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Jim Zorn support thread (Merged)


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After today and hearing zorn say we are all in this together and clearing up that he wasnt trying to leave himself out of part of the problems i support him and hope he does well for as long as he is here. Learning on the job is tough but showing that your learning is a positive sign. Hopefully good things are to come and the team shows there unified and kicks the bengals tails this weekend.

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After today and hearing zorn say we are all in this together and clearing up that he wasnt trying to leave himself out of part of the problems i support him and hope he does well for as long as he is here. Learning on the job is tough but showing that your learning is a positive sign. Hopefully good things are to come and the team shows there unified and kicks the bengals tails this weekend.

i like that - i think we all want to see success. Here is to first year growing pains :cheers:

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Zorn gets my vote of confidence and support. I think he's an innovative coach, but seems to be going through the rough patch many of us knew was coming.

I get the sense he's an honest and open communicator. Maybe too candid at times, but with all his experience as a QB and long apprenticeship under some good coaches -- he's probably quite good as assessing how a play could have gone better. I have enjoyed his candor in interviews, but maybe when the team hits a bad streak, he might want to tone down being so candid and start relying more on cliches. I think he won't do this as much as he gets through his rookie season. And his team offense will get better, it's going to take time and good performances by the personnel who can handle the job.

He'd certainly look more innovative if the O-line was younger, healthier, and better in pass protection. His offensive plays would look better if his WRs were performing better. And most importantly, his plays would be more successful if Campbell was playing better, especially in the last minute audibles, reading the defense, making adjustments, and finding the open WR.

I think we've got a great coach in Zorn, but for now he's going to have to struggle until this team addresses some of its personnel issues. This team's has an age problem with its linemen and and experience problem with its passing game personnel.

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I aint sold on zorn at all. When i listen to guys like him and campbell i see how good character guys they are but then i have to remind myself that zorn is awful at play calling, man it just aint workin! this is that point of the year when u judge Zorn and we have regressed big time i would have been happier if we were 3-9 but showing progress against elite teams.

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I aint sold on zorn at all. When i listen to guys like him and campbell i see how good character guys they are but then i have to remind myself that zorn is awful at play calling, man it just aint workin! this is that point of the year when u judge Zorn and we have regressed big time i would have been happier if we were 3-9 but showing progress against elite teams.

not the thread for you, brah.

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I like that we went w/Zorn for the job. Who knows what he's going to bring to the table next season. His first season hasn't been that bad thus far.

I also like CP and the heart he shows and the toughness he possesses. And I'm glad he's on our team. I don't know if playing him any more on this past Sunday would have helped us win that game..from what I saw in the first half..I'd say probably not.

I just wish they wouldn't treat their pressers and radio show appearances like they're on Jerry Springer. Stuff like this needs to be behind closed doors..not out here for all the loonies to get a hold of and run into the ground.

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something i just thought about but would be interesting and i think would help Zorn out would be when Holmgren steps down in Seattle this year, i wonder if he would be interested in signing on as a offensive consultant. Holmgren would get to be pretty much retired and if needed help Zorn with the offense and player development kinda deal. i think it would be a smart move.

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something i just thought about but would be interesting and i think would help Zorn out would be when Holmgren steps down in Seattle this year, i wonder if he would be interested in signing on as a offensive consultant. Holmgren would get to be pretty much retired and if needed help Zorn with the offense and player development kinda deal. i think it would be a smart move.

This would be a scenario where I would continue to support Zorn staying on as HC. It would mean a drastic improvement in HIS development as a coach, something that has been a little too slow this year.

I just can't believe that the team is turning into the Washington Seahawks...:2cents:

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something i just thought about but would be interesting and i think would help Zorn out would be when Holmgren steps down in Seattle this year, i wonder if he would be interested in signing on as a offensive consultant. Holmgren would get to be pretty much retired and if needed help Zorn with the offense and player development kinda deal. i think it would be a smart move.

not a bad idea...now get some sleep!


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something i just thought about but would be interesting and i think would help Zorn out would be when Holmgren steps down in Seattle this year, i wonder if he would be interested in signing on as a offensive consultant. Holmgren would get to be pretty much retired and if needed help Zorn with the offense and player development kinda deal. i think it would be a smart move.

thats a great idea LL!

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This concept of the players wanting Zorn to go is absolutley ridiculous to me. Zorn installs his playbook early in the year, and THEY WIN. I credit Zorn BIGTIME for that because he came in and changed the offense and had other teams guessing.

Then the annual line problems started, and he was forced to simplify his offense and go into "crisis mode" in order to try and win games. He is not able to call the plays he wants or run the offense in a way he knows will be effective. He has said this numerous times in interviews.

This is not Zorn's fault. This is an ongoing problem from the front office with a mentality of stop gap solutions and overpriced free agents that have kept this team in mediocrity for too many years. If Zorn is the problem, why have we had so many coaches in recent years who have had the same results?

Zorn is right. It IS execution, but its not because the players aren't trying, its that we have old players who can't physically compete anymore. I don't know how Dan Snyder is viewed in the locker room, but if the players really think its Zorn that's the problem then they deserve mediocrity. I cannot in my right mind think that the players want to go back to square one AGAIN next year with a new coach and system just because injuries and poor drafting selections over the past few years from the FO have prevented a first year coach from leading them to the playoffs on his first try.

I believe when Zorn talks about the lack of execution, he's aiming his criticism not at the players, but Snyder and Cerrato. How can we say his system isn't working when he hasn't been given the tools to put even it's most simple version into effect? Give him a chance. A REAL chance.

If indeed the players are calling for his job, then they are just plain misguided. Do they expect one person to come in and have everything magically click? We all know Snyder feels this way, but i cannot believe the players have been brainwashed by being in this horrifically run organization to such an extent that they feel that ZORN is the problem with this team.

They need to take a hard look at themselves and realize that this is not a championship level team being undermined by a bad head coach, and it will never be one unless they allow themselves the oportunity for consistency. Out of the gate, the simple version of Zorn's offense immediatley lifted the team. I call that a great foundation to build on. But unless the players are willing to struggle as a TEAM, to grow AS A TEAM, to not play the blame game and instead try and gel and exceed AS A TEAM, these years of mediocrity will continue in the same fashion.

The players DO need to be more vocal, but they need to direct it at the REAL problem with this organization, and it isn't Zorn. it's the Front Office. Unfortunatley, because it is such a wealthy organization filled with leftover overpriced free agents with no real team loyalty, I don't see anyone from the players side doing this in the near future.

The only way to fix it is to let your HEAD COACH run the team. Give him a chance to reorganize and cut the fat the way HE wants to, and trust that if he can get you 4 straight wins (including 2 road wins against division rivals) in his first year, using a simplified version of his offense with broken down players he had no choice in selecting, then he can certainly bring long term success in the future. If given a real chance.

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This concept of the players wanting Zorn to go is absolutley ridiculous to me. Zorn installs his playbook early in the year, and THEY WIN. I credit Zorn BIGTIME for that because he came in and changed the offense and had other teams guessing.

Then the annual line problems started, and he was forced to simplify his offense and go into "crisis mode" in order to try and win games. He is not able to call the plays he wants or run the offense in a way he knows will be effective. He has said this numerous times in interviews.

This is not Zorn's fault. This is an ongoing problem from the front office with a mentality of stop gap solutions and overpriced free agents that have kept this team in mediocrity for too many years. If Zorn is the problem, why have we had so many coaches in recent years who have had the same results?

Zorn is right. It IS execution, but its not because the players aren't trying, its that we have old players who can't physically compete anymore. I don't know how Dan Snyder is viewed in the locker room, but if the players really think its Zorn that's the problem then they deserve mediocrity. I cannot in my right mind think that the players want to go back to square one AGAIN next year with a new coach and system just because injuries and poor drafting selections over the past few years from the FO have prevented a first year coach from leading them to the playoffs on his first try.

I believe when Zorn talks about the lack of execution, he's aiming his criticism not at the players, but Snyder and Cerrato. How can we say his system isn't working when he hasn't been given the tools to put even it's most simple version into effect? Give him a chance. A REAL chance.

If indeed the players are calling for his job, then they are just plain misguided. Do they expect one person to come in and have everything magically click? We all know Snyder feels this way, but i cannot believe the players have been brainwashed by being in this horrifically run organization to such an extent that they feel that ZORN is the problem with this team.

They need to take a hard look at themselves and realize that this is not a championship level team being undermined by a bad head coach, and it will never be one unless they allow themselves the oportunity for consistency. Out of the gate, the simple version of Zorn's offense immediatley lifted the team. I call that a great foundation to build on. But unless the players are willing to struggle as a TEAM, to grow AS A TEAM, to not play the blame game and instead try and gel and exceed AS A TEAM, these years of mediocrity will continue in the same fashion.

The players DO need to be more vocal, but they need to direct it at the REAL problem with this organization, and it isn't Zorn. it's the Front Office. Unfortunatley, because it is such a wealthy organization filled with leftover overpriced free agents with no real team loyalty, I don't see anyone from the players side doing this in the near future.

The only way to fix it is to let your HEAD COACH run the team. Give him a chance to reorganize and cut the fat the way HE wants to, and trust that if he can get you 4 straight wins (including 2 road wins against division rivals) in his first year, using a simplified version of his offense with broken down players he had no choice in selecting, then he can certainly bring long term success in the future. If given a real chance.

I agree, if this team thinks that this losing streak is Zorn's fault they don't deserve a super bowl. With the current owner and front office, redskins fans should be thankful that our franchise isn't battling the Detriot Lions for the worse run franchise in the NFL.

The skins are in this position because Dan Snyder does not know what he is doing, and I am convinced Vinny has gone astray and has followed in Snyder's foot steps. Wasn't Vinny part of the 49er organization that won a Super Bowl?

The Redskins have a franchise RB, young talent at the WR and TE positions, a great secondary, and a solid LB core. The d-line and o-line are killing this team, and this has been a broken record year after year, but Snyder still refuses to draft linemen to replace the old veterans, which have played so well over the years but their time has come to move on.

It's not Campbell, it's not Zorn or Portis. It's not our O-line and D-line's fault. You can't the lines for bad protection or pass rush, they just are not good enough anymore, you have to place the blame on Snyder.


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