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Idaho state legislators refuse a pay raise, Idaho governor tried and can't.


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Well this is interesting....


Otter can't reject 3 percent pay increase

BOISE -- The state attorney general says Gov. Butch Otter can't turn down a 3 percent pay raise.

That means Otter's salary bumps up to $111,989 for 2009.

Otter says he will donate the raise of $3,262 to the state's Opportunity Scholarship fund or to the Governor's Cup Scholarship Fund.

The opinion from the attorney general's office issued late last month says the Legislature sets the pay for officials, and that officials' pay can't be changed during their terms.

But the state legislators can (notice how much they make)


BOISE, Idaho — An Idaho House committee wants to reject a 5 percent pay increase for state legislators, saying that Idaho's dismal economy and rising unemployment make taking a raise inappropriate.

The House State Affairs Committee unanimously passed the measure Wednesday. The bill will move directly to a House vote, a sign that it will likely gain wide support.

Rep. Darrell Bolz, R-Caldwell, said rejecting the pay increase could save the state around $180,000.

The raise, proposed in June by the Idaho Citizen's Committee on Legislative Compensation, would boost the pay for all 105 lawmakers to $16,921 from $16,116, and extend reimbursements to legislators for some official trips outside of session.

Bolz said that in tough economic times the Legislature needs to direct resources to those who are struggling, not legislative members. In December, the state's unemployment rose to 6.6 percent, more than double the level of a year ago and the highest rate in decades.

"When you're going through tough times everybody has to suffer a little bit," Bolz said. If Americans were critical of Congress for taking a pay raise, he said, "Why would we put ourselves in the same position?"

Assistant House Majority Leader Scott Bedke, R-Oakley, said he sees no major obstacles for the bill in the House. He said the amount won't have a large impact on the state but is a symbolic gesture when state agencies have been asked to make drastic spending cutbacks.

"In the context of the budget it's not that much money compared to other state agencies," he said.

Bolz's measure would reject any form of a pay raise for legislators for the next two years, including such things as boosting mileage compensation and per diem pay, the money legislators receive to cover living and travel expenses relating to work.

The committee recommended reimbursing legislators who drive more than 50 miles outside of the session to state-related events by up to $1,000 a year. Bedke, a rancher in rural southeastern Idaho, said he occasionally has to drive 150 miles to get to meeting, but supports giving up the prospect of extra travel cash.

"Things are tough all over," Bedke said.


To add, the Washington state and Montana Legislators/governors have also refused their annual pay raises.

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Give it to charity.

That is what Butch Otter (nice name eh?) is doing in Idaho. Granted it's just above $3k, but still a cool thing to do.

Now if we can just stop paying for Bill Clinton's 100K year cell phone bill...

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I know i am in the minority, but it's sooo funny.


Then you should pay them more, not less.

Congressmen make $160k a year? And they need to usually maintain 2 residences, including one in DC and one back home.

Then we are SHOCKED when they let Lobbyist give them a good deal on a house, or give them a nice vacation. We seem disappointed when the good ones leave the public live to go make more money in the private sector.

Tell you what - Make it such a desirable job that everyone wants it, and that once you get it, you have no need to ever compromise your principles because, frankly, you wouldn't need to.

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this is about State legislators, not the US ones. These guys have regular jobs, including the state work.

My best friends brother (who ironically is best friends w/ sarah Palins brother)...works the cattle ranch in souther Idaho w/ their dad. He was a state legislator for a few years, but had to quite because it interferred w/ his ranch duties too much.

But I def see your point on the expense of maintaining a second home and what not

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Paying someone more has never made anyone more honest lol...

Really? Lets look at proffesional sports. There use to be all sorts of stories about point shaving and throwing games (Both founded and unfounded) and players "on the take".

not so much anymore.

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Really? Lets look at proffesional sports. There use to be all sorts of stories about point shaving and throwing games (Both founded and unfounded) and players "on the take".

not so much anymore.

A rather weak example to prove my point wrong, though. Football players don't have any power as where politicians do.

Besides, I could list an infinite amount of examples of leaders, presidents, kings, dictators, you name it, with all the wealth in the world...yet their time in power was filled with corrupt actions, often to make even MORE money.

If you want to limit corruption in politics, don't pay the politicians more money...instead, give them less power.

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A rather weak example to prove my point wrong, though. Football players don't have any power as where politicians do.

Besides, I could list an infinite amount of examples of leaders, presidents, kings, dictators, you name it, with all the wealth in the world...yet their time in power was filled with corrupt actions, often to make even MORE money.

If you want to limit corruption in politics, don't pay the politicians more money...instead, give them less power.

I've often contemplated what exactly it would take to keep the corruptables out and get in those who are only looking out for the country's interests, but I've yet to come up with a solid plan.

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