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"Safe" Stereotypes?


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The other thread got me thinking-

what are some safe stereotypes in your opinion? Stereotypes that either you really believe to have merit... OR... are for some reason viewed as politically correct by society that you have no problem throwing out there?

i.e. White guys can't dance, or the lower back tattoo means a girl is easy, men are pigs, people who live in TN are ignorant, people who live in California are flakes, etc.

Let's hear 'em.

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The other thread got me thinking-

what are some safe stereotypes in your opinion? Stereotypes that either you really believe to have merit... OR... are for some reason viewed as politically correct by society that you have no problem throwing out there?

i.e. White guys can't dance, or the lower back tattoo means a girl is easy, men are pigs, people who live in TN are ignorant, people who live in California are flakes, etc.

Let's hear 'em.

asians are good in math

white people from the south are rednecks

mexicans are extremely hard workers

not ALL are going to be true in each one but it does fit for the stereotype.

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zoony trying to set me up with a perma-ban.

(I'll keep my gameday thoughts to meself next time.) ;)

this thread could go down the tubes very quickly, however I'm counting on the forbearance of our membership to keep it above the low water mark :)

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And I guess the larger question- why are some okay and some not? Who gets to decide?

1) If the stereotype is a good trait then many times it may be overlooked...

asians are good in math

Not many Asians will come out and say i am Asian and dumb as a rock, although there will be someone will always complain, even if it doesn't effect them.

2) If the person in question doesn't care ...

i.e. White guys can't dance

Not many white guys will come out and make an uproar, Hey I can dance I learned everything Vanilla Ice ever did.

3) It is true....

Philly fans are trash

Cowboy fans are ghey

Giant fans are stooooopid

Skins fans are the best at sex and the most awesome of all

Enough said ;)
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When I lived by myself a group of Mexicans moved into the apartment above me.

Every single stereotype you can think of was going in in that apt.

15 people in one room, Mexican music playing (with the horns and guitars), they all worked for a landscaping company and worked like 12 hr days.

I never saw it myself but I heard they had **** fights in the utility shed in the back of the complex.

The biggest benefit was that the bushes outside the bldg never looked better!

They were a nice group and other than the loud music sometimes they didnt bother me.

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mexicans are extremely hard workers

see around me the stereotype is Mexicans are NOT hard workers...but then again neither are the Puerto Ricans.

Asians can't drive

Asians always have a camera on them

pierced tongue girl is easy, loves oral, is bi-sexual

Religious people are closed minded and reject all science says

Jewish people are cheap

OK I'll think of more later...

I don't think stereotypes are good at all. Yeah I've been guilty of em, and I also think some of em are damn funny. But as I said before, I hope I have learned enough through my travels to stop stereotyping people....unless its meant for a joke and the person is a friend of mine ;)

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