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WP: RI: Skins' Interest in Sanchez Still Strong


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This is news to me. Do some people actually feel this way? Aside from the speculation surrounding Redskins Park, I really haven't heard glowing analysis of this guy. Maybe I've missed it.

In all seriousness, Sanchez's stock is on the serious rise. He has been looking extremely sharp at his pro day and visits to teams for workouts. He is doing everything they want and more. Arm is looking strong, accurate, can move in and out, makes all NFL throws. There have been reports that scouts think he has looked in some instances more impressive than Stafford.

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The last time I checked, the Skins finished 8-8, averaging 16 points a game. Maybe the Skins see something in Campbell we don't? Sanchez would be the perfect fit for the WCO.

The offense needs to get going. The Skins can't have a repeat performance in the Meadowlands. Not the first game of the season. The Skins have to win that game. I'm tired of 3 and outs.

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I think I believe the rumors. It reminds me of what happened when we went after Campbell. If the Danny is the one enamored with this guy WTF out! We'll get fleeced in order to get him.

I hope we get one of the top 4 tackles myself.

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In all seriousness, Sanchez's stock is on the serious rise. He has been looking extremely sharp at his pro day and visits to teams for workouts. He is doing everything they want and more. Arm is looking strong, accurate, can move in and out, makes all NFL throws. There have been reports that scouts think he has looked in some instances more impressive than Stafford.

They say he understands the NFL game more than Stafford. Coming from USC, that's no surprise.

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I'm praying you're right. Taking a Qb this year would be a bad idea. JC should have one season to prove himself. Any confidence he has left would be shaken by a selection like this. He deserves an opportunity.

Not to mention next years draft is going to have two great QBs at least. McCoy and Bradford seem like better options to me.

Both are projected to be top 10 picks. How do we go about acquiring these better options, by your estimates? We will most likely be 8-8 again and will pick in the middle of the pack again. If Sanchez is there at 13 and is considered perhaps the best QB of the class, why not take him? We are in desperate need of a franchise QB, sorry JC is not the answer.

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I was all for the Cutler trade but I dont like this at all. Let Campbell finish his contract and if he sucks, draft one of stud QBs next year. If he plays well then resign him during the season before he hits the market.

I wasn't really for the Cutler trade, but I could accept it far more than I'd be able to accept this. So we're giving up on a QB that most scouts said may take 2-3 years to develop into a solid starter to draft a QB that most scouts say may take 2-3 years to develop into a solid starter. That's brilliant.

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It make sense. If another team is interested in Sanchez, they may be able to pry away the pick from the Redskins with additional picks. This also may change the way teams are looking to draft. The Redskins have known to send smoke screens.

No it doesn't. If you want a certain player, you want to jump in front of team(s) that want him. You don't wait until that player falls into the that wanted team and negotiate. They may not be willing to give him up. Plus, that team may value ( want more compensation) him more than other team ahead of them because "THEY WANTED THAT PICK."

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The last time I checked, the Skins finished 8-8, averaging 16 points a game. Maybe the Skins see something in Campbell we don't? Sanchez would be the perfect fit for the WCO.

The offense needs to get going. The Skins can't have a repeat performance in the Meadowlands. Not the first game of the season. The Skins have to win that game. I'm tired of 3 and outs.

Oh yeah because drafting a kid with one year of college starts will come in and start ASAP and get our offense going ASAP.

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In all seriousness, Sanchez's stock is on the serious rise. He has been looking extremely sharp at his pro day and visits to teams for workouts. He is doing everything they want and more. Arm is looking strong, accurate, can move in and out, makes all NFL throws. There have been reports that scouts think he has looked in some instances more impressive than Stafford.

Ok, fair enough. I haven't been paying enough attention then. (Admittedly I don't watch a ton of college football). But were these same people high on Leinart?

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This is news to me. Do some people actually feel this way? Aside from the speculation surrounding Redskins Park, I really haven't heard glowing analysis of this guy. Maybe I've missed it.

Yes. It seems to me even like Sanchez has been gaining momentum over Stafford over the last month or so.

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No it doesn't. If you want a certain player, you want to jump in front of team(s) that want that player. You don't wait until that player falls into the team and negotiate. They may not be willing to give him up. Plus, that team may value him more than getting picks and/or whatever back.

Which is why a team would trade up to take him, in front of us, and the prospect that may have been taken at that pick (someone other than Sanchez) will have a better chance of falling to us.

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I was all for the Cutler trade but I dont like this at all. Let Campbell finish his contract and if he sucks, draft one of stud QBs next year. If he plays well then resign him during the season before he hits the market.

So there is a very real chance that Campbell will suck this year and be gone next? Then wouldn't it make sense to prepare for that chance (as it is the most important position on the team) just to be safe? Otherwise, if Campbell does bomb and we wait until NEXT year to pick one up, that's just delaying our progress by an entire year.

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What stupid moves? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but most of the moves of past few years I wasn't into were Gibbs's. Cerrato, from what I understand, had precious little to do with some of the doozy moves.

Also: what midget receivers? 6-2, 6-4? I don't get it.

It's obvious that you don't get it (i.e. this thread), however, I will provide some clarity. Stupid moves include (1) trading a the top shutdown corner in the NFL for a running back and throwing in an additional 2nd round pick (2) trading for TJ Ducket (3rd rounder) and not using him (3) allowing an aging offensive line to collectively become the oldest and lightest line in the league ( see draft). (4) Acquiring Santana Moss and Randel El and using both of them as primary wide-outs as opposed to acquiring larger receivers to give the respective QB a larger passing window (i.e. as every other team in the NFC East has done, eh, hem.) The aforementioned 6'4 receiver was drafted though he had a degenerative knew condition (still with me?) and the 6'2 receiver supposedly wasn't ready. These two receivers were the first effort Vinny Cerato and Dan Snyder made to get larger receivers (kudos?) (5)Continuously trading future draft picks for older players. Oh yeah, Cerato never had anything to do with player acquisitions until last season. Ok let's go with that. Last season, he attempted to throw away 2 first round draft picks for Chad Johnson, another 30 + year old player. Fortunately, the Bengals brass were dumber than the Skins for once and it didn't happen. This year he attempted to give away those same draft picks for Cutler (without acquiring the lineman to protect him. But yeah, other than those examples they've done great!

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No it doesn't. If you want a certain player, you want to jump in front of team(s) that want him. You don't wait until that player falls into the that wanted team and negotiate. They may not be willing to give him up. Plus, that team may value ( want more compensation) him more than other team ahead of them because "THEY WANTED THAT PICK."

If you want a certain player, you do what it takes. Yes, a team could try and trade in front of the 'Skins to get him. But it doesn't mean they won't try and trade with the 'Skins. Its a good stretegy to try and make the draft go a different direction in hopes to either trade down or make a player you thought may not have been available there.

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Which is why a team would trade up to take him, in front of us, and the prospect that may have been taken at that pick (someone other than Sanchez) will have a better chance of falling to us.

Please read next time. This make sense and I agree with it already. Not Skins want Sanchez. Thus, teams will trade with Skins to get Sanchez scenario.

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