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Krauthammer: Obama's Ultimate Agenda


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Krauthammer has a point. It is alarming when the President fires the CEO and makes plans to replace board members of a privately owned company.

If somewhere in the loan the government made to GM allows them to do so than it is within the presidents power to do so, I doubt that is the case here.

I don't think it's with in the presidents power, not should it be, to just sweep in and make these changes because he feels things are not "going the way they should"

There are share holders and bond holders that elect the board members, it's not up to the president.

This sets a very bad precedent .

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Krauthammer has a point. It is alarming when the President fires the CEO and makes plans to replace board members of a privately owned company.

If somewhere in the loan the government made to GM allows them to do so than it is within the presidents power to do so, I doubt that is the case here.

I don't think it's with in the presidents power, not should it be, to just sweep in and make these changes because he feels things are not "going the way they should"

There are share holders and bond holders that elect the board members, it's not up to the president.

This sets a very bad precedent .

I agree except that Obama's acting like its a business decision. GM wants something from Obama's "company," and he's asking for something back in return. But it is definitely weird to see it happen, and concerning.

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I have to say, as an American of German heritage, that KRAUT HAMMER is one ****ing cool name!

Edit: If I were in the WWE I would consider stealing it prefaced by a "The". :D

Don't you think that means that he hammers krauts? And not that he is a Kraut who Hammers? He's The Krauthammer. Not the HammeringKraut. ;)

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Don't you think that means that he hammers krauts? And not that he is a Kraut who Hammers? He's The Krauthammer. Not the HammeringKraut. ;)

No, it's a type of hammer... like a Claw Hammer or a Ball Peen Hammer ;)

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Are there any Obama critics that you all think make fair and accurate points against him?

It seems every critic is shrugged off as either a partisan hack, out of touch, or an extremist.

I think the bigger problem for Obama's rational critics is the fact that they're totally drowned out by the loons.

Every president needs his able-minded critics, and Obama is no exception (see Midnight's post). But they can't get heard without some help. Right now, to fulfill their unofficial duty as the minority party the GOP really ought to be trotting out their most reasonable, best-spoken critics. The ones who can levy the most finely-honed arguments against the president's policies. Assuming the country isn't fully liplocked in a bipartisan lovefest, that's the GOP's job right now.

The problem is, people seem to believe the GOP already have trotted out their most reasonable minds. That's what years of mismanagement will sow and reap. To a great many occasional observers (i.e. many many regular ol' voters), I bet the GOP guard appears to have changed from Bush and Cheney to Rush and Hannity. "That's the new group of standard-bearers?", they might wonder. "Must be tough times for the notion of GOP standards." Instant toss-out -- for the bathwater and the baby, sadly.

Not that the baby is easy to find, mind you. If other folks are like me, they're having trouble finding sensible criticisms and dissenting opinions on Obama's ideas right now. The dissenting voice seems to be mostly a sea of attention-whore temper tantrums coming from exactly the people the GOP should be throwing off piers or burying under to bags of lime. Metaphorically, of course.

Dudes just need to get their ship in order. But who will do it? Steele tried it and was forced to kiss the ring. Who's next to give the stone-bound sword a yank?

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The more government intrusion, the less autonomy in the private sector. Not exactly sure why this doesn't concern more people.


It'll be interesting to see the global warming-induced emissions standards that will come out now that the Feds own GM. Only a matter of time. That'll pretty much kill what little competitiveness the U.S. has left.

The only problem with your position in this is that you fail to note that the "intrusion" isn't a strong armed intervention. It's conditions attached to bail out money the companies requested. This is constantly omitted by alarmists trying to pretend that Obama is behaving like Chavez.

Would you prefer that Obama give away money with no strings attached to the same idiots that screwed everything up? No. Also I'll say again that the idea of simply letting it fail to cling to proper capitalism is not realistic nor what the people wanted. There was a vote recently in which the US had these choices and voted accordingly.

Also the super tax rates people keep whining about aren't much different than they were before Bush. Pretending that the US prior to Bush was a socialist state is nonsense. The US is acting to save it's economy from collapse, we've done it before, and we are still free.

Now that I've touched on that lets touch on something that annoys the **** out of me about right wingers. Why do you people cry about a reduction in liberty when the government hands out more food stamps but feel wonderful about the state of freedom when the government enhances it's police powers? The power to arrest, investigate, intimidate, and lie affect freedom more than a billion food stamps and a trillion in bailouts.

Also the private sector is not America. Back in the day corporations had to prove that they provided a benefit of some sort or risk having their papers pulled. Back in the day the top tax bracket was 90%. Pretending that sudddenly we aren't free when we aren't even close to what America used to do to the private sector is dishonest.

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Every president needs his able-minded critics, and Obama is no exception (see Midnight's post). But they can't get heard without some help. Right now, to fulfill their unofficial duty as the minority party the GOP really ought to be trotting out their most reasonable, best-spoken critics. The ones who can levy the most finely-honed arguments against the president's policies. Assuming the country isn't fully liplocked in a bipartisan lovefest, that's the GOP's job right now.

The GOP has those type of people? :silly:

I guess that's what happens with years of Roveian politics, the reasonable people are drowned out by the loud-mouthed braggarts.

And if Krauthammer was so damn worried about the Constitution, where was he the past 8 years?

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The only problem with your position in this is that you fail to note that the "intrusion" isn't a strong armed intervention. It's conditions attached to bail out money the companies requested. This is constantly omitted by alarmists trying to pretend that Obama is behaving like Chavez.

Ok, so what about 90% tax on AIG bonuses? Hypocrisy.

Would you prefer that Obama give away money with no strings attached to the same idiots that screwed everything up?

Nope, I'd prefer he didn't give away money we don't have AT ALL? Especially to a bunch of failures who the market is naturally expelling. But thanks!


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Once again I find this an issue (Constitutional disregard by Congress/President) that both parties regularly engage in but (listening in on this thread and others) we act like it's another "us v them" topic. Why is this? The Dems used Constitutional 'wavering' in the run up to the election against Bush and I'm sure the GOP would have done the same had they not had their man already in office and were trying to win the Presidency.

and btw: Krauthammer is his German porn name.

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correct me if I'm wrong, but our bodies don't actually create CO2 it's just simply what is left over when we absorb the oxygen from the air when we breathe out. at least I thought that was the case

Zoony: Yes, Sorry to say - we do produce CO2 ;)

Carbon dioxide and health

Carbon dioxide is essential for internal respiration in a human body. Internal respiration is a process, by which oxygen is transported to body tissues and carbon dioxide is carried away from them.

Carbon dioxide is a guardian of the pH of the blood, which is essential for survival.

The buffer system in which carbon dioxide plays an important role is called the carbonate buffer. It is made up of bicarbonate ions and dissolved carbon dioxide, with carbonic acid. The carbonic acid can neutralize hydroxide ions, which would increase the pH of the blood when added. The bicarbonate ion can neutralize hydrogen ions, which would cause a decrease in the pH of the blood when added. Both increasing and decreasing pH is life threatening.

Not to take away from the debate; but I wanted to correct your physiology understanding (and do so with the upmost respect)

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Once again I find this an issue (Constitutional disregard by Congress/President) that both parties regularly engage in but (listening in on this thread and others) we act like it's another "us v them" topic.

and btw: Krauthammer is his German porn name.

I agree and I find the fiery rhetoric tiresome. If everything is armagendon how are we to know when the sky is actually falling?

Side issue. I'm a bit worried about Krauthammer, he's been looking rather sickly lately. I know he's wheelchair bound, but don't know the specifics. I wonder if whatever he has is getting worse.

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The only problem with your position in this is that you fail to note that the "intrusion" isn't a strong armed intervention. It's conditions attached to bail out money the companies requested. This is constantly omitted by alarmists trying to pretend that Obama is behaving like Chavez.

Am I to assume that you read these agreements and know that these conditions exist?

Would you prefer that Obama give away money with no strings attached to the same idiots that screwed everything up? No. Also I'll say again that the idea of simply letting it fail to cling to proper capitalism is not realistic nor what the people wanted. There was a vote recently in which the US had these choices and voted accordingly.

I don't know of anyone who voted against capitalism

Also the super tax rates people keep whining about aren't much different than they were before Bush. Pretending that the US prior to Bush was a socialist state is nonsense. The US is acting to save it's economy from collapse, we've done it before, and we are still free.

Everyone will pay higher taxes under Obama if cap and trade passes ,it will completly offset any middle class tax cut and Obama even said so himself.

Now that I've touched on that lets touch on something that annoys the **** out of me about right wingers. Why do you people cry about a reduction in liberty when the government hands out more food stamps but feel wonderful about the state of freedom when the government enhances it's police powers? The power to arrest, investigate, intimidate, and lie affect freedom more than a billion food stamps and a trillion in bailouts.

If you are talking about the patriot act is has been challenged numerous times in federal court and Obama has decided to do nothing to change it or repeal it , Obama has no problem keeping that power and increasing his by meddling in private business,

Also the private sector is not America. Back in the day corporations had to prove that they provided a benefit of some sort or risk having their papers pulled. Back in the day the top tax bracket was 90%. Pretending that sudddenly we aren't free when we aren't even close to what America used to do to the private sector is dishonest.

I need some help with this one, the tax brackets I know about but not the "provide benefit " stuff I need some help with that one.

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I agree and I find the fiery rhetoric tiresome. If everything is armagendon how are we to know when the sky is actually falling?

Side issue. I'm a bit worried about Krauthammer, he's been looking rather sickly lately. I know he's wheelchair bound, but don't know the specifics. I wonder if whatever he has is getting worse.

Krauthhammer is paralyzed from the chest down, he was in a diving accident in 1972 . He is doing very well for having this disability.

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Thanks. Actually, I think I might have known that but forgot. Sounds familiar. Anyway, the last several times I've seen him on tv he has looked pale and sickly. I don't know why, but he just hasn't looked up to snuff to me. Maybe it's just age or a new make-up person.

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I think the bigger problem for Obama's rational critics is the fact that they're totally drowned out by the loons.

Every president needs his able-minded critics, and Obama is no exception (see Midnight's post). But they can't get heard without some help. Right now, to fulfill their unofficial duty as the minority party the GOP really ought to be trotting out their most reasonable, best-spoken critics. The ones who can levy the most finely-honed arguments against the president's policies. Assuming the country isn't fully liplocked in a bipartisan lovefest, that's the GOP's job right now.

The problem is, people seem to believe the GOP already have trotted out their most reasonable minds. That's what years of mismanagement will sow and reap. To a great many occasional observers (i.e. many many regular ol' voters), I bet the GOP guard appears to have changed from Bush and Cheney to Rush and Hannity. "That's the new group of standard-bearers?", they might wonder. "Must be tough times for the notion of GOP standards." Instant toss-out -- for the bathwater and the baby, sadly.

Not that the baby is easy to find, mind you. If other folks are like me, they're having trouble finding sensible criticisms and dissenting opinions on Obama's ideas right now. The dissenting voice seems to be mostly a sea of attention-whore temper tantrums coming from exactly the people the GOP should be throwing off piers or burying under to bags of lime. Metaphorically, of course.

Dudes just need to get their ship in order. But who will do it? Steele tried it and was forced to kiss the ring. Who's next to give the stone-bound sword a yank?

nice post

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Ok, so what about 90% tax on AIG bonuses? Hypocrisy.
IIRC that didn't pass and since when do those lending the money not call the shots?
Nope, I'd prefer he didn't give away money we don't have AT ALL? Especially to a bunch of failures who the market is naturally expelling. But thanks!


Didn't I address that in my post. Yes I did.
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Am I to assume that you read these agreements and know that these conditions exist?
What agreements? Seems pretty obvious that this is an ongoing negotiation. They need money from the government, the government is naming it's terms. This is how all business works in the real world. If you don't like the terms, walk away.
I don't know of anyone who voted against capitalism
Never did I say anyone did. They sure as hell didn't vote against bailing out the economy and simply letting it fail. Ron Paul didn't do so hot IIRC.
Everyone will pay higher taxes under Obama if cap and trade passes ,it will completly offset any middle class tax cut and Obama even said so himself.
I've heard the sales pitch. Not interested.
If you are talking about the patriot act is has been challenged numerous times in federal court and Obama has decided to do nothing to change it or repeal it , Obama has no problem keeping that power and increasing his by meddling in private business,
I'm talking about far more than the patriot act. The administration made the rules up as they went. In fact they lied about the wire tapping and were exposed by a whistle blower... the people, had it not been for the whistle blower, wouldn't even have had a chance to weigh in on the administrations decision to exclude the judicial branch. That's just one example.

And where were the "OMG LIBERTY!!!" people?

I need some help with this one, the tax brackets I know about but not the "provide benefit " stuff I need some help with that one.
initially corporations were chartered by states and such things were only granted for very specific objectives for limited periods of time after which the corporation was dissolved. They had to argue some public benefit until Jefferson's fears came true and they corrupted the government and started to rise in power.

Do you know which other founding fathers tried tried to get an 11th amendment severly limiting corporations in the constitution? Do you know why?

We always hear about staying true to our founders...

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The only problem with your position in this is that you fail to note that the "intrusion" isn't a strong armed intervention. It's conditions attached to bail out money the companies requested. This is constantly omitted by alarmists trying to pretend that Obama is behaving like Chavez.......
Maybe you haven't seen BULLYBama in action?

"My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks," the president told them.


Sounds like a threat to me....maybe backed by a Busload of ACORNS

I wonder if the bonuses to Fannie-Mac will be treated with such.......INTRUSIVENESS

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Maybe you haven't seen BULLYBama in action?

"My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks," the president told them.


Sounds like a threat to me....maybe backed by a Busload of ACORNS

I wonder if the bonuses to Fannie-Mac will be treated with such.......INTRUSIVENESS

I have seen it and if that sounds like a threat to you, you live a sad sheltered life. Obama is using the current situation to gain leverage in negotiations. It's an obvious position for him to take. If you were in his place and people were begging for money but trying to name to the terms, you'd also remind them of the current state of things so that they realize that they are in no position to dictate.

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Obama is using the current situation to gain leverage in negotiations. It's an obvious position for him to take. If you were in his place and people were begging for money but trying to name to the terms, you'd also remind them of the current state of things so that they realize that they are in no position to dictate.

Exactly. If it were me, I would have said the same thing.

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Are there any Obama critics that you all think make fair and accurate points against him?

It seems every critic is shrugged off as either a partisan hack, out of touch, or an extremist.

Any names?

Obama has plenty of faults, no one is perfect. It should be open season on a president everyday, 24/7. No stone unturned. We have to keep an eye on people with that much power.

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