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A telling interview with Santana Moss


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People need to realize. If brennan was that great hed move up the depth chart. Zorn would also have put him in for Campbell when he "looked bad" according to the haters.

Zorn probably wants brennan in. But Danny boy probably calls the shots. So JC stays in till Danny finally realizes that JC is only a back-up.

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Zorn probably wants brennan in. But Danny boy probably calls the shots. So JC stays in till Danny finally realizes that JC is only a back-up.

Oh jeez louise. We're going back to that conspiracy theory now?

Yep. That's exactly what's going on.


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I'm extremely happy that 'Tana man is behind Coach Z. I really think he's got potential(Coach Z) to take us to the playoffs this year. It's our FO that holds us back. Our D will be top 5 again this year, and our offense has nowhere to go but up. So I can see us with a 10 win season and wildcard spot easy, and if a few plays go right for us perhaps we'll snag the East.

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];6203257']I don't like the quote about Thomas.

Moss saying "If he lets me talk to him..." makes it sound like Thomas isn't listening. Bad vibes.


Sounds like someone is/was on himself for having one stellar year in college then going to the pros. Make sense with how long it took to get him on the field and when he was in the penalties that took him right out.

Was this interview recent or during the season?

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Everyone keeps forgetting that Zorn played in this league and put Steve Largent into the Hall Of Fame.

He knows something about offense and playing QB.

People see Peyton Manning and immediately think, 'All-Star'.

I see Peyton Manning, and remember when he played a game during one of his first 2 or 3 years and this happened:

Give the Zorn system a chance, and let JC sink or swim. If it's not obvious after this year, then give Colt some snaps in next years pre-season.

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well, the failure of the 2008 draft class to contribute on offense was one of the major reasons the club was not able to sustain their performance amid the changes defenses made to box us out.

if Fred Davis and Devin Thomas who were healthy all year had come on and been real contributors that would have given us enough variety on offense to keep the momentum going, even with some of the pass protection issues on the right side of the OL.

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Except when your receivers don't get open quickly, then its all on the oline. You actually think he was calling Campbell slow and inaccurate?

Zorn just hasn't opened his eyes to see that Tom Brady is sitting on the bench!

Colt Brennan is no Tom Brady, not even close enough to compare..Nice try.

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I am certain your lack of faith will not deter Jim Zorn. Having said that, I agree that this was a much needed interview and perspective from a pivotal offensive player. If this does not reverse you ZornFear then maybe some wins this year is going to work. I personally believe Zorn was the right coach, we(the fans) need to show some patience. :pokeye:

Ha, never said it would. I've generally been upbeat about pretty much every new coach post Gibbs at the beginning including Norv. With each coach, I saw a silver lining becuase they had an obvious strength with Norv for example it was play calling. With Zorn?

play calling?

in game adjustments?

game/strategy planning?

motivational guy?

is he consistent -- when he says stay medium does he embody it himself?

Time/clock management guy?

IMO and others have pointed all, he looked weak on all fronts. I had hope he'd be an innovator play caller. Didn't seem to be the case. But I'll give him another chance, didn't think he should be fired after one season. As to your point about Zorn caring or not caring what I think -- am sure he cares not one whit about my lack of faith or for that matter your faith in him. We are fans, and of course not running the club! :)

Edit: its not really the losses, that bug me most about Zorn. More than anything its how he sounds in interviews, he just doesn't sound to me as a guy that's with it. Stuff like when he's asked about play calling next season -- his response, I plan to keep doing it because "I kinda like it". Can you picture Cowher or Parcells saying yeah am going to do it because I kinda like it.

He seems rattled on the radio when Czaben interviews him, etc. For whatever reason he doesn't exude competence to me or at the very least he doesn't sound to me like a good communicator. So when Portis pointed out that Zorn is all over the place when he tries to communicate what he wants -- doesn't strike me as a strange accusation.

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Oh jeez louise. We're going back to that conspiracy theory now?

Yep. That's exactly what's going on.


Actually it does makes sense from business investment side. You have invested so much in JC you might as well take it all the way. And in the end if JC fails at least you can say I tried and lost millions doing so. Next.

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Colt is also Vinny's lovechild. After all, they passed on the other QBs drafted eariler in the 2008 draft just for him.

Or....it wasn't even necessarily in our plans to draft him, but when our pick in the sixth round came, he was at the top of our board for players still left.

Now I like Colt, and the excitement he one day might have the potential to bring, but I think its pretty naive to think that we targeted him specifically, or passed on other QB's before him knowing that we wanted him.

The reality? QB wasn't a huge need for us, so we didn't take one before Colt was there in the sixth and was of higher value, bpa-wise, than other players available.

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Sounds a lot like what many here have said' date=' once defenses figured out that JC had 1 primary [santana'] they took him away and it was check down city for JC, they brought the heat knowing he was to slow, and to inaccurate to do any real damage finding secondary recievers. I know the O-line was less than stellar last year, but a quick read and delivery can help an O-line a whole lot.

Did you read the same article I did? What are you talking about? Sounds like to me Moss validates what most of us thought ..that JC didn't have time to find his 2nd and 3rd reads due to the fact the defense started taking moss away and BLITZING...then the Check down is the only other option...that is unless the line picks up the blitz...and that never happened. I like the encouraging words Moss had for Devin...gets me hyped.

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..that JC didn't have time to find his 2nd and 3rd reads due to the fact the defense started taking moss away and BLITZING...then the Check down is the only other option...that is unless the line picks up the blitz...and that never happened. I like the encouraging words Moss had for Devin...gets me hyped.

That's exactly what I saw. And when you have to keep your checkdown guy home trying to help block, you're screwed.

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.....With Zorn?

play calling?

in game adjustments?

game/strategy planning?

motivational guy?

is he consistent -- when he says stay medium does he embody it himself?

Time/clock management guy?

IMO and others have pointed all, he looked weak on all fronts....

Edit: its not really the losses, that bug me most about Zorn. More than anything its how he sounds in interviews, he just doesn't sound to me as a guy that's with it. Stuff like .... "I kinda like it".

Can you picture Cowher or Parcells saying "yeah am going to do it because I kinda like it"?

He seems rattled on the radio when Czaben interviews him, etc....

So when Portis pointed out that Zorn is all over the place when he tries to communicate what he wants -- doesn't strike me as a strange accusation.

Zorn's previous position was QB Coach.

That's a coaching position that probably requires a total of about 2 "on camera" or "on radio" interviews per year, and usually even those are only in training camp or if the team happens to have a hot new rookie QB. If the QB Coach seems skittish or gives an awkward interview, anyone who sees it just chalks it up as "hey, he's just the QB Coach, he's not supposed to interview that well".

The QB Coach was likely to only be asked questions that pertained to his area of expertise, the QB, so he would probably speak and sound like an authority on these and surrounding subjects.

Now, you've taken that same coach, and allowed him to become the face of your management staff.

Couple that, with the fact that this new coach also calls all of the plays on offense.

So now a man that, one year prior, was giving 2-3 interviews per season, is now giving 2-5 interviews per week and often many more.

Zorn used to only worry about the QB's.

Somebody else ran the store, he was just the clerk in the QB section. He never had to worry about dealing with upper management, or public perception.

Now, ONE YEAR LATER, he's the GM of a different store.

He's being peppered daily with questions on "all fronts" as you put it, and, yes, does seem slightly overwhelmed.

I don't think this is cause for alarm.

Head Coach in the NFL is an enormously difficult task at which to be successful.

Making sure your 22 men are more prepared and talented than 22 other men, each and every week, is daunting at best.

Having to do this while answering questions from the media makes it even more difficult.

Zorn is green and looks like a rookie head coach that has grand visions with many different strategies and ideas built up in his mind. He's trying to take what's in his brain, and execute it on the field, all while keeping the team and coaches cohesive and acting as a single unit. This is a very difficult prospect when diligently pondered.

He has not yet learned to shield the media from his mind and to give them the cookie cutter answers that do not allow for introspective follow up questions from the journalists.

(Joe Gibbs was a master of this.)

I'm sure Zorn is still well connected to Holmgren and others of that coaching tree, and I'm sure he's working to combat the things that went wrong last year with the team.

He'll get better at handling the ship and all of it's many parts. He'll also get better at communicating EXACTLY what he want to and from his players, as well as communicating WHAT NEEDS TO BE SHARED with media - which IMO is the absolute bare bones minimum (again, see any Joe Gibbs interview).

He will hopefully develop a Gibbsian knack for steering interviews with his answers and doing so in a way that says to each and every journalist, "I'm answering your questions because I have to, not because I want to."

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He will hopefully develop a Gibbsian knack for steering interviews with his answers and doing so in a way that says to each and every journalist' date=' "I'm answering your questions because I [i']have[/i] to, not because I want to."

I've noticed he's already heading more in that direction.

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Yet another thread that started out one way but descintegrated into a Jason Campbell thread. Who'da thunk it.

As much as I know I shouldn't.........I've gotta respond to a few of these posts.....

With that said, also realizing just because a man doesn't speak properly isn't a definite indicator on his maturity/intelligence. He simply never learned to communicate/speak properly, and those around him coming up probably didn't either. Cheap shots to that effect are rather lame.

Who said one word about Moss being unintelligent? The poster who originally mentioned this (I believe Taylor36) only stated he noticed a difference in the language Moss used, citing that in numerous interviews with 'Tana we've ALL heard, the speech quoted was not consistent with what we've heard before. I tend to agree with his assertion. This led him to point out that if one word of a "quoted statement" was altered, for whatever reason, then it is conceivable that the sentiment could have been altered as well. What if, to clarify and make a smoother read, the interviewer further edited and actually printed what he PERCEIVED Moss' words to mean? Is that not possible? I'd rather read Moss' unedited words for myself, and draw my own conclusions.

No one, however, ever suggested Santana Moss wasn't an intelligent man simply because of how he speaks.

As another poster pointed out, it really is amazing how so many folks can read the same words and walk away with totally different takes.

If our offense gets rolling, believe me, we will be a dangerous team.

We are going to sweep Dallas, Eagles, and Giants as well.

What a completely homeristic statement. Dude, we all want that.......but as much as we'd all love to see it, has ANY NFCE team ever swept the entire division? (Seriously......I don't know the answer but I'm assuming not)

Not to mention that as an offense, we are literally LAST in the NFC East. Why in the world would you assume that this is possible? Everything else you say has zero credibility.

The 6-2 ride was not that big of a deal either....we could have easily been 7-1 if we beat the Rams....we could have been 8-1 if we had beaten the Bengals.....we could have been 9-1 if we had beaten the 49ers....the difference is (offense)

Umm.......we also nearly lost a few of those games. One could easily say that if a FG or 2 from the opposition would have gone, that probably should have gone.......things would be dramatically different. It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?

Exactly....I see us averaging 28 pts a game though.

Holy guacamole!

Need I say more? Further evidence that you are completely unrealistic about where this offense is, and, in particular, where Jason Campbell is with his game. TWENTY-EIGHT points per game?? Really???

As I stated before.........nothing else you say has merit after making such ridiculous predictions.

Personally.......I don't need a sweep of the NFCE OR a Super Bowl to feel good about things. What I'd like to see are noticeable improvements in the coaching, play calling, JC's decision making and execution, O-line play and in the D's ability to cause some havoc for opposing QB's. If all that results in what you're saying.........great, but I sincerely doubt it.

Baby steps, my man. Baby steps.

Don't get all hopped up on whatever drug is causing this man-crush you have on JC so quickly.

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Yet another thread that started out one way but descintegrated into a Jason Campbell thread. Who'da thunk it.

As much as I know I shouldn't.........I've gotta respond to a few of these posts.....

Who said one word about Moss being unintelligent? The poster who originally mentioned this (I believe Taylor36) only stated he noticed a difference in the language Moss used, citing that in numerous interviews with 'Tana we've ALL heard, the speech quoted was not consistent with what we've heard before. I tend to agree with his assertion. This led him to point out that if one word of a "quoted statement" was altered, for whatever reason, then it is conceivable that the sentiment could have been altered as well. What if, to clarify and make a smoother read, the interviewer further edited and actually printed what he PERCEIVED Moss' words to mean? Is that not possible? I'd rather read Moss' unedited words for myself, and draw my own conclusions.

No one, however, ever suggested Santana Moss wasn't an intelligent man simply because of how he speaks.

As another poster pointed out, it really is amazing how so many folks can read the same words and walk away with totally different takes.

What a completely homeristic statement. Dude, we all want that.......but as much as we'd all love to see it, has ANY NFCE team ever swept the entire division? (Seriously......I don't know the answer but I'm assuming not)

Not to mention that as an offense, we are literally LAST in the NFC East. Why in the world would you assume that this is possible? Everything else you say has zero credibility.

Umm.......we also nearly lost a few of those games. One could easily say that if a FG or 2 from the opposition would have gone, that probably should have gone.......things would be dramatically different. It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?

Holy guacamole!

Need I say more? Further evidence that you are completely unrealistic about where this offense is, and, in particular, where Jason Campbell is with his game. TWENTY-EIGHT points per game?? Really???

As I stated before.........nothing else you say has merit after making such ridiculous predictions.

Personally.......I don't need a sweep of the NFCE OR a Super Bowl to feel good about things. What I'd like to see are noticeable improvements in the coaching, play calling, JC's decision making and execution, O-line play and in the D's ability to cause some havoc for opposing QB's. If all that results in what you're saying.........great, but I sincerely doubt it.

Baby steps, my man. Baby steps.

Don't get all hopped up on whatever drug is causing this man-crush you have on JC so quickly.

I think if the offense can have slightly better blocking and the wideouts stay healthy and and more precise with route running etc..... I think jason will take the steps he needs to just by being behind center. he had paltry tools to work with last season as things started to fall apart. if his pass protection was good enough he'd sling it down field.... but if it was crap he'd check down. i also can't think of a time where he could just sit back in the pocket all day and wait for a receiver to get wide open down field. many of his big plays were when he was flushed from the pocket and had to move.

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This interview just shows that Moss is being a good teammate. What do you expect him to say?

Campbell can't read defenses and by the time he throws the secondary has adjusted to the routes?

or, Campbell has a slow release and stares at the primary receiver and telegraphs where the ball is gonna go?

or, Campbell doesn't check down to his second and third options until it's too late?

No. Moss is just being a team player and not throwing his QB under the bus. He did the same for Brunnell.

So I dismiss this interview as purely PR.

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Hopefully having a big DT that can get a push will wear down the offense of the other team so the defense can get to the QB in those (stupid) prevent situations.

Dude, Haynesworth is 330ish, right? He's going to get worn down himself. Do you really think that one guy can singlehandedly stop those drives that happened in the 4th qtr in several games?

Hopefully we will actually have a pass rush this season. Blache isn't exactly known for leading a defense with a great pass rush and we don't have anybody except Carter right now. We will surely find out though. We will be seeing quite a few new starters on D this year so things will be different.

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YTWENTY-EIGHT points per game?? Really???

As I stated before.........nothing else you say has merit after making such ridiculous predictions.

I'm not sure where the 28 points thing came from either. I'd be surprised to see this offense score 21 points a game. They were averaging around 14 over the 2nd half of the season. So they are going to double it?

Is there much chance that a team that scored 28 or more 1 time in 16 games, and never scored 30, will magically AVERAGE 28 a game. There is no chance of that happening. If that happens then Zorn is the Coach of the year and Dan and Vinny are total geniuses.

If anybody wants to start a sig bet on the 28 point thing let me in on it. I don't see this team turning into the 1983 Redskins overnight. It just will not happen.

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