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Who Influenced You to Become a Fan?


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My aunt passed away last night, the person who is responsible for me becoming a Redskins fan. I live in Iowa with only a few Redskins fans around. God forbid that I would never have received any Redskins clothes, stuff, etc. from her since I was a little kid, because I probably would have ended up a Vikes, Chiefs, Bears, or Packers fan. I can't stand the thought. But I am a diehard 'Skins fan like the rest of all of you, who are mostly from the east coast. I'll be flying out to Maryland Sunday through Wednesday for the funeral. If my work wasn't going through a big transition, I'd definately be there for a dream game of mine. Cowboys at Fedex for a night game. Anyway, do me a favor and give thanks from the bottom of your heart, to the person who got you to like the Redskins. If anyone wants to share their story, feel free.

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grandfather (mom's dad), my dad.

I even had a Redskins onesie that my parents got at a huge tent set up outside a gas station right before the 1989 super bowl.

We still have a pic and there were a TON of people in a really big tent...lots of fans, supporting the team...those were the days :(

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My old man gave me a bright Yellow redskins jacket, the logo was the big RadioShack 'R'. I hated it, never liked it until now. He would make be wear it when I was little. He bought the jacket after he won a bet. He loves the skins hates campbell but is a huge Horton fan.

Now that I'm older I always wear that jacket to the games (its small but still fits) We both miss RFK

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Sorry to hear about your Aunt Acason5, but to answer your question it would have to be my Mom and Dad. They took me to games since I could remember, dressed me up with scabs on my face for a game during the strike, got into a box for a MNF game against the broncos when I was in like 2nd grade, and many other times back in the day when we couldn't go to the stadium they would be cheering their asses off for the 'Skins while watching the tube before I really understood what was up.

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Started watching away games with my dad and uncles around '65. My dad passed away the day after we beat the Cowboys 35-7 in '05. I asked my mom if he saw the game and she said "no." She said he was afraid he'd jinx the Skins if he did. I learned a lot about the Skins over the years from him.

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Sorry for your loss, brother. Atleast she now has season tickets next to ST.

Big surprise here, I know, but my father was the one who influenced me. Ill never forget my stepdad brought home two football posters when I was like 5 or 6. One was a Falcons poster, the other a Dallas poster. Obviously, at that age I didnt have a clue. And this was what, 1982ish, and back then the falcons shouldnt even have had a poster. I just knew I had recognized one of the guys on the Dallas poster, Ed 'Too Tall' Jones. You guessed it, I picked the cowboys poster.

Well, needless to say, next time my dad came over and saw that hideous thing hanging above my bed, he mercilessly shamed me. Lesson learned. That day marked the beginning of my, often described as ridiculous, fanhhod. Thanx dad.

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Sorry to hear about your aunt, acason5.

My Mom is who started me in being a Redskins fan.

She passed it on to me and her parents passed it down to her.

When the Redskins first moved to DC in 1937, my grandparents became Redskins fan listening to them on the radio while my grandmother was pregnant with my mother.

Like motorhead, I too remember watching Redskins games on a Black and White TV back in the 60’s when I was a little kid.

So you can say I am a 3rd generation Redskins fan.

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My Dad was a Skins fan. Not as rabid as I am...but my sister & I always got Redskins stuff for Christmas. He always got us the "hard to find" stuff. I grew up in a small community that's about an hour from where I live now..so Redskins games were a mere dream as a kid. It seemed so far away. Back then you only got regional game coverage, so the Skins were all we saw on Sundays just about. Almost all of my friends were Redskins fans as well.

So I owe all of my years of happiness, frustration, and fandom to my dear old Dad who passed away 7 years ago. I'm sure he welcomed ST into the fold w/a smile on his face.

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like a random genetic mutation, I spawned from nothing :) I grew up in no man's land when it comes to football. My dad is a Vikings fan, my mom is a Jets fan, my younger sister is a steelers fan, and my younger brother and I are skins fans. I made sure to get to my brother before anyone else could. My sister unfortunately couldn't be saved. My earliest football memory is Darrell Green's punt return against the Bears in the '87 playoffs and its been nothing but B&G ever since.

I would love nothing more than to be able to start the 'family tradition' so many of you speak of when I get around to having one of my own.

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dad. While I was outside playing, I still remember him running out on the deck and dancing and singing Hail to the Redskins after Darrell Green returned the punt for a TD against the Bears in the playoffs... I had a friend over and he didn't want to watch the game. I was a fan before that, but that is when I knew it was something special.

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My dad - he was a fan of the Skins and one of the main reasons was because of Joe Gibbs. My dad is a big character guy and our "hometown" team is the Eagles whose coach was Buddy Ryan. So I always remember my dad impressing upon me the importance of good sportsmanship and character.

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Nobody influenced me. I got really into football for the first time when I was about 6 years old, and noticed they showed Redskins games every week. Since I always got to watch them, they grew on me, and I found myself getting highly upset when they'd lose. Then I became obsessed with them, started buying all the memorabilia, etc.

When I was 11 years old, we had a huge family reunion/Christmas party. It was there that I discovered that my family had almost 100 living members, and we were all die hard Redskins fans. It was a great day :)

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My grandfather and dad pulled me in. I can remember going over to my grandparents house on Sunday's and watching 'Skins football. Somehow, the Redskins became so much bigger to me. My dad is a huge fan, but not as much as me. We go up to a game every year, I get the sat. package, I collect stuff. My wife says I am obsessed, but I think I am a normal fan...lol.

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French TV back to SB XXVII, that was the first time SB highlights were broadcasted as well as a report to explain the rules of american football.

I got the rules but had no background whatsoever about football. They played a lot of shortcuts about the Cowboys, the Niners, Steelers. I was impressed by Riggins plays and character, I liked the helmet, the jersey.

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