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Liberals clinically mad


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Mental Disorder? Nah, I'd say its a Spiritual one, after all doesn't the desire spring from the Coveting of thy Neighbor's posessions?

or the instinct to do good for others outside of your own personal interests... now, that's crazy. Funding hospitals, schools, courts, I mean what has paying taxes ever done for me.

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Actually, in the Radio Hour that comes out tomorrow we do have a real wacko.. Tom went into a political chat room and recorded this woman... holy smokes.

I'm telling you, real people are FREAKS.

Oh, and for fun he also recorded an Eagles fan watching his team getting beat last Subday,, that one is funny, he's ready to fire the whole team, and a 49ers fan in a chat room crying about his team losing to the Cardinals.. he lays down some ultimatums.

Fun stuff.



I am good.

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Except I'm not a democrat. I'm another independent, sick to death of the ridiculous horse**** that guys like you flood into the lives of thinking people. it's a never ending game of "my dick is bigger than yours", and it is SO childish and SO old.

I have no patience for narrow minded tunnel visioned goose-steppers like yourself.

And as my post pointed out to most everyone, it is a tiresome circle.

One thing that is troubling to me... a lot of you GOPers seem to have absolutely no clue that this kind of bull**** is what has cost you the trust of the American people. This kind of arrogant insulting garbage has ruined the reputation and standing of your party.

And like a good drone, you mindlessly ignore it, instead blaming your defeat on everyone else's stupidity and mental illness.

Grow up.


Bang is sexually frustrated, just listen to his anger. (must be that small dick he was talking about). He always has something to say about everything, .. what i call a busy body loudmouth you hope doesn't ever lives next to you. I was teasing him and look at his explosive response. From what i can tell based on your response Mr wonderful its you who is childish (man Child)..

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Bang is sexually frustrated, just listen to his anger. (must be that small dick he was talking about). He always has something to say about everything, .. what i call a busy body loudmouth you hope doesn't ever lives next to you. I was teasing him and look at his explosive response. From what i can tell based on your response Mr wonderful its you who is childish (man Child)..

Nice job there Dr. Freud.

Here's a suggestion.

Have some balls.

If you're going to be purposely inflammatory by posting up an article of supposed medical proof that liberals are mentally ill, when someone answers your "teasing" don't get all namby pamby and cry about it like up there in the post I just quoted.


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Bang is sexually frustrated, just listen to his anger. (must be that small dick he was talking about). He always has something to say about everything, .. what i call a busy body loudmouth you hope doesn't ever lives next to you. I was teasing him and look at his explosive response. From what i can tell based on your response Mr wonderful its you who is childish (man Child)..

You really are a little waterboy, aren't you.

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or the instinct to do good for others outside of your own personal interests... now, that's crazy. Funding hospitals, schools, courts, I mean what has paying taxes ever done for me.

Well as a Christian I have a different belief concerning the tendency of man, however, by liberalism here, it sounds more like Socialism than just pure humanitarian help. Who is against Funding Hospitals? That is what I believe is called a "straw man" argument.

Anyways, you act like only Liberals care about things like that which would be an incorrect generalization. Courts are necessary to have rule of law. Schools is an issue that has some difference in implementation between conservative and liberal opinions but that is not to say that we are against education either.

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Let me ask you something - do you even know what "liberal" means, its history, and its impact on the West?

The problem is that the Right has demonized the word without even making its definition known, so that folks, perhaps such as yourself, do not even bother understanding exactly what this term means in political context.

What's odd is that Islamic militants also rant and rave about Western liberalism, because they disagree with concepts such as free speech, women's rights, equality, and market economics.

Isn't it something that American right-wingers and Islamic conservative mullahs can find common cause?

A liberal is someone that believes in personal freedom for the individual. Unfortunately the right has fooled everyone into believing that liberal & left-wing are the same thing, they are not. Nearly all, if not all, of the founding fathers were "Eastern Liberal Elite" despite the rightwing trying to turn them into Right Wing Jesus Freaks. The reason nut jobs like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, & Sean Hannity can run their mouths is because of liberal principles like "Freedom of Speech" & "Freedom of the Press". The "Declaration of Independence" is a liberal document as is the "Bill of Rights". Simply put if you believe that someone who completely disagrees with you has as much right to their opinion as you then you are liberal. So I don't take serious an article written by someone who obviously doesn't know the meaning of the word. I"m a liberal pro-choice gun owner who hunts & likes auto racing according to the right I don't exist yet here I sit.

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Bang is sexually frustrated, just listen to his anger. (must be that small dick he was talking about). He always has something to say about everything, .. what i call a busy body loudmouth you hope doesn't ever lives next to you. I was teasing him and look at his explosive response. From what i can tell based on your response Mr wonderful its you who is childish (man Child)..

Explosive? That was hardly explosive. Grow some thicker skin nancy boy.

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huh, I guess I've been right. The word liberal is like sunlight to a vampire with regard to a democrat. They hate it and don't want to be called it.

I guess we now know why.

There are so many things wrong with this statement on so many levels. Where does one begin?

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Bang is sexually frustrated, just listen to his anger. (must be that small dick he was talking about). He always has something to say about everything, .. what i call a busy body loudmouth you hope doesn't ever lives next to you. I was teasing him and look at his explosive response. From what i can tell based on your response Mr wonderful its you who is childish (man Child)..

Poof. Be gone.

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"creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization" - You're against us just because we are religious. Jesus was killed for our sins. The war on Christmas and Christian values. Why are you trying to destroy our marriages with your gayness?

"satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;" - I am holy because Jesus says so. I get to go to heaven because I have been good, I am getting compensated for praising Jesus.

"augmenting primitive feelings of envy;" - It's so bad it's one of the seven deadly sins in our culture.

"rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the god" - It writes itself.

When you have nothing to say in your defense, it is best to just attack the other side with same such "Well, you too!!!". Nice work Vicious.

To be fair you have your 11% on each side that like to takes things too far. I'm a fan of smaller, less intrusive government.

To include the cradle to grave and the wiretapping/camera's all over the city. Obama should fix all of it though.

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