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Jason Campbell Is Our Starting QB, So Let's Be Optimistic About It...

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Good post Califan007

I do want to point out that a lot of us (myself included) were talking about JC not being allowed to throw a fade route due to his inability...

In the dallas game highlights around 5:20... He does it to Moss and although it's out of bounds (but not by much)... It was a nice play...

He does have MM, MK, DT now....

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Good post Califan007

I do want to point out that a lot of us (myself included) were talking about JC not being allowed to throw a fade route due to his inability...

In the dallas game highlights around 5:20... He does it to Moss and although it's out of bounds (but not by much)... It was a nice play...

He does have MM, MK, DT now....

MM showed some DAMN impressive red zone skills :yes:...Hopefully those will remain in tact against tougher competition.

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I'll agree with Darrellgreenie.

I broke down every play in the second Dallas game, and the summary that I came up with is that of 61 offensive plays, 9 (14%) of the total plays were screen plays, 20 (32%) where running plays, and 6 were 1 option plays. That's half of your offensive plays that take place basically behind the LOS. Mr. Checkdown was Mr. Checkdown because there were no plays called with deep options, for the most part. My eyes and analysis tells me that due to the play calling, there was nothing doing deep. The one time they threw the ball deep, the ball was thrown very accurately, Moss got 2 hands on it, and dropped it.

Here's a link to the post I made about that game, which includes a link to the play chart I created that shows every play, the down and distance, the starting field position, the result and commentary on each play. It took me ~8 hours to complete this because I watched every offensive play over and over in slow motion.


Also, to Darrellgreenies point, JC was getting hit on 5 step drops in under 2.3 seconds. I watched the game with a stopwatch. That's pathetic, no matter what you think of the QB. That's barely enough time to get back and plant your back foot before getting clobbered. Even the comentators commented that JC was taking a complete beating.

Anyway, it really doesn't matter. I'm firmly in the "wait and see" camp. You'll see that I point out what I consider to be 3 pretty horrendous throws from JC. I'm not an appologist or a hater, I just look at what I can see. I don't think JC's ever going to be John Elway, but I think that he can be Matt Hassellbeck, given the right situation.

The other thing that I just don't understand from the ~5-10 fans who seem to want to roast JC at the stake is that they don't seem to understand that people can improve year over year. Zorn was in his first year as a coach, JC and the recievers where in their first year in the offense, and everybody had to learn. So, is there no possibility that they do it better they second time around? Will they improve? Who knows. That's the question. But they're going to get the opportunity to do it. And nothing the fans can do about it one way or the other. So, I for one am just going to hope that they figure it out. And if they don't, they won't be around next year. Shrug. That's life.

EDIT: btw, on a slightly different topic, and not related to Darrellgreenies post, I'm personally getting really tired of all the name calling. JC Haters, JC apologists, and several that I won't type, it's just juvenile and silly. Fans are going to have different opinions on different players. Some people don't think that JC can do the job, others do. It's a disagreement. So what? Why with the name calling and labeling? Just because people do not agree with a point of view doesn't mean that they're not listening or understanding. They can be doing 3 things at the same time, listening, understanding and disagreeing. Just saying. It's silly.

QUOTED FOR TRUTH. I can't believe you broke down game film for 8 hours, thats what coaches and players do. Good for you though, you should consider coaching high school football.

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QUOTED FOR TRUTH. I can't believe you broke down game film for 8 hours, thats what coaches and players do. Good for you though, you should consider coaching high school football.

Thanks. Given I have zero actual experience with football, I'm not sure how well that would work out. :)

And I'm in the optimistic camp. Let's go. Season's 6 days away.

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Well I'm optimistic that this is Campbell's year to sink or swim. No more excuses, he has the WRs, he has an adequate O-Line, he has a premier RB behind him, and a premier TE as well. This system isn't new and he SHOULD BE noticeably better than last season. I'm a little more comfortable with Campbell now than during most of the offseason because I feel that none of our backups really proved that they're better than Campbell. That said, I still wish him and the Skins the best.

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Good post Califan007

I do want to point out that a lot of us (myself included) were talking about JC not being allowed to throw a fade route due to his inability...

In the dallas game highlights around 5:20... He does it to Moss and although it's out of bounds (but not by much)... It was a nice play...

He does have MM, MK, DT now....

I was soooo looking for that during the goal line series in the Steeler preseason game. I would like to see Malcom Kelly or Marko Mitchell get some of those.

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Alright, now that the season is upon us (seems surreal) I'm going to root for JC to prove the skeptics (myself included) wrong.

If you truly are a 'skins fan you should do the same. Let's go into the season with hope and optimism. The pissing contest that goes on here should be put on the back burner.

God, I wish today was kickoff week.

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I've been a critic of Jason as well. Though I tend to blame pretty much everyone on that offense for the overall performance last year. Watched several games with my brother over the offseason and needless to say,it was an educational experience as well as illuminating. I'm not as harsh of a critic as I was and actually am much more optimistic than I was at the end of last season. It was too easy to get caught up in all of the criticism. A bigger challenge to step back and actually watch things with a bit more of a clear eye. Of course,being that I was clamoring for the young man to start for Brunell a few years ago helps. I like this young man as a QB and believe that this could be a very good season for he and the Redskins.

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Its not the players its coaching...Zorn needs to grows a pair this season ,takes some shots,have a unpredictable game plan for each game,and for christ sake..stop having a anxiety attack if a you call a play and it dosen't work..dust yourself off and try again..don't run a draw or a screen the very next play..Fans ask me all the time"will JC have a good year" my reply to them is "Its up to Zorn"

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Its not the players its coaching...Zorn needs to grows a pair this season ,takes some shots,have a unpredictable game plan for each game,and for christ sake..stop having a anxiety attack if a you call a play and it dosen't work..dust yourself off and try again..don't run a draw or a screen the very next play..Fans ask me all the time"will JC have a good year" my reply to them is "Its up to Zorn"

I agree. Zorn needs to stay unpredictable and be willing to put the game in Jason's hands and take shots down the field.

We also need consistent and adequate pass protection from the O-Line.

Given these two things happen, I'm looking for a big year from Jason and have a feeling Malcolm is going to have a break out 2nd year


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I keep telling myself: Campbell's improved every year, Campbell's improved every year....

I don't think it's enough, but maybe he'll catch fire....

Look at him throughout the preseason then, he at least got much better (woulda been a lot better hand Randle El caught the damn ball)

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Best play of the preseason,to me,that showed Jason's progress,was one of those that took place in one of the last 2 games. He stepped back on quick 3-5 step drop. Went to throw,brought it back down,(primary was covered),but instead of getting lost in there,he quickly turned to his left and threw to the back for a completion. He knew where to look and wasted no time getting rid of that ball and did so relatively accurately considering the situation.

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Best play of the preseason,to me,that showed Jason's progress,was one of those that took place in one of the last 2 games. He stepped back on quick 3-5 step drop. Went to throw,brought it back down,(primary was covered),but instead of getting lost in there,he quickly turned to his left and threw to the back for a completion. He knew where to look and wasted no time getting rid of that ball and did so relatively accurately considering the situation.

He did something similar, but threw it to Moss and not a running back...I remember JC looking right, not liking what he was seeing, quickly changing his mind and looking left, then hitting Moss just short of the 1st down marker. It was REAL obvious and yeah, it impressed me that he seemed more comfortable with the decision making.

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He did something similar, but threw it to Moss and not a running back...I remember JC looking right, not liking what he was seeing, quickly changing his mind and looking left, then hitting Moss just short of the 1st down marker. It was REAL obvious and yeah, it impressed me that he seemed more comfortable with the decision making.

I think the one PCS is talking about was to a RB, at least that is the one that came to mind for me..

There was also another moment where JC decided, after beginning to throw it and pulled back and chucked it to Cooley... Granted it was incomplete (hit cooley's hands but not caught) but it just showed the game is seeming to "slow down" for him..

Maybe I'm reaching here, but since the season is starting I am only looking for the positive..

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That throw PCS is talking about was , I believe, the first Campbell throw during preseason where he hit Betts in the flats for a nice first down. He had a primary read, a secondary read, and a tertiary read, and all were covered, and within a split second he flinged it out to the flats right where Betts was heading (not where he was), allowing Betts to catch it in stride and run up the field quickly for positive yardage.

Yeah, I liked that play to, lol. It said a lot about the comfort level all of our guys have right now in this offense, not just Campbell. Everyone seemed in sync there.

Honestly, my favorite play had to be the throw to Randle El last game that El dropped. We've all been a bit disappointed in Campbell missing Kelly and Moss deep in the Steelers game and Pats game respectively. Campbell said something like "I overthrew Kelly by a yard last game, and now I underthrew Moss by a yard this game, so next game I'll hit it spot on".

He definitely came through. That throw to El was an absolute beauty, the type of elite QB throw that is just in the exact spot it needs to be in, where it didn't even matter how many defenders were around it could only be caught by the WR. Too bad Randle El played the deflection instead of just focusing on the ball. But what's more is that pass is the type of pass we hardly ever saw last year. Down the middle, behind the Lbers, in front of the Safeties, slightly open area of the field, to the slot guy... a pass that needs to be spot on.

I loved it, lol.

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I'm feeling better now, not totally confident but more confident than I would have been at the start of training camp.

It is very important for our team not to pack it in when we're trying to seal a victory. Not just because you often let a team hang around and make a play to steal the game BUT because Jason needs to continue building rapport with those receivers and making the right passes with the right timing. That means PLEASE do NOT run our backs into the ground once we're up by 10 points. Don't let off the gas until it's very comfortable.

Attack! Attack! Rush'n'Attack ;)

That's the only way to exorcise the demons of Redskins offenses past, I believe.

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I'm feeling better now, not totally confident but more confident than I would have been at the start of training camp.

It is very important for our team not to pack it in when we're trying to seal a victory. Not just because you often let a team hang around and make a play to steal the game BUT because Jason needs to continue building rapport with those receivers and making the right passes with the right timing. That means PLEASE do NOT run our backs into the ground once we're up by 10 points. Don't let off the gas until it's very comfortable.

Attack! Attack! Rush'n'Attack ;)

That's the only way to exorcise the demons of Redskins offenses past, I believe.

Good point, I agree to keep putting points on the board... I would seriously doubt our offense is going to be putting up HUGE amounts (40+) but don't ease up and lose games...

Once again though, Good damn thread by Callifan007... Regardless if we were doubters this has helped the preseason jitters and made a positive vibe for JC and this season!!!

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I'm feeling better now, not totally confident but more confident than I would have been at the start of training camp.

It is very important for our team not to pack it in when we're trying to seal a victory. Not just because you often let a team hang around and make a play to steal the game BUT because Jason needs to continue building rapport with those receivers and making the right passes with the right timing. That means PLEASE do NOT run our backs into the ground once we're up by 10 points. Don't let off the gas until it's very comfortable.

Attack! Attack! Rush'n'Attack ;)

That's the only way to exorcise the demons of Redskins offenses past, I believe.

:applause::applause: amen

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