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WP (Wilbon): Lucky Strikeout


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Lucky Strikeout

By Michael Wilbon

Friday, April 3, 2009; Page D01

The critical question the morning after the debacle is whether the Washington Redskins have alienated Jason Campbell the way the Denver Broncos did Jay Cutler a month ago. Do we think Campbell is going to publicly snub his owner and coach, perhaps blow off a couple of weeks of team workouts, maybe pout and demand a trade?

Here's one of many reasons the Washington Redskins should be overjoyed Campbell is their quarterback. When Campbell's coach called him at 7:30 yesterday morning, Campbell answered the telephone. Jim Zorn didn't have to wait 10 days for his quarterback to return a message.


While Snyder and Cerrato signaled to everybody that they didn't think Campbell was good enough for them, you know what he did? "I still went and worked out," he said. "My teammates said, 'Jason, why are you here?' And I told them: 'I'm still the quarterback of this team until they get rid of me. You haven't seen the best of me. I'm not here for ownership. I won't miss days working out with you, and I won't miss time preparing for the season. Who knows? A trade may not work out.' "


I asked Campbell if he had talked to Snyder or Cerrato after hearing the news the Bears had traded for Cutler.

"No, I haven't," he said. "But I know what they think of me."

Campbell had not a word of criticism for his bosses, even though they saw Cutler, a kid who has never played a playoff game, and reacted like he was Tom Brady.

I asked Campbell if he could be effective playing for the Redskins, and he had nothing but praise for his teammates. "It's going to make me a stronger person. I've got to stay positive. I'm not going to let this break me, or even define me."

[Rest at link]

I usually don't agree with much of Wilbon's articles, but he's dead-on here. The Redskins are better off with Campbell as their QB, a dedicated player, rather than having to sacrifice the future (multiple draft picks + cap space) for Cutler, who'd still be a question mark in coming to a new team.

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Campbell is a man of great character. I have a new found respect for him in regards to that. As for his football ability, that has yet to be determined. I wish him well this season. I'm just not sold on him as our savior at the QB position. But I must say, I'm very, very impressed with how well he has handled all of this.

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Thank goodness there was some divine intervention here. I have always stood up for Snyder until now. This dude really is turning this football team into a fantasy football team. I mean its sad that even though Cutler was available, it wasn't Jim Zorn (the head coach), Vinny Cerrato (president) but Dan Snyder (owner) who started this thing in motion. It was a football personnel move and Snyder made a play for a guy despite coach telling him that we already have a good QB. Does Dan Snyder = younger Al Davis?

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Campbell is a man of great character. I have a new found respect for him in regards to that. As for his football ability, that has yet to be determined. I wish him well this season. I'm just not sold on him as our savior at the QB position. But I must say, I'm very, very impressed with how well he has handled all of this.

I think thats fair. Though I would have been worried that Cutler would have walked out when his contract was up.

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Wilbon needs to just shut his trap up..

Your in the league to better your team period.

The Cutler saga was stupid from the Denver perspective, they are the idiots if you ask me for even thinking of replacing him at all. But it is totally warranted from the Skins perspective.

Cutler > Campbell..period!

That's not to say it will end that way that's just how it is now.

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Course, the problem with this article is that Wilbon has no clue what the Skins were willing to trade for Cutler. Nor does anyone else outside of the team.

So, why trade Campbell for Cutler? Cutler has a slight advantage being that he still has three years left on his rookie contract and is a couple years younger. One might also argue that Cutler's game is better suited for Zorn's offense than Campbell.

So, why shouldn't they look into it? Apparently they did and at some point they stepped out of the ring. Nothing wrong with that. I agree that giving up what the Bears gave up would have been very stupid for this team, but who says that the team would have given up close to that for Cutler?

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If he makes it through the Gauntlet till September i hope he plays care free now. What does he really have to lose?? the opinion of him around the league has been shown and he now knows the FO is trying to improve the position with or without him. Campbell needs to really just play his tail off and let the ball fly and see what happens.

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Thank goodness there was some divine intervention here. I have always stood up for Snyder until now. This dude really is turning this football team into a fantasy football team. I mean its sad that even though Cutler was available, it wasn't Jim Zorn (the head coach), Vinny Cerrato (president) but Dan Snyder (owner) who started this thing in motion. It was a football personnel move and Snyder made a play for a guy despite coach telling him that we already have a good QB. Does Dan Snyder = younger Al Davis?

Snyder is the owner, GM and Head Coach. We are no different than Dallas at all.

Snyder is Jerrah. Zorn is Wade. Identical in power. Neither have any.

The real problem with the setup is that Dan knows nothing at all about football. It would be like me starting a gymnastics team tomorrow--total failure.

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I think alot of peoples dedication to JC has more to do with him being a great person rather than being a good QB....

True JC is a good guy but that has nothing to do with why I ultimately came to the conclusion that the Cutler trade was a bad idea. In the long run we'll be better off with JC at the helm. That's not to say that I think he is or will be better than Cutler. Rather, in my mind it has to do with a longer term view.

JC will either sink or swim this season and we'll either have a franchise QB, or we'll be able to see what we have with Colt. Had we brought in Cutler, we'd have a potential franchise QB--and little in the way of draft picks to build a team around him. How good do you think Cutler would look running for his life every other play after a 68 year old Jansen whiffs on yet another block? :doh:

Even if JC and Colt don't make it, we'll still be further ahead in two years putting a newly drafted QB behind a :fingersx: younger, better OL and passing to :fingersx: a better stable of receivers than we have now.

In the end it's not about JC per se. Rather, it's about the negatives of making a rash, unecessary, expensive move.

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that was a good writeup. I just wish we didn't have to go through this every offseason.

he wouldn't have to if he would just throw at least 1 TD a game.

INT's be damned.. he needs to air it out and prove to everyone he can score and has the ability to take over a game.

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Course, the problem with this article is that Wilbon has no clue what the Skins were willing to trade for Cutler. Nor does anyone else outside of the team.

Uh... he probably does, just like we do.


If the Bears overpaid, it was because they were engaged in a bidding war. The Washington Redskins also aggressively pursued Cutler, but they were unable to deal their current quarterback, Jason Campbell, for the second-round pick they were seeking. Like the Bears, Washington was willing to part with two first-round picks.

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Uh... he probably does, just like we do.


Again, someone throwing darts. The Redskins were involved, so they MUST have bid it up. It couldn't have possibly been anyone else. :rolleyes: (For example, the Cleveland Browns, who had one of the QBs the Broncos were interested in.)

I think the one rumor that seems to be most likely true is the three-way trade with Denver-Cleveland-Washington, but we don't know who was throwing in what beyond the QBs.

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Again, someone throwing darts. The Redskins were involved, so they MUST have bid it up. It couldn't have possibly been anyone else. :rolleyes: (For example, the Cleveland Browns, who had one of the QBs the Broncos were interested in.)

I think the one rumor that seems to be most likely true is the three-way trade with Denver-Cleveland-Washington, but we don't know who was throwing in what beyond the QBs.

Translation: "I don't like what that article said, so I'll attack it instead of proving it wrong."

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If ever there was a doubt that Snyder plus Cerrato equals THE CIRCUS, let this be the prime example. Those 2 guys are complete knuckleheads and seem to be working overtime behind the scenes to undermine every coach they get.

No wonder Joe Gibbs called it quits early. Spurrier, Marty....every coach never finishes out a contract because Snyder is an idiot. And if the Skins don't win this year, then poor old Zorn...oh wait a minute..they picked up Fat Albert, and that was the final piece of the puzzle so we are SUPERBOWL BOUND....oh wait a minute, actually maybe Cutler was the final piece of the puzzle and now we NOT Superbowl bound.

Oh geeeez...I wish I knew as much as Danny and Vinnie because now I'm confused. Are we missing one more piece or not?

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Yup...I've really lost any ounce of respect I had for Vinny & the Danny now. Bringing in Cutler would've been a disaster from a chemistry standpoint and it would have divided the team easily.

You can talk about being professional all day long...but these guys are football players who need to know what the other guy is doing...you gotta play for some time in the same damn system to make it work. Changing it every year or two just won't win anything!!

Vinny's just the folk-tongued YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS man to Danny Trantrums. I hope Danny loses billions in this economy and sells the team!!!!!!

F the FO!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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If ever there was a doubt that Snyder plus Cerrato equals THE CIRCUS, let this be the prime example. Those 2 guys are complete knuckleheads and seem to be working overtime behind the scenes to undermine every coach they get.

No wonder Joe Gibbs called it quits early. Spurrier, Marty....every coach never finishes out a contract because Snyder is an idiot. And if the Skins don't win this year, then poor old Zorn...oh wait a minute..they picked up Fat Albert, and that was the final piece of the puzzle so we are SUPERBOWL BOUND....oh wait a minute, actually maybe Cutler was the final piece of the puzzle and now we NOT Superbowl bound.

Oh geeeez...I wish I knew as much as Danny and Vinnie because now I'm confused. Are we missing one more piece or not?

The problem is as GM, Snyder treats the team like his very personal toy. Playing fantasy football by throwing money at players. Who cares if they don't work out. He and their cap guy will figure out a way to get under the cap and start the process all over again. Snyder will never learn to let go because he's modeled himself after Jerry Jones and not Art Rooney or Robert Kraft. The only reason Vinny's around is because he is Snyder's enabler.

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