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One positive: Much better crowd


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I thought the crowd was fine last night.

The ratio of Cowboys to Skins fans was about normal at 75% Skins 25% Dallas. The Boys fans seemed a little less obnoxious than usual, maybe b/c they're having a bummer of a season. Nobody pissed me off except our team.

The Cave was a rockin good time despite those final four minutes of torture.

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crowd was alot better this week, my section was rocking my voice is gone and my head hurts, work was brutal this morning. we ever gving all the cowgirl fans the ruckus in 428. my friend got told they were gona kick him out if he kept throwin cowgirl fans hats.dallas fans wernt as obnoxious as usal with their non football knowledge front running nonsense other than the dude who was about 130 that tried to fight me when i walking down the steps, i told him id break his face if he touched me and he shut his mouth real quick. But on another positive note i had some girl come up to after the game and tell me she was happy how me and friend kept the section rowdy all game

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Everyone that said it was loud last night is right. Up until I was told I was causing a problem by making noise. Section 306 row 14.

We yell like that every game,not just Dallas game. I enjoy screaming and hollerin as well as everyone does. Its part of being there and supporting them team. About mid way through the 2nd quarter I was watching the game when the beer/concession lady squeezes all the way down to the middle of our row to tell us that we are getting complaints. I said "sorry and what's there that I can do to not cause a problem?" She said "be quiet and stay seated" I was then kinda shocked and said "Go Skins Right?" She responded "no,go Dallas".

She scooted out of out isle during play,then went and took and order from a Cowboy and was looking at us like he told her to do that. The whole rest of the game these two were like BF/GF buddies and he was obnoxious as can be but we can't do anything.

I asked my fellow fans around me if we were being a problem and they said "hell no you're great."

I don't know what to say,I spend 3 grand on season tickets and get treated like I am tresspassing. I drive from Va beach every game both ways in one day to deal with that. I don't know,I pour my soul into this team and get what in return,about 'fed' up with it. Its either to the point where I am getting cheaper seats down low where I may be able to scream and holler or just stay at home and save my money.

Hey Snyder throw a tantrum about this loss too? Hey I got an idea,put the Club Level up high in the nosebleeds if that is the section that is supposed to be mellow and not making an note of noise.


3 year holder of 2 Club Level seats

That's lame. I've heard plenty of "hushing stories" from the club section. My advice...get out of there. I was in 124 last night, and 136 at the steelers game. Not a single person ever sat down the entire game, NOT ONCE! And yelling loud was highly encouraged on defense. The 100s and 400s are pretty much always rowdy. 200s and 300s are hit or miss.


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yea no one ever dared to tell me to sit down b/c it wasnt gona happen. my friend who is a cowboys fan got the business down in section 124 or somthing like that he got knocked out and when i saw him after the game he had blood all over his baber jersey he said he didnt remeber what happend but i know he was runing his mouth and he said he was and guess he just ran into the wrong dude

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With 6:50 left when we failed on 4th and 4 a lot of people headed for the exits. We still had 2 timeouts left and were down 4. That's a disgrace!

I live in Jersey and I'm giving up my season tickets. I can buy individual games for less than face except for Dallas. Even those tickets weren't ridiculous. You don't have so many visiting teams' fans at a game or have their own fans leave that early in Philly or Giants stadium.

I used to go to RFK when I could and that was the toughest ticket in sports. I know this stadium's a lot bigger but come on. What happened to the fan base?

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The reason that RFK was better was that teams in that era recognized how the fans could help in a close, hard fought game. And they gave fans something to cheer for. My memories of Fed Ex thus far (Been to at least 15 games) are too often filled with bitter disappointment.

I can understand that players were mad at the Steelers invasion. Well, there's one sure way to make sure that doesn't happen often. WIN DAMNIT!!! I'm sick and tired of opposing fans coming there and then laughing in our faces as we make that long walk back to the parking lot.

People will still sell key games to make their money. And that's their right to do so. But if our team can actually show up for a change then maybe more of those tix will go to Redskins fans (like me) who have big families and can only afford to see them a couple of times a season.

They're not getting my $ this year though. After the Rams debacle, I've had my fill of a team that doesn't really appreciate the opportunities laid before them.

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90000 drunk belligerent people exiting a testosterone-fest...youre asking for a miracle here. just deal with it. just like people complaining about the cussing or the swearing...90000 people...just deal.

What did you happen to think the game was in PA with those bunch of Yankee retards. You must have been one of the drunk fools!

Not to much for people to act like the have at least half a FCkin brain! And 6 of the 12 of us that went to the game don't drink, so redo your math!

But onto the thread REDSKIN NATION was alive and well! Nothing like the burg mess.

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Embarrassing. That's how I would describe the Redskins fan base.

I've been at every home game for the past 2 years and that is my opinion on it.

The fans let the Cowboys fans (20% of the stadium) start making noise on the 4th and 4 play. Never would the Eagles fans allow that in their stadium.

What is your suggestion as to how the home team fans are to quiet the opposing team fans? Personally, I think it's up to the home TEAM to quiet the opposing fans with their spectacular, domination of the opposing TEAM. Which our beloved Redskins have yet to do.

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Agreed the crowd was great last night, but one thing that I can't seem to understand is why the FedEx crew after the game is not doing their job letting cars out of the parking lot. I had to push my car through the fans because there was nobody there to stop them. I could have sat there all night if I had not done that. Fans leaving the game walking need to understand that there are lots of people that are trying to get home just as they are. Have some decency to let some cars go instead of keeping on walking when you can see a car trying to get out. Other than that the fans were great.

With all due respect, although I can understand your feelings, I dont agree. Try having to walk in the cold and then wait in a shuttle line for over an hour in the cold (before someone says just buy a whatever lot spot, remember that not everyone that goes to the game will be able to be in those spots for various reasons, such as there are not enough for every car that goes there, etc). I would GLADLY trade spots with you in that situation. Not to mention several near fights in which you basically have to defend your spot in line because of the trash that thinks it is ok to try to squezze their way to the front and not have to wait. In that situation, I could not care less if someone sitting in their heated car had to wait at all. The white trash/ghetto trash is out of control at these games. My wife and I were commenting on how great the fan base is to still come to that pathetic excuse of a stadium. By far the worst set-up and game day experience either of us has ever been to. I challenge steelers/packers/etc fans to have as difficult and painful a set-up and game day experience as us and fill a 90k+ seat stadium every week. If I were the owner, I would be ashamed to sell that experience.

ravens stadium really isnt that much better a stadium. The massive advantage they have is that you can, for the most part, park A LOT closer and get in and out easier.

That being said: :dallasuck

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The fans let the Cowboys fans (20% of the stadium) start making noise on the 4th and 4 play. Never would the Eagles fans allow that in their stadium.

I don't know what game you were at, but there was nowhere near 20% cowboy fans. There were many more Steeler fans, that was around 20%, well 100% by the 4th quarter.

I thought it was rocking IMO. :cheers: Maybe your section sucked ;) I had no problems as I destroyed my voice out and stood almost the entire time in the club level.

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Honestly, the crowd was a lot weaker than the MNF Cowboys game and SNF Eagles game in 2004, and the SNF Eagles game in 2005. I did not go to the Cowboys game in 2005, so no comment on that.

Considering we were 4-9 in 2004 versus the Eagles and still put up quite a show, I was disappointed in the crowd last night.

The guy who mentioned the 4th and 4 was absolutely correct....

The Dallas safety started waving his arms up to ignite the crowd when the Redskins lined up to go for it on fourth down... And predictably the stadium started to rumble. That was disgusting.

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I can understand some tickets getting in the hands of opposing fans. What I can't understand is how arrogant these fans can be. They have no fear of taunting our own fan base. We shouldn't let that happen. No violence you say, how about some intimidation?

I know Philly fans are over the top but Giant fans are pretty good. You can root for your opposing team as I have for the Redskins in Giants stadium without a problem. But I can assure you if I taunt Giant fans around me I'm gonna pay for it. Let's get some pride back.

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What did you happen to think the game was in PA with those bunch of Yankee retards. You must have been one of the drunk fools!

Not to much for people to act like the have at least half a FCkin brain! And 6 of the 12 of us that went to the game don't drink, so redo your math!

But onto the thread REDSKIN NATION was alive and well! Nothing like the burg mess.

OK pal, taking your "sample size" 45000 drunks and 45000 sober people. Ever heard of "crowd control?" They do it for hundreds...when its nearly 100 THOUSAND people...its like water dude it just flows. For people to complain that they cant drive through a sea of people...no kidding???

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The Dallas safety started waving his arms up to ignite the crowd when the Redskins lined up to go for it on fourth down... And predictably the stadium started to rumble. That was disgusting.

Lets be real...at LEAST 80% of the noise was stupid skins fans who scream and shout on offense. Nothing new here...

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I don't know what game you were at, but there was nowhere near 20% cowboy fans. There were many more Steeler fans, that was around 20%, well 100% by the 4th quarter.

I thought it was rocking IMO. :cheers: Maybe your section sucked ;) I had no problems as I destroyed my voice out and stood almost the entire time in the club level.

I was in 314. I felt the same. I don't leave until the is game over so maybe 99% for steel game?:D

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Skins always show up for the Pukes...

Tell me about it. People I barely even know, more like acquaintances I'll run into once a year but never talk to regularly will call me up looking for cheap tickets and parking passes during Dallas week. It's kind of an insult to my fandom. I feel like getting snotty w/them and being like "dude, where were you when AZ, and St. Louis came to town when the weather was nice and tix were cheap? Now you want to go b/c it's Dallas in primetime but you won't wake up early on Sunday mornings to come tailgate w/me".


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Tell me about it. People I barely even know, more like acquaintances I'll run into once a year but never talk to regularly will call me up looking for cheap tickets and parking passes during Dallas week. It's kind of an insult to my fandom. I feel like getting snotty w/them and being like "dude, where were you when AZ, and St. Louis came to town when the weather was nice and tix were cheap? Now you want to go b/c it's Dallas in primetime but you won't wake up early on Sunday mornings to come tailgate w/me.


I've said it before and I'll say it again - there are a whole lot of so-called Redskins fans who are actually *******, pansies, and candy-asses.
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It was a more lively crowd than what I've seen in other games this season, that's for sure.

I just get very annoyed when I see a Skins fan so drunk they can barely stand and they won't stop talking **** to everyone around them, even other Skins fans because they are trying to be a hardass. This one guy was doing it in my section and I was actually hoping a Cowboy fan that he was directing some of his **** to would get up and beat the crap out of him.

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Everyone that said it was loud last night is right. Up until I was told I was causing a problem by making noise. Section 306 row 14.

We yell like that every game,not just Dallas game. I enjoy screaming and hollerin as well as everyone does. Its part of being there and supporting them team. About mid way through the 2nd quarter I was watching the game when the beer/concession lady squeezes all the way down to the middle of our row to tell us that we are getting complaints. I said "sorry and what's there that I can do to not cause a problem?" She said "be quiet and stay seated" I was then kinda shocked and said "Go Skins Right?" She responded "no,go Dallas".

She scooted out of out isle during play,then went and took and order from a Cowboy and was looking at us like he told her to do that. The whole rest of the game these two were like BF/GF buddies and he was obnoxious as can be but we can't do anything.

I asked my fellow fans around me if we were being a problem and they said "hell no you're great."

I don't know what to say,I spend 3 grand on season tickets and get treated like I am tresspassing. I drive from Va beach every game both ways in one day to deal with that. I don't know,I pour my soul into this team and get what in return,about 'fed' up with it. Its either to the point where I am getting cheaper seats down low where I may be able to scream and holler or just stay at home and save my money.

Hey Snyder throw a tantrum about this loss too? Hey I got an idea,put the Club Level up high in the nosebleeds if that is the section that is supposed to be mellow and not making an note of noise.


3 year holder of 2 Club Level seats

I'd complain about that...inexcusable.

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