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Senator Obama: "I would make a bad President"


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'I Would Make A Bad President,' Obama Says In Huge Campaign Blunder

TALLAHASSEE, FL—In a campaign gaffe that could potentially jeopardize Sen. Barack Obama's White House bid, the Democratic presidential nominee told nearly 8,000 supporters Tuesday that, if elected, he would be a terrible president.

The blunder, captured by all major media outlets and broadcast live on CNN, occurred when the typically polished Obama fielded a question about his health care policy. Obama answered by saying he would give small business owners a tax credit to help them provide health care for their employees, and then added, "Now, I'm not completely certain that my plan would work because, overall, I think I would make a bad president."

According to sources, before those on hand could fully process what Obama had said, the Illinois senator continued to stumble, claiming that, were he to win the general election, he'd have absolutely no idea what to do.

"My youth and inexperience would definitely make me an awful president," said Obama, whose seven-minute misstep was further exacerbated when he called himself "no expert" on the economy. "To be perfectly honest, I'd be worried about putting me in charge of the most powerful military in the world because I'm not any good when it comes to making important decisions. Also, I'm not sure how much I care about keeping this great nation of ours safe."

"I'm an elitist, I hate Israel, and I want to lose the war in Iraq," Obama concluded, and then, seemingly unaware of the magnitude of his blunder, smiled, gave a thumbs-up to the stunned crowd, and urged his supporters to get out and vote on Nov. 4..........

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What fun would that be? :)

I'm really not trying to be a dick because I found the article (as I do most everything on The Onion) to be hilarious, but rules 8-10 in the "Rules and Guidelines" announcement on this site of ours state pretty clearly and emphatically that you should have clear thread titles that include the names of other media sources from which thread material is gleaned.

SHF, you've been around a long while. Why don't the rules apply to you?

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Jokes my friend, jokes

We often have "Onion" articles posted in this manner. That what adds the comedic value to them

If a mod PM's me and asks me to change the title, I will

If that's all you got, I'd just leave the joking to the professionals. Rules is rules.

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Anyone who has been on ES for more than a week knows that the Onion articles are treated a lil different. Seriously, if a thread title said:

Per the Onioin: Senator Obama: "I would make a bad President"

Would anyone click on the link and actually read the article? Lighten up people. Enjoy the joke.

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Anyone who has been on ES for more than a week knows that the Onion articles are treated a lil different. Seriously, if a thread title said:

Per the Onioin: Senator Obama: "I would make a bad President"

Would anyone click on the link and actually read the article? Lighten up people. Enjoy the joke.

Oh, ok. I get it. The rules don't apply, as long as whoever's breaking them is doing so for a joke.

And I've been registered here for far longer than you have:D

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