can't wear jerseys in a sports bar? I would never go back there after that.

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its dallas week, and im at track auto getting some bulbs for my rear lights. todd walks in, he's in a hurry, im in a hurry. tempted to give him the nod, or the "go get 'em bit", but decide to lay off.

i pay for my bulbs and leave, i put them in in the parking lot, but can't see if they work, so i try a jig....i fix a big water bottle to a large book, and wedge it up into my depressed brakes, to no avail.....alas, my local friendly neighbor hood Yoder is exiting the track auto, i think to my self, "why not?"

"hey todd!" i yell.

"hey." he looks at me like im crazy. i explain.

"sorry buddy, big redskin fan, i love ya...but, could you do me a favor?" he laughs kinda, and says "O..K.."

"i just changed my rear right taillight, and need to see if it works, could you just give me the 'thumbs up' as i'm leaving, if it works..." he laughed.

"sure thing man."

as soon as i got the thumbs up, i leaned out my window and yelled, "thanks man, BEAT DALLAS."

****ing awesome story.

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We have a redskins group that gets together in Orange County, Ca and watches the games at a local bar. One of our members knows Gary Clark. He watched a game with us one day. He even let me wear his Super Bowl ring in one pic.

Very cool and humble guy.


Now that is ****** SWEET!!! My favorite skin of all time, and may I add VA native.... Good story.

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