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Big Mike Rage Tags - They End NOW.


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So does this new enforced rule only apply to BigMike Rage tags, or does it apply to all tags that insults other members? (for example: so and so=crybaby, fail, etc.) If the new rule doesn't apply to other insult tags, why not?

Honestly, any tag that says "soandso = ____" should be gone. its just rude and 99% of the time it is meant as a cheap shot or to say something rude.

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Honestly, any tag that says "soandso = ____" should be gone. its just rude and 99% of the time it is meant as a cheap shot or to say something rude.

Personally, I think they should stay - but, make it so if any member were to clink on the tag, they can see who left the tag. That would end the **** talking real quick and allow the tags to serve their actual purpose.

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That was a funny dog, Scooby Doo. He drove around in a van and, ah, solved mysteries.

Big Mike is full of Doo (scooby that is)

Personally, I think they should stay - but, make it so if any member were to clink on the tag, they can see who left the tag. That would end the **** talking real quick and allow the tags to serve their actual purpose.

I think that's right on. Just take away the unaccountability of the tags and let people stand by their insults.

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DId you get picked on a lot as a kid or something, BigMike? I can't imagine getting upset at thread tags.

I am glad you wouldnt get upset but Im not here to live up to your standards. This was something I didnt like and I asked several times in different threads for it to stop but it didnt so I went to a MOD. Its better then going off and getting myself in trouble with them.

And I think its funny that you ask if I was picked on as a kid simply because I didnt like something.

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I don't think it's the tiny little thread tags down below that were so irritating. I think it was the great big thread tag that showed up every time somebody did a tag search. I bet a lot of people have never done a tag search, and therefore they don't know what I'm talking about. Nevertheless, any and every one of the 82,000 members of this board could do a tag search about anything at all at any time at all and see it. And it was there permanently. I don't blame BigMike for being unhappy about it. It should have been taken care of and it was and that's a good thing.

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DId you get picked on a lot as a kid or something, BigMike? I can't imagine getting upset at thread tags.

Actually, I was. Right up until I was a Senior in H.S.. Even while in the service sometimes. Got the living **** kicked out of me several times up until then to be honest. Maybe that's where I get my thick skin from. So I'm not sure there's a connection here. Be that as it may,I gave a subtle message in my thread in The Stadium that the joke,(such as it was), had played itself out. For myself, it's more about what I stated in that thread about people using the tags for personal attacks and such. People really do need to grow up. While it doesn't really bother me when people call me names and such,(and there have been a few tags aimed at me as well),I do understand that that is just me. That it in this case, that may be easy for me to say since I am not the subject of that many tags. One reason why I didn't take away a couple of the tags aimed at Mike was because technically, they weren't personal attacks as we define them(or at least as we enforce the rules for imho). Note: That point isn't open to debate for me so don't. However, I am rethinking this position.

However,the sheer number of those tags that TK mentioned was a bit of an eye opener to say the least. I routinely make tag searches in order to see what may be out there, and even I was surprised. I mean really gang, every now and then can be funny, but the same joke over and over get's old really quick. Especially if you're the subject of those tags I would think. Like I said, hasn't and won't bother me,(that'll be the day), but I will not make judgments on those that it does,(for reasons already given). I would recommend some of you do the same. And I will also say that my personal feelings on them are, especially in this case, irrelevant. We as mods, are here for the members, not the other way around.

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I for one agree completely with this tag ruling, and while I play with the tags too at times, the ones that are really aggravating are the ones that specifically call out another member of the boards by name. This practice is just a cowardly way of making fun of someone while maintaining anonymity. I imagine Big Mike won't mind if you disagree with him or have the nerve to post something in opposition to his views, its when someone personally attacks in a way that cannot be directly addressed without descending into a childish tit-for-tat game.

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I am not sure why there are tags in the first place. They are kind of stupid if you ask me. Some are pretty offensive as well. I would imagine in the long run that feature goes away.

BM did sorta play this thing up until it reached epic proportions, so I would say he is as much to blame as the perpetrators of the tagging.

My vote, just turn them off.

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I am not sure why there are tags in the first place. They are kind of stupid if you ask me. Some are pretty offensive as well. I would imagine in the long run that feature goes away.

My vote, just turn them off.

If we can't get avatars what makes you think we can get tags taken down? Not gonna happen, for awhile anyways.

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I am not sure why there are tags in the first place. They are kind of stupid if you ask me. Some are pretty offensive as well. I would imagine in the long run that feature goes away.

BM did sorta play this thing up until it reached epic proportions, so I would say he is as much to blame as the perpetrators of the tagging.

My vote, just turn them off.

Nah man, bigmike has been asking people to cut it out for awhile now.

I would say a crackdown in unrelated tags in general is the next step here. No need to completely turn the tags feature off (if you can even do that). It can be a useful way to search ES if used properly.

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That's not what I meant. If you've never done a tag search, then you don't know what I'm referring to.

Now, on a lighter note, what is wrong with the above picture? I just noticed this. My buddy is a big Superman fan, and he has stacks and stacks of Superman comics.


The flag has too many stripes or too few stars?

Btw, Superman is posing like a girl.

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Haha if you want to figure it out, just look at the pic and don't read through the thread. Keep posting and I'll tell you if you're right. BTW, that guess was wrong, but on the right track.

Wow this is like watching sportscenter at night, and then going to bed, and watching it again in the morning.


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