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Madden on a Wii game system


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My son got a Wii for Christmas and now wants Madden for it. Is Madden any good on a Wii? I love playing it on our Xbox360, and not sure how good of a game it would be on the Wii. Anyone who's played it on a Wii, please let me know your thoughts. Thanks

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That's what I kind of thought. I like the wii for certain things, but for Madden I didn't think it would be good.

Exactly. You dont get all the controls for the game either because the controller doesnt have enough buttons...maybe when the Wii releases the new controllers with better pickup, the game will be better.

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LOL who actually owned one thought it would work...

I have a wii and many childrens games to go with it...

there's no reason why madden shouldn't be able to work on the Wii, the problem is that they get carried away with the motion controls. I'd rather be able to point to the receiver I want to throw it to than have to throw my arm at the screen.

as for the kiddie shot, the Wii is very capable of adult gaming. The best iteration of Resident Evil 4 is on the Wii, No More Heroes is brimming with blood, Mad World is gonna be an all out blood-fest of levels never before seen, Metroid Prime 3 was an excellent shooter/platformer, and The Conduit is going to be an awesome sci-fi shooter.

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The Wii was the worst graphics game of the 2nd Millenium.

Don't expect perfection from a game that promotes fitness vs. graphics.

I'll get Resident Evil though now.

Its still better graphics than anything of last generation. You don't need a beast of a machine to be able to make good games for it; games have been around long before this generation and they did just fine. Sure, its not as powerful as the 360 or the PS3, but don't underestimate its power.

and for the "fitness vx. graphics" comment, it has little to do with fitness (except in the case of wii fit) and more to do with game interaction. And that is where you should be able to expect more.

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As far as Madden for Wii goes, you have to have the right expectations.

You can't expect Xbox 360 graphics or features, or the normal kind of control interface from Madden on other systems. The Wii doesn't have the computing power, and the controls are unique.

I got Madden 2009 for Wii and at first I was a bit dissappointed by the graphics and options. But then I got to thinking, "This is a game I can play with my kids." The All-Play feature makes it possble for everyone to enjoy the game. This is a MAJOR advantage for some gamers.

If you are a lone gamer, forget Madden for Wii. Go get a 360. You'll be happier. BUT, if you are gaming as a family, especially with kids or inexperienced gamers, Madden for Wii is perfect.

It's all about expectations and situations.

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It sucks!!! They simplified it for the Wii. You don't have to memorize all the buttons for the Wii.

It's almost like 2 buttons and throwing to play the game. If you would enjoy a simplified version for your son to play than I guess it would be great for you, however, it's nothing like regular madden if you have played it before.

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name another video game that has bowling use a swing motion. a baseball game use a swing. a golf game use a swing. a music game use moves to play the instrument.

yes, more interactive than fitness. with the wii fit swooping in to save my comment.

Okay, so you named one fitness game, and the rest are mini-games on a game meant to be a tech-demo of the interactivity of the control scheme. And then you have games like Metroid Prime 3 that use the motion controls to bring in another level of interactivity such as throwing out a grapple beam and ripping away an enemy's shield mixed in with the superior precision and interactivity of the IR controls of the Wiimote.

There's NHL 2k9 (which is disappointing graphically due to lazy developers) which utilizes an IR pointer to point to where you want to pass the puck instead of relying on the game to estimate who you really wanted to pass it to and it utilizes a motion control of the flick of your wrist as a shot which, again, is about interactivity rather than fitness.

The Legend of Zelda which utilizes IR sensing for the bow-and-arrow and motion controls to simulate sword control as well as shield control which, as with the other examples I've provided, adds another level of interactivity rather than attempting to get you in shape.

Basically, all you have on your side is Wii Fit, the rest are simply adding another level of interactivity.

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i got madden 08 for the wii and have been playing it for a while...

it's nice if you really like getting into the game but there are some problems i have come across(not sure if everybody is having this problem or theres just something wrong with my sensor bar)....

but sometimes when trying to pass to a certain receiver, it passes to a different one although you may be hitting the correct button

-so sometimes i have to adjust by pressing a diff button

ex: i may have to hit the down button to pass to my right button receiver

-online play is slow and everything is very delayed.hard to get any timing right

-(not sure if it may just be my wireless connnection)

-when doing no huddle offense online, when lining up again, it calls a flase start..all the time

-amazingly easy to break from tackles

-one thing i dont like is that it is sometimes hard to tackle because only 1vs1 is allowed

-(meaning you may have to wait with another defender to tackle a ball carrier if another defender is engaged in a tackle...(no gang tackling))

im sure theres some other stuff that im forgetting...

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My wife got me/us a Wii for Xmas. I haven't played a "vidya" game in years so we're probably exactly the folks the Wii was made for. Sorry but I just don't have time to learn to press A then B twice, while simultaneously pressing the up and the y key in order to do....whatever.

I plan on getting Call of Duty: World at War, Wii Fit and the latest Wii version of Legend of Zelda (which I used to love when I was in college) next. Anyone have any other suggestions for good Wii games?

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My wife got me/us a Wii for Xmas. I haven't played a "vidya" game in years so we're probably exactly the folks the Wii was made for. Sorry but I just don't have time to learn to press A then B twice, while simultaneously pressing the up and the y key in order to do....whatever.

I plan on getting Call of Duty: World at War, Wii Fit and the latest Wii version of Legend of Zelda (which I used to love when I was in college) next. Anyone have any other suggestions for good Wii games?

You're gonna love Twilight Princess. As for some other Wii games you'll need:

Metroid Prime 3

Super Mario Galaxy

Resident Evil 4

No More Heroes

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Mario Strikers Charged

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I like Superstar mode in Madden 08. The Wii version is Madden-lite, so if you're hard core into it, you probably won't enjoy it. If you're just looking to screw around and have some fun, it's actually quite enjoyable.

Franchise is broken, at least it is on the copy I played.

I've never played online so I can't speak to that.

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