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Swing and a Miss

Ryman of the North

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So our smart guy front office indentified two major areas of concern this offseason, the Lines on both sides.

we had the #5 ranked defence despite an anemic pass rush and were solid against the run, so we went out and signed an amazing talent at DT for a huge contract, Ill say that was a wash as frankly we havent had a talent like that in a while and it gives us our best defencive front in decades.

BUT then our brainiac brain trust CUTS the guy who would have benefitted most from having the beast lined up beside him, supposedly because he didnt wnat to lift weights here. so yeah not such a bright move considering the guy played hurt all year. ABD COST US A SECOND ROUND PICK.

so so far we are better on the front 7 but not by much as we lost Marcus and Jason both of whom has poor seasons by their standards but were good enough to keep us in the top 5. w2e didnt sign anyone to replace washington and the backer we did sign is an undersized weakside guy.

in the back 7, we lost springs who has inarguably been our best cover guy , he just is never healthy. we replaced him with...... nobody we signed Hall to a huge contract, while i like hall I am not sure this was wise.

so Back 7 is a net loss

I am not impressed by that at all

on offence our weak link was identified last year as receiver, so we drafted 2 wideouts in the second and a TE even though we have Cooley.

Our Oline was injured a lot but we had ZERO DEPTH and looked silly when gessinger had to step in in prime time at OT.

we resigned Dock who while he was here was maligned for being big dumb and slow, but who is a dominating staright ahead run blocker, we got him for a decent price.

we didnt sign any OT's until we just signed Mike Williams off the street, he has potential as he is huge and athletic but lack of want to and injuries killed his career the first time around.

so on offense we signed Dockery and Williams.

our draft

we signed orapko, he has bust written all over him but to be fair Oher does as well, only time will tell but we really could use a boost at DE, and if he isnt a bust he could help there.

we signed some injury prone hard hitting corner who is famous on youttube, hey guess what corners dont need to be lights out, stupid stupid pick, we have hall and rodgers and smoot. unless this guy eats a sandwhcih and moves to saftey its a wtf pick

I dont even wnat to talk about the rest of our picks, a retarded monkey with a lawn dart could have done a better job and unless we get lucky with some rookie free agents this was a waste of time.

so all in all we are no closer to being a playoff team than last year, our defence if orakpo pans out at all could be great again but our Offence will need to stay healthy and SCORE MORE POINTS THAN AN OFER TEAM for us to get close to 9-7.

we better hang onto our picks for next year as i think they will be good ones.

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meh Typo, With Ah we will be better but he is not a panacea for everything, orakpo is not a fluid athlete if he continues to work hard he may be decent but hes too tight in the hips and doesnt change direction well, and thats something all the elite DE's do.

I am just not excited that other than dock we didnt upgrade our Oline although if williams has a bit more determination and stays healthy he could be a shocker.

we better get a great crop of udfa in this year thats all im gonna say.

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Pre-draft (like last Friday) I saw an interview with Vinny where he proclaimed that Rinehart has made a lot of progress.

He also said that they wouldn't trade up for Sanchez.

So maybe he was being real, and on their score sheet they had their current group simply rated higher than the guys available at their slots.

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Is offense and defense spelled with a "c" in Canada. Not being funny. Wondering if it's like Colour/Color kind of thing.

I agree it sucks the O-line wasn't addressed in the draft, but it's possible by the 3rd pick there wasn't anyone they deemed better than what they already have. Looks like they will bring in some UDFAs and maybe develop one or two.

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LOL im just fed up Bubba, I saw a huge number of guys who could help this team and we passed them up so vinny can take a chnace to look like a smart guy, with most teams they dont take too many shots like that because if they screw up they have their career on the line, with vinny he takes shots because there is no consequence.

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It was not a great draft for OL after the first round, and I assume there was no one there round 3 on they felt was better than Heyer.

and 2010 is projected to be a very deep draft.

plus we may sign some UDFA (who after round 5 are just as good as those drafted.)

Joe Jacoby was a UDFA, maybe lightning will strike twice?

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Orakpo (that's how you spell it) a bust...step back from the ledge man. Things are going to be okay. With AH playing, I could line up at DE and score a couple of sacks over the year.

I'm willing to bet that Orakpo turns out to be nothing more than serviceable. At best.

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I think the draft was better that you suggest Ryman, but I'm not happy with the Skins not addressing the Oline. It also felt to me the Skins reached on players from 3rd- early 7th. Mitchell may not be a reach but it's a head scratcher to me.

And I never want to hear Larry Michael or Vinny come on Redskins Nation and try to tell me again...."IT'S BPA, IT'S ALWAYS BPA".

And I believe Orakpo will be better than you think.

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ciresolstice, yes

Cool. Man I don't know what to say really, you're pretty much at the mercy of whatever they decide. Hard being a fan sometimes but hang in there. Hopefully Orakpo will be better than you think, and some other things come together in the way of a pleasant surprise. Well that and if things go terribly this year, Zorn and Vinny could be gone. But one constant will remain(Snyder) Try not to get too high or too low with this team.

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so go cheer for one then, we dont need koolaid drinking idiots who just jumped on the band wagon on one of our winning streaks. Ive been here since 1980 and if Im tired of being teased I have the right to say so
Wow, did you use to access ES with a 1200 baud modem back then?
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LOL im just fed up Bubba, I saw a huge number of guys who could help this team and we passed them up so vinny can take a chnace to look like a smart guy, with most teams they dont take too many shots like that because if they screw up they have their career on the line, with vinny he takes shots because there is no consequence.

how many years experience do you have evaluating talent? I'm being serious are you a scout or something? I'd just like to know what makes your evaluation on the players that can help this team better than vinny's and the entire scouting department.

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I think the front office did a decent job this year, considering the # of picks we had. Now that I look back, the talent in this year's draft was mediocre. AND......we still have our first pick for next year! All in all, not that bad.

One of my friends (a cowgirl fan) just called me up and said he is not looking forward to our Defense. Described it as possible shutdown.

Some Olinemen would have been nice, but again, our late picks handcuffed us. Another 1st round or a 2nd round pick would have been nice.

One thing I know, with Plax and TO out of the division, these NFC East teams better man up when they stare down the barrel of our defense!!

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so go cheer for one then, we dont need koolaid drinking idiots who just jumped on the band wagon on one of our winning streaks. Ive been here since 1980 and if Im tired of being teased I have the right to say so

Ahh, I see your just keeping it real.

Orakpo, was known for his speed off the line and getting into the backfield.

Based on what was available, they made the right choice in the first round.

Taylor was going to cost 8 million dollars, and he himself said he was not worth his contract.

Springs was the most expensive corner, and could not be relied to stay on the field all season. Hall is still young, and should benefit from the front four being able to create pressure.

Now the problem, as been evidenced by myriad postings, with the defense was lack of any pass rush. Actually, the ends did get up the field, but the middle of the line did not get the push. Enter Haynesworth, who will command double teams and will help get a push up the middle. More pressure on the quarterback means a higher propensity for interceptions. Deangelo Hall's game plays right into this.

There is still the issue of replacing Washington, but he's not signed by any team yet and could come back albeit probably on a one year deal while the draft picks either develop or fall by the wayside.

The offense needed help on the line, and the team addressed those needs in free agency. Obviously the team felt the value was not there for an offensive lineman at the 13th pick.

Mike Williams is still relatively young, and most likely will be depth or competing with Heyer and Jansen. The depth at tackle is not known, but I don't think it's far fetched to expect improvement from Heyer. We also still have Rinehart (sic) from last years draft. Supposedly, he began to play well and "get it" towards the end of last season. Again, it's not far fetched to think he should improve and at least be depth behind Dockery and Thomas.

As for Orakpo, I checked a few sites and his technique and moves are listed as strengths. And Fox sports claims he excels in pass coverage. To have your moves and pass coverage be praised, that must mean your hips are fluid.

From Fox sports


Orakpo's stat line from 2008 leaps off the page and throttles you in much the same fashion as if you were carrying the ball. He recorded 11.5 sacks, 30 pressures and nine tackles for a loss on top of the sack. He gets great penetration and pursues the ball with great tenacity. Orakpo's finest attribute might be reading plays and making adjustments to formations accordingly. He's rarely out of position, and ball carriers don't escape once they're in his grasp.

Please enlighten me as to where you have garnered this information.

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So our smart guy front office indentified two major areas of concern this offseason, the Lines on both sides.

we had the #5 ranked defence despite an anemic pass rush and were solid against the run, so we went out and signed an amazing talent at DT for a huge contract, Ill say that was a wash as frankly we havent had a talent like that in a while and it gives us our best defencive front in decades.

BUT then our brainiac brain trust CUTS the guy who would have benefitted most from having the beast lined up beside him, supposedly because he didnt wnat to lift weights here. so yeah not such a bright move considering the guy played hurt all year. ABD COST US A SECOND ROUND PICK.

so so far we are better on the front 7 but not by much as we lost Marcus and Jason both of whom has poor seasons by their standards but were good enough to keep us in the top 5. w2e didnt sign anyone to replace washington and the backer we did sign is an undersized weakside guy.

in the back 7, we lost springs who has inarguably been our best cover guy , he just is never healthy. we replaced him with...... nobody we signed Hall to a huge contract, while i like hall I am not sure this was wise.

so Back 7 is a net loss

I am not impressed by that at all

on offence our weak link was identified last year as receiver, so we drafted 2 wideouts in the second and a TE even though we have Cooley.

Our Oline was injured a lot but we had ZERO DEPTH and looked silly when gessinger had to step in in prime time at OT.

we resigned Dock who while he was here was maligned for being big dumb and slow, but who is a dominating staright ahead run blocker, we got him for a decent price.

we didnt sign any OT's until we just signed Mike Williams off the street, he has potential as he is huge and athletic but lack of want to and injuries killed his career the first time around.

so on offense we signed Dockery and Williams.

our draft

we signed orapko, he has bust written all over him but to be fair Oher does as well, only time will tell but we really could use a boost at DE, and if he isnt a bust he could help there.

we signed some injury prone hard hitting corner who is famous on youttube, hey guess what corners dont need to be lights out, stupid stupid pick, we have hall and rodgers and smoot. unless this guy eats a sandwhcih and moves to saftey its a wtf pick

I dont even wnat to talk about the rest of our picks, a retarded monkey with a lawn dart could have done a better job and unless we get lucky with some rookie free agents this was a waste of time.

so all in all we are no closer to being a playoff team than last year, our defence if orakpo pans out at all could be great again but our Offence will need to stay healthy and SCORE MORE POINTS THAN AN OFER TEAM for us to get close to 9-7.

we better hang onto our picks for next year as i think they will be good ones.


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From Jim Zorn [Tandler's blog]:

On not drafting an offensive lineman in this draft:

"Well down the way, we've had five picks. Now we tried to move in different places all throughout this draft. Very active on the phones, trying to move around so we can capture one of these guys and it either hasn't worked or when we've had that chance to pick the guy hasn't really been there. We feel really fortunate in the guys that we do have though.

"I'm not disappointed that has happened either because we are developing some offensive players. We are developing some of our linemen. We are hoping that Chad Rinehart develops into an outstanding offensive lineman. D'Anthony Batiste, we hope he can develop. We just got Mike Williams. We just got Derrick Dockery, so there are some new faces that are going to be in that offensive line and we will see how they develop as well."

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meh Typo, With Ah we will be better but he is not a panacea for everything, orakpo is not a fluid athlete if he continues to work hard he may be decent but hes too tight in the hips and doesnt change direction well, and thats something all the elite DE's do.

I am just not excited that other than dock we didn't upgrade our Oline although if williams has a bit more determination and stays healthy he could be a shocker.

we better get a great crop of udfa in this year thats all im gonna say.

Obviously this guy loves to listen to Mike Mayock and NFL Network an awful lot. Does it make you feel you know what you're talking about when you regurgitate exactly what an analysist says, even though you would'nt be able to tell for yourself? :cool2:

Freakin' Arm Chair GM's....:doh:

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