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Players Laughing on Sidelines? (MERGED MET)


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I have been saying this since the lost to the Steelers. No attitude, no passion. Just collecting a paycheck. I can only think of about 10 Skins who play and act like they care. Plenty of blame to spread around. I would be broke if I were the coach. The cost of rebuilding the fifth trashed locker room gets expensive.

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Who knows what he was laughing about. No need for us to speculate on why he was laughing. The team has bigger issues than a special teamer seen laughing a bit after a penalty.

OP was just saying that that's part of the problem. We all know there are bigger issues. Thank you Capt. Obvious for your pearl of wisdom. REDSKINS SUCK!

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The problem, plain and simple, is that the players run this team because there hasn't been any consistency at the coaching positions. When things start to go poorly during the season, our players do not feel the need to answer to anyone. They get in the mindset of "covering their own asses" and playing the blame game. Players deal with an overinvolved owner, and have no fear or respect for the head coach position. Look at Moss' touchdown celebration today.

To me, this was a perfect example of what we've seen from our players all season. One of our stars having a good game, celebrating to make sure they get put on the highlight reel and say "look, im a good player, its someone else's fault we lost, not mine."

The players are running this team, there is no leadership. All our stars go out and look to have a good INDIVIDUAL GAME, so they can't be singled out for being the reason that the TEAM lost. what they don't realize is that all that goes in the books is a loss. Sadly, Art Monk's quote about "making sure the team wins, and the individual accomplishments will take care of themselves" no longer seems to matter to our players.

They are far to comfortable in their positions. No one has any fear of getting benched for poor performances. If they are, they go crying to the owner and the media, and it works. This is combined with the fact that our lack of smart drafting means the players have no motivation to play hard or earn their spots because there is no competition.

Players are told they are good and the best on the team, but when they fail to produce, they don't rally and come out stronger, they blame someone else. Today i heard the commentators calling out numerous players on the team, Blades for his half assed blitzing, the whole D line for not getting pressure, the offense for failing to show any hustle despite being down late in the 4th quarter. The reasoning is simple, they have no motivation.

Sadly, a quote i heard a few weeks ago sums up our team perfectly. A bunch of housepets that go out and get fed to the wolves every week. Eventually a switch has to be flipped in the players minds that says:

"it doesn't matter why you lost, whether it was your fault or not, the fact remains that you lost. You are on a team that is the laughing stock of the NFL and teams look forward to playing because they know all they have to do is show up and wait for you to shoot yourself in the foot, and ditch your teammates at the first sign of competition."

Another telling example of this was the Steeler fan debacle earlier this year. Out cheered in their own stadium, how do they respond? They go out and talk to the media, acting mystified that their fans aren't blindly cheering for them, some of them even blatently calling out the fans for not showing up and doing their jobs. Refusing to accept responsibility for their poor performance and again shifting the blame away from the simple fact that they have done nothing to EARN the respect of their fans. They expect wins to be handed to them by lesser teams, they expect fans to worship the ground they walk on, but they don't feel the need to EARN it. No motivation.

I can only hope that today the players finally hit rock bottom. In my opinion it became painfully obvious today that this team has struggled for the better part of a decade, and the only constant has been the players half ass attitude. They may continue to blame the coaches, whine about being called out in press conferences for their lack of execution, but eventually they need to wake up and realize that THEY are the ones going out and getting embarrassed every week. Zorn gets fired? Maybe, but if he does next year another coach will come in that the players don't respect, they will bail on him as soon as things get tough, and we the fans will be stuck with another year of mediocrity and showboating players celebrating meaningless individual accomplishments.

P.S. Why aren't i allowed to make new threads?

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Another telling example of this was the Steeler fan debacle earlier this year. Out cheered in their own stadium, how do they respond? They go out and talk to the media, acting mystified that their fans aren't blindly cheering for them, some of them even blatently calling out the fans for not showing up and doing their jobs. Refusing to accept responsibility for their poor performance and again shifting the blame away from the simple fact that they have done nothing to EARN the respect of their fans. They expect wins to be handed to them by lesser teams, they expect fans to worship the ground they walk on, but they don't feel the need to EARN it. No motivation.


screw this team. I hope the entire stadium is filled with Eagles fans on Sunday and it looks green to the players.

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People respond to stress in different ways. Some yell, some cry, some laugh it up, some sit sullenly. When a person laughs, the brain gets stimulated and refreshed.

Even yawning adds more oxygen to the blood.



My man, are you serious? That's a bit of a reach. Don't you think?

Why can't it simply be that the players who were laughing it up on the sideline while their team was playing and losing just really don't care? Do you need for it to be something else so badly that you had to come up with that "people repond to stress in different ways" bs?

For the record, I love the redskins, and would never consider rooting for another team. But these players currently on the field are not a redskins team, they are a group of overpaid INDIVIDUALS Snyder brought in to wear the jerseys. They have no team loyalty.

Someone needs to tell him throwing money at the problem isn't the only solution, or even a good one. YOU CAN"T BUY TEAMWORK OR CHEMISTRY.

Honestly the people i felt the worst for today, besides the fans, were the few players on the field who I KNOW truly want to be here and don't treat it as the Dan Snyder personal spa and relaxation center.

Rock Cartwright: Nothing but 110% from this guy every time i see him. Honestly his kickoff return in the 4th quarter was one of the best plays ive seen from the team all year. Are there more talented guys on the team? Of course, but i saw him fight for EVERY inch of that run to get HIS TEAM into a better position, knowing that they needed all the help they could get, knowing it was HIS ONLY CHANCE TO HELP HIS TEAM. And how does his team repay him? Our primadonna running back, the one who complains about getting benched and not getting the ball enough, has TWO chances within the 20 yard line to make a play. He drops one pass, and runs straight into the back of his own line for a two yard gain. I don't know about you, but I would rather have seen cartwright out there, at least HE wasn't going through the motions.

Mike Sellers: Yes, MIKE Sellers. Ignored for most of the season, he is another player who LOVES what he does and makes the absolute most of every opportunity given to him. He had an extremely tough day, with two calls in a row going against him that were so close they needed to be officially reviewed. Was i dissapointed? Of course, but watching him on the sidelines, i knew no one in the world was more upset in that moment than him. More talented guys on the team? Sure, but they don't play with half the enthusiasm and take it upon themselves to make plays the way he does. Yes, he didn't get us the touchdown, but he did get us two huge first downs early in the game that were later given away to punts because of the rest of the offense's inability to match his intensity.

London Fletcher: The ONLY player on defense today who didn't look like he was falling asleep and just walking around asking "is it time to go home yet." He was literally beating the ground in frustration because of the missed opportunity to get a pick, KNOWING how much his team desperatley needed a spark. Compare this to H.B. Blades, a player with so many squandered opportunities to make plays on blitzes that the commentators felt the need to go back and call him out on national television. I felt sick listening to Siragusa talking about how flat and lifeless our defense looked.

and finally Coach Zorn: Here is a guy who comes in and has to work with a bunch of players who he had no choice in drafting. Players who are used to getting their way and caring only about their individual stats when things get tough. Players who have been trained to realize they don't have to answer to anyone, that their jobs are more secure than their own coaches, whom they have no need to fear or respect. Knowing that the team owner has no patience and refuses to blame losing on the players. He comes and sees players not executing, not TRYING, not giving him a chance to succeed or implement his offense. And he calls them out on it. Brings them down a peg by telling them what no one else in the organization has the balls to. You aren't getting it done. Plain and simple. And because they don't want to hear it or work harder, the players simply quit on the coach. They blame the playbook that he publicly stated needed to be simplified because they couldn't handle it. On the field today he looked mystified and completley helpless. Why? Not because he didn't know what plays to call, but because none of the plays he called were being executed. No one was playing to win, and when that happens, the coaching becomes the most obsolete position i the game. It doesn't matter who is calling the plays if the players won't do it, if they don't give it a CHANCE to work.

I agreed with everything that you said, except the first two sentences.
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My man, are you serious? That's a bit of a reach. Don't you think?

Why can't it simply be that the players who were laughing it up on the sideline while their team was playing and losing just really don't care? Do you need for it to be something else so badly that you had to come up with that "people repond to stress in different ways" bs?

I agreed with everything that you said, except the first two sentences.

Perception is reality. But you might be reaching as well.

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but yuking it up on the sideline while losing is another thing.

I don't usually post on gameday (especially after a loss like this one and while my emotions are high) but after watching Golston laughing it up on the sideline while most fans are on the edge of their seats and obviously more concerned than him, I just had to say something.

Did anyone else see this?

I'm not surprised. I'm angry but what is the point. OMGness, I miss the old days. Back when players would sulk and throw things during a losing game.

Say what you want about T.O. and I can say plenty but at least when the Pukes are losing, you'll catch a shot of T.O. yelling at someone. Whether warranted or not, there is passion on the sideline.

Who is that player on our sideline?

Gary Clark was notorious for the fits he would throw during a losing game.

Who is that player on our sideline?



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I'm not surprised. I'm angry but what is the point. OMGness, I miss the old days. Back when players would sulk and throw things during a losing game.

Say what you want about T.O. and I can say plenty but at least when the Pukes are losing, you'll catch a shot of T.O. yelling at someone. Whether warranted or not, there is passion on the sideline.

Who is that player on our sideline?

Gary Clark was notorious for the fits he would throw during a losing game.

Who is that player on our sideline?



I know Sellers was pissed. So were Cartwright and Fletcher. Thats about it though.

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I'm not surprised. I'm angry but what is the point. OMGness, I miss the old days. Back when players would sulk and throw things during a losing game.

Say what you want about T.O. and I can say plenty but at least when the Pukes are losing, you'll catch a shot of T.O. yelling at someone. Whether warranted or not, there is passion on the sideline.

Who is that player on our sideline?

Gary Clark was notorious for the fits he would throw during a losing game.

Who is that player on our sideline?



The worst was seeing cooley smiling and relaxing. I NEVER thought i'd see him doing that.

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Did anyone catch Portis' pre-game speech. How uninspiring was that? It seemed like the entire team was just going through the motions... before and during the game. I feel bad for players like Fletcher and Cartwright. Those two show up every week. Those two must be sick when they see clowns joking around on the sideline when the season's on the line and we're getting beat by a 1 win team.

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Instead of listening to the media, I hope Snyder meets with Zorn and then announces to the media that he will support any personnal or football decision that Zorn makes with the current roster.

The Skins behavior during the Bengals game was unacceptable. These players needed to understand they were in a dogfight for the playoffs -- and kept their intensity focussed. Nope, they were more interested in "their own thing" and yukking it up. Well, eyuck to them.

Whenever it came around to crunch-time, I never cared for those who decided the whole thing was . . . just a big joke. These are people you can't count on in a crunch. And from what I've seen Golston isn't that good to be taking a flippant attitude to the situation -- Benson was eating his lunch.

Frankly, there are too many self-centered players on the Skins/ IMO, Portis and Moss should have a big target on their back right now; they are higlighted because they get the spotlight, and their examples of behavior are truly irresponsible. In spite of what those two think, they are not bigger than the team.

I'd like to consider scenarios where the Skins don't need these guys as the chief playmakers. Why don't we develop our own playmakers, rather than pick up players that others don't feel can work out with their teams?

At this point, if it took a few bad seasons, I'd be willing to sort out all these "mini-T.O.s" and see if we could fool some other team into accepting them. I'm tired of seeing these over-the-top shenanigans, I'm tired of these players deciding they can run to the media whining about their own interests -- at the expense of team unity.

Frankly, the owner and the FO have to line up strongly behind Zorn, and nip this player 'counter-culture' in the bud. No other top-tier coach (Parcells, Belichek, Cowher, Holmgren, Shula, Shottenheimer, Gruden, Fischer, Reid, Coughlin) would ever consider a situation where they would have to put up with these players antics.

Dump the malcontents. Some of these players apparently don't care about being Redskins -- if so, they should be placed on administrative leave until they re-figure their priorities ... or be sent packing.

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Instead of listening to the media, I hope Snyder meets with Zorn and then announces to the media that he will support any personnal or football decision that Zorn makes with the current roster.

The Skins behavior during the Bengals game was unacceptable. These players needed to understand they were in a dogfight for the playoffs -- and kept their intensity focussed. Nope, they were more interested in "their own thing" and yukking it up. Well, eyuck to them.

Whenever it came around to crunch-time, I never cared for those who decided the whole thing was . . . just a big joke. These are people you can't count on in a crunch. And from what I've seen Golston isn't that good to be taking a flippant attitude to the situation -- Benson was eating his lunch.

Frankly, there are too many self-centered players on the Skins/ IMO, Portis and Moss should have a big target on their back right now; they are higlighted because they get the spotlight, and their examples of behavior are truly irresponsible. In spite of what those two think, they are not bigger than the team.

I'd like to consider scenarios where the Skins don't need these guys as the chief playmakers. Why don't we develop our own playmakers, rather than pick up players that others don't feel can work out with their teams?

At this point, if it took a few bad seasons, I'd be willing to sort out all these "mini-T.O.s" and see if we could fool some other team into accepting them. I'm tired of seeing these over-the-top shenanigans, I'm tired of these players deciding they can run to the media whining about their own interests -- at the expense of team unity.

Frankly, the owner and the FO have to line up strongly behind Zorn, and nip this player 'counter-culture' in the bud. No other top-tier coach (Parcells, Belichek, Cowher, Holmgren, Shula, Shottenheimer, Gruden, Fischer, Reid, Coughlin) would ever consider a situation where they would have to put up with these players antics.

Dump the malcontents. Some of these players apparently don't care about being Redskins -- if so, they should be placed on administrative leave until they re-figure their priorities ... or be sent packing.

Totally agree. I can't believe Gholston who basically sucks is yucking it up after missing the playoffs. These guys did not care about not making the playoffs. This team needs to be re-tooled from scratch. These players are clowns. Rich clowns. They were basically laughing at Snyder and fans with their I don't care yucking it up. I'm disappointed in this team and front office totally.

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No I missed it, but it pisses me off honestly. The players should take pride in their job, just as fans do in their daily job. Especially a job with a top-tier salary. It does bother me when a player doesn't seemed bummed out about a loss and smile b/c they can look forward to that $200,000 check each week. Now I don't want them bummed out for the whole following week, but damn, the game is still being played.
Maybe he was laughing at the call the ref made, maybe he thought it was a bogus call
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Perception is reality. But you might be reaching as well.
Well, it would seem that 99% of the responses in this thread tend to agree that the laughing shows a lack of really caring. The 1% (you) seems to think that those laughing fools might be suffering from some type of stress.

Please explain how 99% of us are reaching.:)

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What do you want? Golston to go and get in someone's face and yell at them? God, the media would have a field day with that. You want our team to end up like the Cowboys? Fine then.
do you even pay attention to other teams? there are plenty of players on the offense or defense that get in peoples faces and yell to fire them up. brady has done it, as has peyton. brees has gotten in peoples faces. ray lewis.

just cuz someone is yelling in someones face doesnt mean we are turning into the cowboys. it just means someone is showing passion and trying to get everyone else to do the same. perhaps you should chill and actually pay attention to the rest of the league...

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