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Pet Peeves


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People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

People who are willing to get off their *** to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.

When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is a cake if you can't eat it?

When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their a$$ !

When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the floor.

People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me choice there, did ya sunshine?

When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it.

When people say "life is short". What?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?

When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, dumb a$$?

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how about "holy shiit" I mean, if it's shiit, it's probably not holy, right? I guess that's just an oxymoron. I also hate overly picky eaters and people who order a sandwich/burger and have to open it up and sit there and pick at stuff. That annoys the hell out of me.

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Originally posted by codeorama

I hate the people that don't merge over when a lane is closed, they speed up and pass everyone and try to merge at the last second, thus causing a traffic back up as others have to stop to let them go.

Sorry Codeorama, but you are wrong. The people actually holding up traffic are the people stopping to merge instead of moving on and everybody merging as when a liquid passes through a funnel. Ask any "traffic expert."

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Originally posted by nfchamp1

Sorry Codeorama, but you are wrong. The people actually holding up traffic are the people stopping to merge instead of moving on and everybody merging as when a liquid passes through a funnel. Ask any "traffic expert."

Your'e probably right, but I still hate the people that pass everyone else that's waiting in line that have already merged over.

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Originally posted by codeorama

I hate the people that don't merge over when a lane is closed, they speed up and pass everyone and try to merge at the last second, thus causing a traffic back up as others have to stop to let them go.

Holy crap Code...I HATE THAT!!! You really need to get the hell out of my head!!! :gus:

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driving pet peeves

- people driving slow in the left lane(s). get the hell over. seemingly, maryland teaches their drivers to do just this. when i'm back in PA and i see someone doing this, 90% of the time they have maryland tags.

- people who stop at a yield sign, specifically on on-ramps. this seems to be prevelent in PA. going along with this, i hate it when someone in the right lane does not move over to allow those merging to merge (obviously this is when the left lane is empty).

household pet peeves:

- when my wife takes dirty plates/silverware/cups to the sink without rinsing them immediately. pisses me off.

in general:

- people not carrying their weight

- broken promises

- love scenes in action movies. i can stomach them if the woman gets naked, but i'd still rather them not be there.

- people who think they are never wrong, and still not admit it when it have obviously been proven.

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I have had the "new and improved" debate with my friends. The only way I see how something could be new and improved is if you say that the improved product, due to the improvement, is now a completely new product. Thus, being new and improved.

I guess the improvement could also have come from a beta-testing version of the product in the lab, therefore a new product could be improved from an early (non-released) version.

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Why is a thermometer pronounced "ther MOM eter" rather than "Thermo meter."

It is a thermo meter.

What about the Nextel phone adds... they show one person calling someone but no one is answering, the other person gets right through with the nextel phone... Well I can tell you, they don't just get right through if the other person is using their phone or the phone is off or if they don't hear it. That whole add campaign is based on how stupid people are. Are people really that dumb to think that someone will be able to answer the chirp of the nextel phone easier than the ring of a regular phone?

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Solicitors knocking on my front door selling ****.

And by far the pet peeviest of the bunch, to me at least, are the God merchants; smiling vacuously, and just exuding the belief that I am about to fall all over myself in gratitude that they have come to enlighten my lost and lonely soul.

The nerve of it positively galls me.

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people that sit down at the picnic table with me at lunch and light up a cigarette. Let's ignore that it's a no smoking area for a min. People smoke to lose weight because it kills their appetite. What makes a smoker think that as I'm eating my lunch I want my appetite killed?

My fiance's tendancy to leave used tissues around the house. She stuffs them in her pocket, and sometimes they fall out. She does "reuse" them, but come on. I love her, but come on. We can afford another box of tissues. Yuck!

People that don't wash their hands after using the bathroom


-the one above about people not merging when it's easy so they can move further up the line and merge at the last possible min. This is really annoying when the lane where I want to go is blocked by some jerk who was too good to wait in line with everybody else going where he/she wants to go. Grrr.

-red light cameras. I've haven't gotten a ticket yet, but I freely admit there have been times where I've run lights out of necessity (sirens behind, bad weather making stopping more dangerous than marginally running a light, ect.). I hate these things because there isn't a chance to see whether common sense dictated a driver to run the light. It's a money maker so more places are going to it. What's more, one of the reasons it's a money maker is that people would rather just pay than go through the hassle of fighting it. My roomate got stuck on that one. Pay a small ticket or miss a day of work... I'll be really unhappy when they go to speeding cameras.

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Slowpokes in the left lane is a good one.

Drivers who think 40 is a good speed to go when merging onto a busy highway ... espcially when they are in front of me.

SUVs. All of them. Big lumbering battering rams that are impossible to see around. I hate them.

People who talk loudly on mobile phones. Mobile phone commercials. (I'd love to punch that one guy in the face, send him crumpling to the ground, stand over him and yell 'Can you hear ME now?' ... But I digress. :) ) Phone service commercials, especially the ones with carrot-top, Alf or Emmitt Smith.

Boy Bands. No-talent Sexpot Starlets. Reality TV. Overblown local news: Chandra Levy. Laci Peterson, and yes, Elizabeth Smart.

Self-important, self rightious baby boomers. Hearing about how great the 60s were for the 100th time. Being refered to as a 'Gen X-er,' 'Slacker,' or 'Baby Buster.' Being called directionless, lazy and uninspired simply because I didn't spend my 20s getting stoned, dodging the draft, shtooping everone I knew and wiping my @ss with the American Flag.

That's good for now. I'm really a happy person. No really. :)

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I forgot tinted windows on SUVs. I hate when I'm trying to turn and some SUV with tinted window pulls up next to me so I can't see traffic from one direction. Grrr. What a fun grumpy thread.

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From the job:

"My speedometer has been a little off."

Really? You managed to find the speed limit dead on once I got behind you.

"I thought it was a yield sign."

Every person that actually sees me first, stops, looks both ways, and pauses just in case a grandmother is a block away, but the ones that don't see me first always mistake it for a yield sign. What a coincidence.

"....a couple."

A couple what, kegs?

"Everyone else was doing it."

I always advise these guys and girls not to attend any cult parties that offer free fruit punch.

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Originally posted by KevinthePRF

From the job:

"My speedometer has been a little off."

Really? You managed to find the speed limit dead on once I got behind you.

"I thought it was a yield sign."

Every person that actually sees me first, stops, looks both ways, and pauses just in case a grandmother is a block away, but the ones that don't see me first always mistake it for a yield sign. What a coincidence.

"....a couple."

A couple what, kegs?

"Everyone else was doing it."

I always advise these guys and girls not to attend any cult parties that offer free fruit punch.

Tell me something Kevin, does it kind of bug you when you're on the freeway and everybody slows down and drives like a dumbass and won't pass you? I know if I were a cop that would annoy the hell out of me. It would be like having an entire state tail you all at once.

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Originally posted by escholz

Tell me something Kevin, does it kind of bug you when you're on the freeway and everybody slows down and drives like a dumbass and won't pass you? I know if I were a cop that would annoy the hell out of me. It would be like having an entire state tail you all at once.

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by escholz

Tell me something Kevin, does it kind of bug you when you're on the freeway and everybody slows down and drives like a dumbass and won't pass you? I know if I were a cop that would annoy the hell out of me. It would be like having an entire state tail you all at once.

You can count me as one of those dumbasses. I just picture myself creeping by this cop who's doing exactly the speed limit, and him staring at me thinking "DOES THIS MORON THINK I DON"T SEE HIM???!!:laugh:

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