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Stu Rasmussen - America's first ever tranny mayor!


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Stu Rasmussen - America's first ever tranny mayor! Stu served two years as mayor of Silverton, Oregon in the 90s as a dude, but this time around he's decided to quit hiding who he is and run for office proudly showing off his titty implants. Stu said he was afraid when running for mayor the second time, because he thought people wouldn't be able to look past the fact that he's a man dressing as a woman. But when he started to talk about the real issues, they listened and it didn't matter anymore that he was wearing make-up or a dress. Stu beat his opponnent by a landslide.

Stu considers himself a straight man who has breasts and likes to dress in women's clothes. He has a girlfriend. Stu has always considered himself transgendered but only came out a couple of years ago.

Below is a video of Stu looking hot in his little town and talking about his victory. It was hard for me to focus on his words, because I couldn't stop staring at the movie theater in the back. Sunday matinee for $3.50?!!!!!!!! We don't get that **** here! I still have to pay $11-$12! I'm going to Silverton where they embrace the trannies and Sunday matinees are less than $5!


thats just so comical to me I dont even know where to begin. I am on joke overload here!!

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Isn't Oregon the state that we keep getting articles posted about bestiality? Or maybe thats washington. It's one of the two.

It must be the picturesque scenery and beautiful landscapes that attracts all the sexual deviants to the Pac NW

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