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Elizabeth Dole calls her opponent "Godless" in ad


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(CNN) — The already-contentious North Carolina Senate race took a brutal turn Wednesday after incumbent Sen. Elizabeth Dole released a television ad suggesting challenger Kay Hagan is "Godless."

“A leader of the Godless Americans PAC recently held a secret fundraiser for Kay Hagan,” the 30-second ad says before showing clips from members of the group declaring God and Jesus do not exist.

“Godless Americans and Kay Hagan. She hid from cameras. Took godless money,” the ad's narrator also says. “What did Kay Hagan promise in return?”

Watch: Dole hits airwaves with 'Godless' ad

The ad ends with a female voice declaring, "There is no God." That quote is delivered by someone who sounds like Hagan, but those words have never been said by the candidate.

The Dole campaign says it's basing its charge on Hagan's attendance at a fundraiser that was in the home of an advisor to the Godless Americans’ political action committee, a group that promotes rights for atheists.

In a conference call with reporters Wednesday, Hagan said she has never heard of the Godless PAC and said the fundraiser in question had more than 40 hosts, including Sen. John Kerry. She also said she has contacted her lawyers to issue a cease-and-desist order on the commercial.

"I am absolutely appalled at Elizabeth Dole's vile tactics," Hagan said. “This is politics of the worst kind, and I know it has been rejected by North Carolinians at every level. It is so unbecoming of a woman like Elizabeth Dole. This is a fabricated, pathetic ad."

Hagan went on to strongly defend her faith: "I am a Sunday school teacher, I am an elder at First Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, my family has been going to this church for over 100 years, I have raised my children there. I have been involved in youth missions."

A National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman defended the ad.

"Kay Hagan recently attended a fundraiser held in the home of a founding member of the Godless Americans PAC," Online Communications Director John Randall said. "Now Hagan believes it is unfair to associate her with the group even though the soiree raised her thousands of dollars in campaign cash. I guess money is more important to Hagan than principles."

Recent polls suggest Hagan — a Democratic state senator from Greensboro who began the race at a major money disadvantage to Dole — is now leading the incumbent slightly with only days remaining before Election Day.

Another sad day in US politics

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Yep. Just as bad as this from her opponents:

Body Armor Claim: Still False and Nasty

October 24, 2008


Liberal vets group attacks Dole, recycling one of the worst 'Whoppers of 2006.'


The liberal group VoteVets.org is running an ad claiming that Republican Sen. Elizabeth Dole "voted against giving our troops" life-saving body armor.

It's a slightly revised version of an ad the same group ran against four GOP senators in the 2006 election. The claim was false and nasty then, and it's false and nasty now.

The truth is that there was never a vote to deny body armor to troops, period. Neither of the two funding measures Vote Vets now cites in support of its claim mention body armor specifically, and neither could have resulted in the purchase of more body armor. At the time, the military was already buying every piece of body armor the economy could produce, and Pentagon officials said funding was sufficient.

See link for full nastiness...

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she's just pissed she is going to lose North Carolina's senate race. She's been behind in the polls there for about a month.

You are absolutely correct. Not to mention, she has done nothing for NC since she has been a senator except help make the rich richer. She ran the same kind of race the last time she was up for re-election (though I'll admit, not as bad as this go round). She really is a *****.

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Amazing that the party that had full control 2 years ago is so desperate such a short time later. Unless something really surprising happens the GOP is going to suffer a crushing loss in 6 days.

Good. Time to kick out the goons that took over the party and bring back the "paleo-conservatives".

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Except that wasn't from the campaign itself.

Agreed. And, politicians, for as long as I remember, say the other person voted or didn't vote for a particular thing that was embedded in another bill that they approve/dissapprove of. That is classic politician. Attacking someones faith, someone who is an elder at a church her family has been attending for over 100 years, is really low...even for politicians

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Agreed. And, politicians, for as long as I remember, say the other person voted or didn't vote for a particular thing that was embedded in another bill that they approve/dissapprove of. That is classic politician. Attacking someones faith, someone who is an elder at a church her family has been attending for over 100 years, is really low...even for politicians
Obviously that's pretty low. Kind of on par with scaremongering Senior Citizens about Medicare. ;)
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I think it's perfectly acceptable to show the voters who your opponent associates themselves with, both for money and for policy.

Every Dem in the nation is claiming their opponent is part of Bush's Govt.

Pointing out that Hagan accepted money from this group is no different.

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You're going to have to follow that up with something.
You're gonna ask Brandi that same question right?
You are absolutely correct. Not to mention, she has done nothing for NC since she has been a senator except help make the rich richer. She ran the same kind of race the last time she was up for re-election (though I'll admit, not as bad as this go round). She really is a *****.
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