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Ravens record is the result of a weak schedule

redskins fan for life

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Ravens are getting a lot of hype, but they haven't beaten very many good teams. Let's look at their schedule so far this year...


Bengals twice

Browns twice










They have six "impressive" wins against teams in the bottom half of the league. The ravens have only two wins against teams with winning records- the dolphins, and the eagles when they were in the middle of a meltdown and kevin kolb played most of the game.

A stat that gets tossed around a lot is baltimore winning 5 of their past 6... well that's easy when four of those wins were against sub .500 teams. Baltimore's record is inflated, and the skins tomorrow will go in and show them how a real team plays.

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We lost to Tenn/Pitt by a combined six points. Indy has had our number every single time we've played them; Manning/Moore just know how to beat our defense. Our final loss was against the Giants, who look dynastical.

We have a rookie quarterback who has the highest QB rating in the NFL over the past seven weeks, in which we're averaging 31 points per game; three of our four losses came in his third, fourth and fifths games ever. His first two road games, both losses, were in Indianapolis and at Pittsburgh on MNF.

I'm fully aware that we've lost to some good teams, but football is a game of trends and streaks; the Giants won the Super Bowl last year because they got hot at the right time. Right now, the Ravens and 'Skins are moving in opposite directions. That isn't my opinion, it's a fact. I'm actually worried that we hit our stride a week or two early.

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Ravens are getting a lot of hype, but they haven't beaten very many good teams. Let's look at their schedule so far this year...


Bengals twice

Browns twice










They have six "impressive" wins against teams in the bottom half of the league. The ravens have only two wins against teams with winning records- the dolphins, and the eagles when they were in the middle of a meltdown and kevin kolb played most of the game.

A stat that gets tossed around a lot is baltimore winning 5 of their past 6... well that's easy when four of those wins were against sub .500 teams. Baltimore's record is inflated, and the skins tomorrow will go in and show them how a real team plays.

I was just arguing these exact same stats with 1 of my dumb cousins(cowgrl fan) earlier today. We have more quality wins and alot harder schedule. Don't get me wrong, Ravens are a good team this year. But they are not as good as evrybdy seems to think they are.

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I was just arguing these exact same stats with 1 of my dumb cousins(cowgrl fan) earlier today. We have more quality wins and alot harder schedule. Don't get me wrong, Ravens are a good team this year. But they are not as good as evrybdy seems to think they are.

We dominated Tennessee the entire game, but Cam Cameron had to reel in the horses as it was Flacco's fourth game ever. I'm not going to get into the specifics, but we had Collins in a long yardage situation, and Terrell Suggs accidentally touched him on the helmet. The refs called pass interference and the Titans ended up scoring a miracle touchdown in their final possession. I realize that all teams have these bad breaks, but we easily could've beaten them.

If you watched the Pittsburgh Monday night game, you saw that we also had the Steelers in utter chaos. The fans in Pitt were booing their own team as we dominated them in every facet of the game. Unfortunately, Flacco, in his first ever road game, had the ball stripped for a touchdown when we were up 10. At that juncture in the season, Joe did not have the arsenal that he currently has. This team could easily be 10-2 and you can't say that for our losses; we're beating teams by 26 points on average or something.

I'll give you Indy and New York, though. The Colts have proven they're for real again, and New York is just flat out amazing.

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...excuses, excuses, excuses

Every single team in the league can point to one or two plays in their close losses that they can say "cost them the game." But the reality is, wins are wins and losses are losses. No matter how close it may have been, results are in stone. Those are still losses on your record. This is football not horse shoes, close doesn't count.

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What might have been doesn't really matter... Skins should have won at least two more games as well (fumble in the rams game and moss dropping a pass inside the 20 in cowboys game)... You can say that the ravens just got unlucky, but they sure seem to get unlucky a lot in games against good teams. At some point you gotta stop calling it luck

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I did not say that the Ravens should have won those games. I was pointing out that merely saying the Ravens lost to good teams implies that we weren't competitive, which isn't true. The Redskins record does not indicate that they're particularly good, but if their offense just clicked a little bit more, they'd be a better team.

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Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda. I get tired of hearing about games that "should" have been won. Skins can't stretch the field and the Ravens D will feast on that. Skins have some of the worst pass rush in the NFL and its only going to allow Flaco the time he needs to make his reads. If the Balt D shuts down Portis and puts it on Campbell's ability, Skins lose hard.

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Are we really one to talk?

We have not beaten a good team for over two months. How are we different, outside of some wins early in the year, that mean nothing about where this team is now? I would be surprised if we beat the Ravens tomorrow, because the way we have been playing of late, we only beat teams that beat themselves(Lions, Browns, Seahawks).

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I'm all for enthusiasm and all, but given the state of ourselves the past month and more, y'all not think this should wait until AFTER the game tonight to trash talk Baltimore down? :doh:

Normally I'd be with you, but besides the fact the Ravens are playing good ball on BOTH sides of the ball, REGARDLESS of opposition, were currently in NO position to talk.


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We dominated Tennessee the entire game, but Cam Cameron had to reel in the horses as it was Flacco's fourth game ever. I'm not going to get into the specifics, but we had Collins in a long yardage situation, and Terrell Suggs accidentally touched him on the helmet. The refs called pass interference and the Titans ended up scoring a miracle touchdown in their final possession. I realize that all teams have these bad breaks, but we easily could've beaten them.

I think that call and the ATl/Philly punt call were the two worst I've seen in a looooooooooong time. I know I'm a Skins homer but hell the Ravens defense ain't no joke regardless of who they've played.

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The Ravens beat teams the should have beaten and lost to teams they should have.

The Redskins are similar. Except we lost to the Rams and beat a couple of teams early that we were favored to lose. HOWEVER, we are regressing so we really have no room to talk. The Ravens are getting better, and the Redskins are getting ****tier.

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Are we really one to talk?

We have not beaten a good team for over two months. How are we different, outside of some wins early in the year, that mean nothing about where this team is now? I would be surprised if we beat the Ravens tomorrow, because the way we have been playing of late, we only beat teams that beat themselves(Lions, Browns, Seahawks).

There's only 16 games in a season. It's not like we beat those teams a year and a half ago...we started our skid a month ago. :doh:

And the "we only beat teams that beat themselves" remark is simply laughable. It generally is, but it's even more so when we dominated those teams statistically and on the scoreboard.

Want to know how to keep it medium?

1. Don't apologize for a win.

2. Don't exaggerate a loss.

The Ravens have proven themselves to be a very, very good team over the past month. We're struggling offensively, but our defense will be in our corner, keeping it close. I think we'll lose, simply because 6 points generally isn't enough to win any game, but I think we're roughly on the Ravens' level. Should be entertaining stuff.

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There's only 16 games in a season. It's not like we beat those teams a year and a half ago...we started our skid a month ago. :doh:

And the "we only beat teams that beat themselves" remark is simply laughable. It generally is, but it's even more so when we dominated those teams statistically and on the scoreboard.

Want to know how to keep it medium?

1. Don't apologize for a win.

2. Don't exaggerate a loss.

The Ravens have proven themselves to be a very, very good team over the past month. We're struggling offensively, but our defense will be in our corner, keeping it close. I think we'll lose, simply because 6 points generally isn't enough to win any game, but I think we're roughly on the Ravens' level. Should be entertaining stuff.

I couldn't agree more. The bottom line is that this is going to be a great game. We're dealing with two pretty equal teams, when it comes to talent. The only real difference is that the Ravens are hot and the Skins are tanking, at the moment. You still have to give both teams credit for where they are, based on their expectations in the beginning of the year. You can say anything you want, but it will still be a close battle that I can't wait to watch.

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I've seen just about every Ravens game this year. You are what your record says you are. But don't play the woulda shoulda coulda game. In that case the Browns should have one more win for letting Flacco convert a 3rd and 20 2 tds down. We're not saying you lost to bad teams, but your record shows you can't beat good teams. Your record indicates that. One thing I can say about the Skins is that we are consistent. It's rare we get blown out. Aside from Pittsburgh who is arguably the best team in the AFC and last week against the Giants the best team in the NFC, we have been in every game. Tonight our secondary will exploit the Ravens receiving corp and Joe Flacco. McClain, McGehee, and Rice will be held in check and I strongly believe the better talent overall will win this game. Do I want to go with the quarterback that beat dallas or the quarterback that beat Oakland. Hmm..........

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Well I've mulled over this a bit and while the Ravens schedule inflates their dominance/wins a bit, they still blew out the lesser talents, and hung tough with the tougher opponents they lost to.

While we barely beat the browns, lions and lost to the rams. We've blown out no one good or bad...but have been in plenty of close games win or lose.

We started hot but have fizzled, it's hard to argue against Ravnet..but this is why the games are played, you can look at all of this stuff, strength of schedule, getting hot, lucky, unlucky whatever...but no one truly knows until the game has been played.


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We started hot but have fizzled


That fizzle statement is one that everyone uses right now. But honestly I don't think we have fizzled, we've just played very good teams. The Steelers, Cowboys, and Giants are all arguably three of the top five teams in the league. That is a VERY HARD SCHEDULE! We played Seattle with Hasselbeck and Branch back in action and still beat them in their house. So lets just see how we play this game to determine if we have lost our sizzle and have started to fizzle..

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I've seen just about every Ravens game this year. You are what your record says you are. But don't play the woulda shoulda coulda game. In that case the Browns should have one more win for letting Flacco convert a 3rd and 20 2 tds down. We're not saying you lost to bad teams, but your record shows you can't beat good teams. Your record indicates that.

Again, I never said that the Ravens should have won the Pitt/Tenn games, I was pointing out that saying we merely lost is oversimplifying things.

One thing I can say about the Skins is that we are consistent. It's rare we get blown out. Aside from Pittsburgh who is arguably the best team in the AFC and last week against the Giants the best team in the NFC, we have been in every game.

What you just said would lead me to believe that the Ravens are the superior team. We've also "only" been blown out by two very good teams, but the difference is that we can take care of the mediocre/bad franchises.

Do I want to go with the quarterback that beat dallas or the quarterback that beat Oakland. Hmm..........

I'll be as objective as possible here by saying that I'd rather have Flacco not only for the future of my franchise, but for the short-term as well.

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