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ESPN980 Reports Redskins sign Ex Colt Punter(Merged)


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I also wonder why this wasn't done earlier...seems like Dirk Johnson (?) was a safety pick-up, while the FO waited to see if there was a market for Smith at all...I like it though.

A good start to rejuvenating a special teams unit that badly needs it. Hopefully Dorsey or Aldridge can provide the spark to improve the returning side...

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You applaud a good move when one is made... just as equally as criticizing a bad move when it's made -- like the Redskins FO does more often than not.

This, however, is a freakin' great move. Solidifying the punter position has been LONG overdue. Great job.

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Wow... VERY interesting article on this guy.


Apparently, we outbid the Packers for this guy.

His due base salary for 2009/2010 would have been $694,000

We grabbed him for a steal at $692,092!

The only problem is that he's got shaky knees. The Colt fans say he looked great in pre-season. Between that and the Geico commercials. He's one of the mothers of Travis Henry's kids, and apparently juiced up with Brian Cushing before the draft. Kids got talent though. Watch our for the smokescreen that is "Hunter Smith".

I'm so glad we waited until now instead of signing him the night of FA. :applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:

Good pickup Skins.

Picture updated today at Asburn: Hunter Smith


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Already a thread about it, and you gave no new information, or even a link, or even the contract terms that you say have been met. This will be closed...

But this is a great signing. Our special teams needed this badly...

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I can't believe nobody has seen through the smokescreen here. Hunter Smith... emergency QB for the Indianapolis Colts.... once threw a 47-yard pass in a college game.... has never thrown an interception.... has never been sacked.... has never fumbled....

We're not drafting Sanchez, people! Smith is the savvy vet to run Zorn's offense until Brennan is ready. Duh!

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