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AP: Former KKK leader detained in Prague for denying Holocaust

Cooked Crack

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PRAGUE (AP) — Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke was detained by police in the Czech Republic on Friday on suspicion of denying the Holocaust.

Police spokesman Jan Mikulovsky said the action was taken because Duke does that in his book "My Awakening," which is punishable by up to three years in Czech prisons.

Duke traveled to the republic to promote the book's Czech translation of the book at the invitation of neo-Nazis.

Mikulovsky declined to give any further details, citing an ongoing investigation.

Prague's Charles University also banned a Duke lecture scheduled there Friday for students taking a course on extremism.

Duke, a resident of Louisiana and a former Republican state legislator there, also was to have given lectures over the weekend in Prague and the country's second-largest city, Brno.

The KKK is a white supremacist group in the U.S. famous for its oppression of blacks, Jews and other minorities.


Stupid law but it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

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I mean, we have ****ing pictures. there are people with numbers still tatted on them. we KNOW that it happened.

thats like me denying the internet is real.

I've spoken to holocaust deniers, they aren't saying that jews weren't imprisoned or put in camps or murdered by Germans, they are saying that while in the camps they were dying off from starvation, typhus, or murder rather than a Nazi plan or policy of killing them all off, they claim the zyklon b gas chambers such as the one at Auschwitz-Birkenau were modified or recreated in their current state by various people or governments in order to villify the Nazi leadership and provide convincing evidence to execute them in things like the Nuremburg trial.

They point to the fact that the current historical/tour administration for the Auschwitz camp admits that the current layout of the gas chamber is re-created in the form it was expected to have been in, among the lack of any physical evidence in the gas chamber itself such as a residue left behind by zyklon b gas that isn't present on the walls in it's current form.

What they don't say is that the Nazis modified the gas chamber there heavily as they were retreating in an effort to hide the extermination going on there so of course the gas chamber isn't in it's original condition and it has been re-created a little, and smaller camps in Poland that used carbon monoxide from large diesel engines to exterminate the jews there were closed down and dismantled because they had actually finished killing their quota of people there. The machinery was not destroyed however the Germans held on to it but the holocaust deniers say it could be an engine for anything and refuse to believe it was used in the extermination of people.

The only thing I think they may be correct about is the number of people murdered, a lot of recent research by jewish study groups has cut the 6 million number down to 4-5 or as low as 3 in estimates, I don't have links for this information but I remember doing a paper on it in a history class one time. The thing is even if the number is 3,4,5,6 whatever thats in MILLIONS of people. Thats a **** load of people mass murdered.

I don't think the holocaust deniers think through what they're saying they find some convenient evidence to support in most cases anti-semetic beliefs and they run with it. Of course the holocaust happened, millions of people were killed, and even if it DIDN'T happen as these people claim, jews were still imprisoned and murdered, starved, or killed off by typhus after being forced into labor. Who cares what you label it, it's murder whether you call it a holocaust or not, they just want to belittle jews, gypsys, etc.

I will say I had a professor for a 20th century history class one time, brilliant guy, Jewish man, he said the number one thing that hurts the holocaust is it gets so much publicity. Other travesties have happened around the globe with many many many more people dying and of course the holocaust is unique but bringing so much attention to it seemed to make some people bitter in his estimation. I agree, it gets too much press. It is a unique, horrible event in human history and should be learned about like any other horrible event, but I guess its sort of like WW2 videogames...so many games to make but theres like 1,000,000 shooting or strategy games on that war, it sort of makes you annoyed with WW2 after a while...I guess thats where he's coming from.

Either way **** David Dukes he's an idiot.

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how many people have been killed in darfur?

how many tibetans are killed off?


I think the reason the holocaust gets so much attention is its a ****load of people just like you said. But the stories about torturing and the mass executions are just beyond imagination.

**** david duke indeed.

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David Duke's a moron, but damn...3 years in prison for having an opinion? lol...

Always learn the laws and customs of the nations you visit.

Remember that idiot kid who defaced property in Singapore and was sentenced to be caned by local law and people tried to changed that nations mind but he still received the caning and a permanent reminder to not be a jerk towards other peoples property?

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David Duke's a moron, but damn...3 years in prison for having an opinion? lol...
Always learn the laws and customs of the nations you visit.

Remember that idiot kid who defaced property in Singapore and was sentenced to be caned by local law and people tried to changed that nations mind but he still received the caning and a permanent reminder to not be a jerk towards other peoples property?

I agree with both of you. I think it's absurd to jail people for having a different view on things than the one the government wants them to have. Talk about a slippery slope.

At the same time NavyDave is right (didn't think you'd ever read that did you ND) and one should know the laws when visiting another country.

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Always learn the laws and customs of the nations you visit.

Remember that idiot kid who defaced property in Singapore and was sentenced to be caned by local law and people tried to changed that nations mind but he still received the caning and a permanent reminder to not be a jerk towards other peoples property?

yeah seriously. remember that wesley kid who fell through that glass flower display thing, and had to be put to death? i still think it was the wrong move for picard to step in and save him.

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