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Gave the Mccain tax plan a try today...


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You know what, I've had it with this stupid "ageist" argument. I'm 19, I obviously don't know anything. I was hoping that your post would actually make valid points so I could argue with them, but you just had to say that. You are what, 7 years my elder? I honestly wouldn't care if you were 60 years older than me, you would still be just as ignorant for what you just said. In my 4 years in high school and 1 in college I have managed to accumulate much more knowledge and understanding than you have in your experience post graduation/high school/drop out. I just hope that in 7 years my brain has not deteriorated to the level yours has.

LOL... if you end up half as successful as me at my age, I will be truly happy for you.

thats just the thing Libs say... brain deteriorated, stupid for being repub. I was just trying to prove a point.

At 19 when have taxes ever impacted YOUR life? you have been living off of Mommy and daddy. Just wait until somthing other than your pizza delivery wages are taxed.

And TOE JAM... dude go talk to your therapist.

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LOL... if you end up half as successful as me at my age, I will be truly happy for you.

thats just the thing Libs say... brain deteriorated, stupid for being repub. I was just trying to prove a point.

At 19 when have taxes ever impacted YOUR life? you have been living off of Mommy and daddy. Just wait until somthing other than your pizza delivery wages are taxed.

And TOE JAM... dude go talk to your therapist.

Nah. No need for my therapist right now. You're quite an amusing character and I think I'll stick around for awhile.

As for your attack against this guy because of his age, it's completely unwarranted.

Not all 19 year olds have been living off their parents.

With that said, I apologize for my post. It wasn't very nice.

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Cheap shot. :2cents:

Nah dude. It's alright.

I shouldn't have made the "you were abused as a child" comment.

But at the same time, his post against this 19 year old is completely out of line and is one reason alot of young people simply can't stand the older generation sometimes.

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There really is no good reason to talk about the guy's age though. If you really think his age is such a hindrance on the ability to make a coherent argument, all the more reason why you should have no difficulty annihilating him in a debate. Age based insults seem to result from folks being too lazy to take on the debate points or in some cases an admission that they can't.

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Nah. No need for my therapist right now. You're quite an amusing character and I think I'll stick around for awhile.

As for your attack against this guy because of his age, it's completely unwarranted.

Not all 19 year olds have been living off their parents.

I assume from that lack of response that my assumption was true.

After reading your past post.. i can also make an assumption that all you are is a angry, confused kid. you have said it yourself.

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dont worry about old people. "success" and all that jibberish still only amounts to one vote.

and being in a football chat room really takes away the gloss of these fronts.

(hail to the redskins)

btw im not coming out of the nest in this market till im done with school, and i think that i am being smart by doing so.

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same goes for the other poster. however both of you are wrong in your understanding of the tax programs. the examples both used were extreme.

Either way fact remains that the media has won this election for obama a long time ago. NEver have I seen a media so biased towards one canidate. Obama could sport a turban, and play a game of tennis with bin laden and the media would spin it as "change" and progressive thinking, but palin or mccain wear the wrong cloths, or mispronounce a word and they jump all over them...

I don't know if any of you listen to Stern but he brought a bunch of people on his show that were voting obama. quized them on his policies... except he used mccains policies... they all said... oh yeah i agree.. yeah i agree... and he just laughed. that is how I feel reading most of the stuff on this board. Libs seem to have some wall up where nothing penetrates their kumbaya thinking minds. Stern was trying to show that most obama voters are with the hype... and have no clue on the issues.

Obama will be exposed for the fraud he is after he wins this election, lets just hope that is doesn't cause the end of america as we know it.

For the record. I am not against Dems.. simply Obama. I am waiting for his endorsement from bin laden.. its coming im sure

Ur 19 so this is your first opportunity to vote, i can understand your viewpoint.. your 19 you are supposed to be stupid.

Just uncalled for. No need to take it to a personal level. And I can show you just as many McCain/Palin supporters who would react the same way beacuse they know nothing about the people they are voting for either. It happens on BOTH sides. People blindly follow their party, nothing new.

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I assume from that lack of response that my assumption was true.

After reading your past post.. i can also make an assumption that all you are is a angry, confused kid. you have said it yourself.

Damn right I have said it myself. I'm very aware of what kind of person I am and it's easy for anyone who frequents this site to see that. That's not all I am but we're not going to get into that. I work full time, I pay my bills, I don't get food stamps or welfare even though I honestly could qualify for them. Does that make me worth less than you just because I'm young and have a few "issues"?

And what about this guy? What justifies your attack on him?

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I assume from that lack of response that my assumption was true.

After reading your past post.. i can also make an assumption that all you are is a angry, confused kid. you have said it yourself.

In the interest of the board as well as the younger generation I am going to pull in, zip up.. and end this pissing match.

march on young turks. The fact remains this country is in trouble no matter which way this election goes. I think for once the WINNER .. may ask for a recount.

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LOL... if you end up half as successful as me at my age, I will be truly happy for you.

thats just the thing Libs say... brain deteriorated, stupid for being repub. I was just trying to prove a point.

At 19 when have taxes ever impacted YOUR life? you have been living off of Mommy and daddy. Just wait until somthing other than your pizza delivery wages are taxed.

And TOE JAM... dude go talk to your therapist.

If you really are as successful as you claim to be that's really an accomplishment for you given your obvious limitations. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, sometimes "you were abused as a child" opens you up to cheap shots.

Glad to see Toe Jam acknowledge it was inappropriate, it shows growth

You're right, TJ was out of line for posting that. But the poster claiming the "more mature high ground" failed to achieve the standard he claimed.

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Was it a scandal? No.

Is he a dick if he actually did it? Yes.

Why was he a dick if he eventually tipped her? I have been a waitress and if some guy played that joke on me (maybe the joke that the OP in this thread is talking about) I would be mad that I didn't get my tip, but if he eventually gave it to me (like he said he did), I would laugh about it. No harm done. Not a big deal.

I don't know, maybe that's just my sense of humor.

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