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Krauthammer: Obama's Ultimate Agenda


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Obama is a leveler. He has come to narrow the divide between rich and poor. For him the ultimate social value is fairness. Imposing it upon the American social order is his mission.

He is not narrowing the divide and handing it to the lower classes. He's just merely creating an opportunity for those that want it and are willing to work for it an opportunity to move up.

Unlike the egomaniacs in this place that think they're successful solely because of their own effort, he understands that you never do it alone. It's a nice fairy tale, but even people like Bill Gates would not have become who they are without their hard work AND help along the way from many different sources.

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...He is not narrowing the divide and handing it to the lower classes. He's just merely creating an opportunity for those that want it and are willing to work ......

Obamas Foreclosure relief as an example

He has mentioned many times it will only help the responsible

But his own staff testified in congress that would not be the case

Tax Money from Tax Payers going to the irresponsible........

"From each according to their ability....to each according to their NEED"

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TARP money was forced on banks....ask Wells Fargo

lol believe CEO's angry about restrictions if you like. I know BS when I see it. I believe they even claimed they could have raised equal amounts of private money in that time IIRC. What a load of horse****. I know the programs and I know private money wouldn't touch it... Wells knows it as well otherwise they'd say NO THANKS and raise private money.

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Obamas Foreclosure relief as an example

He has mentioned many times it will only help the responsible

But his own staff testified in congress that would not be the case

Tax Money from Tax Payers going to the irresponsible........

"From each according to their ability....to each according to their NEED"

Typical know nothing alarmist BS. What radio program did you hear this BS from? Tell me the program that is going to give your money to an irresponsible homeowner that can't afford his home? So far the point has been to reduce interest rates or extend terms but every homeowner HAS TO PAY. I have yet to see any of the princple reduction programs (that are voluntary, not that you'll admit it) actually happen very often (due to accounting rules like mark to market).

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lol believe CEO's angry about restrictions if you like. I know BS when I see it......
Well you need to get better glasses to see better

They were complaining about being FORCED to take the money BEFORE the restrictions were RETROACTIVELY added

We heard a little at the beginning of the bank bailout that some were strongarmed into accepting TARP monies. Wells Fargo reportedly was forced to take $5 billion. Why? The Obama administration and Treasury wanted to keep dissent from their strategy to a minimum, and seeding the industry on the widest possible scale helped demonstrate its necessity — and provided incentive for dissenters to keep their mouths shut.


"Is this America -- when you do what your government asks you to do and then retroactively you also have additional conditions? If we were not forced to take the TARP money, we would have been able to raise private capital at that time and not needed to cut the dividend to preserve cash."



And now YOU know something

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Well you need to get better glasses to see better

They were complaining about being FORCED to take the money BEFORE the restrictions were RETROACTIVELY added

We heard a little at the beginning of the bank bailout that some were strongarmed into accepting TARP monies. Wells Fargo reportedly was forced to take $5 billion. Why? The Obama administration and Treasury wanted to keep dissent from their strategy to a minimum, and seeding the industry on the widest possible scale helped demonstrate its necessity — and provided incentive for dissenters to keep their mouths shut.


"Is this America -- when you do what your government asks you to do and then retroactively you also have additional conditions? If we were not forced to take the TARP money, we would have been able to raise private capital at that time and not needed to cut the dividend to preserve cash."



OK study boy... tell me how they were forced. I know, and I know it REALLY stretches the word "forced"... in fact they weren't forced at all.

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.....tell me how they were forced.......
And thank you for making my point

heres that quote again....you seemed to have forgotten it

"My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks," the president told them."

Yup...see video below

Feds Forcing TARP On Banks


You are learning so MUCH today...I am happy for you

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OK study boy... tell me how they were forced. I know, and I know it REALLY stretches the word "forced"... in fact they weren't forced at all.

You might also explain why they haven't given the money back. Since they really don't need it, or anything.

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And thank you for making my point

heres that quote again....you seemed to have forgotten it

"My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks," the president told them."

Yup...see video below

Feds Forcing TARP On Banks


You are learning so MUCH today...I am happy for you

I knew you this pool wasn't deep. You don't know, do you? You claim they were forced but you don't know how they were "forced". Let me help you: They claimed they were forced because the government said that if they don't get on board now there will be no help for them should they fail in raising private money. I'm sure the alrmists will see this as OMG THEY FORCED THEM! Just like they do the above negotiation ploy (which we've already discussed, and you reposted as evidence) as strong armed socialism.

What actually happened is simple. The government doesn't want to negotiate this AGAIN AND AGAIN. Either get on board now, or you are on your own. The banks, including Wells Fargo, didn't have to take any money. They simply didn't have much faith in their claims to raise private funds. They will claim they "could have" but when the rubber met the road they all took the money. They weren't forced, Obama called their bluff and they were caught holding losing hands.

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Some do need it....they probably have Democratic CEOs

They Like Handouts


Or maybe they have Republican CEO's that claim they don't need government help but quietly take it anyway. GOP = empty rhetoric. At least with Democrats you know they are crazy enough to do exactly what they claim to want.

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I knew you this pool wasn't deep. You don't know, do you? You claim they were forced but you don't know how they were "forced". Let me help you:....
You didn't watch the Video did you?

Obama isn't the only empty suit

Forced Public Audits....costing Millions and bad press

Do yourself a favor

When you accuse someone of BULL.....better not be a Rodeo Clown

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Do I think Obama is pushing us towards socialism? Yes. Am I alarmed? No. I am a conservative and not a fan of socialism but I think he is doing it because it is what he thinks is best for this country. He is not going to turn us into a socialist nation during his term but he will definitely shift us more in that direction. Maybe it will make us a better and stronger nation. I dont think it will but it might. Let the guy do what he feels is best during his term. This is why we elect a president. If we dont like it when his term is over, we get to vote someone else in afterwards who can change it. Everyone just needs to relax. Let the man do the job he was elected to do.

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......If we dont like it when his term is over, we get to vote someone else in afterwards who can change it......

'The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.'

Ronald Reagan

Obama has promised to eliminate government programs that do not work

Lets see if this EVER happens :no:

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You didn't watch the Video did you?

Obama isn't the only empty suit

Forced Public Audits....costing Millions and bad press

Do yourself a favor

When you accuse someone of BULL.....better not be a Rodeo Clown

I watched the video.... what I saw was some FOXNEWS assclown spitting out second hand information he claims he got from an unnamed CEO. The problem is only word he quotes as "his words" is the word forced. There is no exact quote used for any of the other claims he made. That's a common tactic to use when you want to lie.

For example:

"We were forced to take the money. The government said that if we didn't participate now that we wouldn't get help later. There is really no telling how far they might go, I mean who knows. If you make them angry you might face a public audit"

I can take the above completely fictional quote and make up the same story your link provided. In reality it's all bull****. The only quoted portion was "forced" the rest wasn't provided with any context... though the slant of the speaker was made immediately with "russian style socialism" (and out went his credibility).

Your video much like your argument is bull****

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I think the best news out of this Krauthammer piece is that we now have proof absolute that Obama is not a super villain or an arch fiend.

It's way too early in his presidency for Obama to begin monologuing. If his "ultimate Agenda" has been unraveled this early he's either a secondary character or not a villain at all, but the hero who has been misportrayed.

Viva la comic books! All the wisdom in life can be found in the pages of Shazam!

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It's all leading to a form of socialism. Where the govt will take care of all the brianless zombies who are dependant on the govt. And those who achieve will be brought down to the every-mans level, because rich is evil and they aren't paying thier fair share!!

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It's all leading to a form of socialism. Where the govt will take care of all the brianless zombies who are dependant on the govt. And those who achieve will be brought down to the every-mans level, because rich is evil and they aren't paying thier fair share!!

In short, a nation in which the highly-educated citizens of the blue states will subsidize the poorly-educated citizens of the red states? :halo:

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It's all leading to a form of socialism. Where the govt will take care of all the brianless zombies who are dependant on the govt. And those who achieve will be brought down to the every-mans level, because rich is evil and they aren't paying thier fair share!!

Funny, I think I've achieved. But yet I don't feel threatened by the government's new policies. I don't feel threatened by people supposedly gaining on me. I don't feel poorer financially. Maybe I don't listen to enough Limbaugh and/or Hannity. Maybe I should put quotation marks around my posts when I quote those two guys.

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....what I saw was some FOXNEWS assclown spitting out....
You mean a previous New Jersey Supreme Court Justice?

I guess truth only comes from CNN undisclosed sources? (since you KNOW Fox is lying I Guess you KNOW CNN tells the truth?)

You should hire your services out to the IRS, I hear there is Lots of Tax Cheats in the present administration

Speaking of ***clowns......

You still haven't admitted being wrong about CEO complaints...When you called me "Study Boy"

Getting truth from some liberals is like........trying to Pitchfork an ACORN

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