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Skins might be getting New Uniforms Next season.


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I know a guy who works for the team equipment manager. He said two big things are going to happen.

First, Colt Brennan will be the starter next season. He knows this because they've transferred the GOOD radio headset out of Jason's helmet and into Colt's.

Second, there will be a uniform change. With Obama in the White House and Hawaii favorite son Colt as starter, the team is going to adopt University of Hawaii's old rainbow logo into the uniforms. You heard it here first.

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The only change I'd like to see would be to change the "gold" on the unis that is really yellow to a real gold type of color, like the Rams did a few years ago.

P.S. - Isn't there already a thread for uniform speculation?

This entire site contains nothing but "uniform speculation"! :rolleyes:

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You should limit the the thread to speculation and your feelings and saying that the skins might be getting new uniforms next year. That would state that some redskins official hinted at that prospect. If you wanted to say "The Redskins should get new uniforms."

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To the OP, I really would like to know the thought process here.

How is it that you having a random thought about what our next uniforms should look like mean that the Redskins might be getting new ones next season?

I'm really just curious :cheers: I for one actually like the uniforms the team has now.

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Just don't touch the helmet. I love it and can't imagine the Redskins wearing anything else.

The helmet is considered offensive to Native Americans. Maybe they will change the logo to a Redskin potato. Then the Natives will finally lift the curse off of JKC stadium.

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Wouldn't be surprised if it was true. Many Teams have changed their uniforms outright or made subtle changes in the color Scheme. Remember the the tucked feather on the Skins helmet from '81-'83? Honestly I could care less what they wear, I'd rather the performance on the field change more than anything.

But some of the teams that made notable changes from the late 80's:










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it's amazing how many people have the need to be d*cks for absolutely no reason.... :doh:


That's true, but in this instance, the Post title said "might" as if there were some newsworthy factoid or rumor, not just someone wishing or having a feeling. So, I understand the dismissive comment. This seems unnecessary, however: :doh:

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