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Obama, candidate of Lucifer..

Cooked Crack

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The Devil Is In the Details: Another Obama Connection You Ought to Know About

Could Lucifer play a role in this presidential election? It may sound crazy, but one of the candidates in this race has publicly praised, even emulated, a writer-activist who himself paid tribute to Lucifer. That’s right, Lucifer, also known as the Devil, Satan, Beelzebub—you get the idea.

Do you think that admiring a Lucifer-admirer would make a difference to some voters?

If you’ve never heard of this true fact—and most Americans obviously haven’t—well, that might help to explain why John McCain is behind in the polls.

OK, you might be asking, where is this Lucifer stuff coming from? It comes from a man named Saul Alinsky, who devoted his life to left-wing agitation in Chicago. He also wrote two seminal books, “Reveille for Radicals” and “Rules for Radicals,” still regarded as key how-to manuals for left-wing activists.

But Alinsky was more than just a leftist; he was a genuine out-there crazy, someone who loved to shock and stun, just for the helluvit. And so in the first edition of “Rules for Radicals,” published in 1971, he offered this astounding dedication: “Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgement of the very first radical, from all our legends, mythology, and history … the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”

This dedication is no secret. David Freddoso wrote about it in his book, The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate; and the inimitable Ann Coulter noted it, too, just last month.

And the connection between Alinsky and Barack Obama—and Alinsky and the left in general—is real enough. As John Fund, author of a newly revised book, Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy, observes, Alinsky, who died in 1972, was a sort of godfather to all the activist groups that emerged in the 60s and 70s, the most famous (or, if you prefer, notorious) of which today is ACORN.Fund notes that young Hillary Rodham was such a fan of Alinsky that she traveled to Chicago, four times, to interview him for an adulatory school thesis she was writing. And Obama is an on-the-record fan too: Fund quotes The Washington Post’s Peter Slevin, writing in 2007, “Obama embraced many of Alinsky’s tactics and recently said his years as an organizer gave him the best education of his life.” Slevin further noted that Obama’s and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s “common connection to Alinsky is one of the striking aspects of their biographies.”


Wake up America. Are we really going to put a guy who pays homage to a Devil worshiper? Now I aint saying Obama does virgin sacrifices but do you really want a guy in the White House who praises those that do? If McCain wasn't so stupid he'd be blasting ads about this. Bring out an ad with Obama as a witch doctor. Who's goin to want to vote for a guy like that? This man has such a radical past and the lamestream media continues to ignore it.

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looks at age..........



You need to stop watching the lamestream media. :mad: Let me school you on

"The One"

He's a muslim

He pals around with terrorist and devil worshipers

He was a radical community organizer (What was he organizing them to do?)

He belonged a socialist party

He doesn't wear a flag pin lapel and wouldn't salute to the flag

He think all our troops are doing are killing civilians. (What about all those terrorist they killed, Barry?)

He wants to cancel Christmas

His pastor hates America.

I could go on but I dont want to get carpel tunnels.

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It's sad to see this. I am for McCain but come on dude seriously? It is sad to see this on both sides. People calling McCain old and senile and what not and people calling Obama a terrorist. I just think it sad to see us stoop so low. Even if you do not agree with McCains views you have to agree that he has put his life on the line for this country and he has suffered as a POW I believe he deserves better, it is just a shame that he has allowed himself to be taken over by the GOP, I really wish he would have just stuck to being himself. and as for Obama he has overcomed so many adversities in life just to get to this point. I mean come on he is the First African American nominee of a major political party and he is just a few day to possibly becoming POTUS. I really do wish we would get over the name calling and character trashing on both sides. these two candidates have a remarkable stories. just my two cents. and sorry for the rant

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The thing that i think a lot of people are forgetting is this one important fact... its about winning... there is one week left until the election and both sides are doing whatever it takes to win...

Another thing i believe is being missed is the fact that regardless of either candidates policies, the country is so much in the whole economically that they wont exactly be able to just change everything over night...

With the Republican ticket, my analysis of it is that McCain is OLD... normally i wouldnt exactly take that factor in consideration as much... but if something happened and he past away in office that would mean Sarah Palin would be president... I am all for Women as president but Sarah Palin is a nut job an that would be a complete disaster...

With the Democratic ticket, Obama is a Black Man, which should have no impact in the situation but unfortunately it does... Its sad as an Educated Man to watch polititions play on the ignorance of America... For the Gentleman that started this thread I am severely disappointed about the comment made that Obama is a Muslim... Even if he was a Muslim, why would it matter? Do you think all muslims are terrorists?

Honestly, its the Republicans fault when you think about it... Bush messed up this country so bad in the last 8 years that Obama doesnt have to really say anything definite on where he stands because most of America will vote for him just because he is the complete opposite of George Bush...

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I guess I should have made it clear this was not a serious thread. I was really hoping someone would come in here and actually defend my point. If I did this on a weekday, I guarantee I could have got love from someone on the right.

I was hoping it was meant to be taken lightly, but you never know.

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I guess I should have made it clear this was not a serious thread. I was really hoping someone would come in here and actually defend my point. If I did this on a weekday, I guarantee I could have got love from someone on the right.

I thought more people would recognize you were joking, judging from your past history in political threads.

I loved it though, great job :D

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I guess I should have made it clear this was not a serious thread. I was really hoping someone would come in here and actually defend my point. If I did this on a weekday, I guarantee I could have got love from someone on the right.

No fair! I've been waiting to make that joke about your name for weeks now. :mad:

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