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Sons of Anarchy -contains spoilers


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from Kurt Sutter: http://www.whosay.com/kurtsutter/content/404295?wsref=tw&code=Oqn4g42

not sure if folks know this yet, but johnny lewis (halfsack) died last night. the sad irony of it happening two days after opie's death is not lost on me. it was a tragic end for an extremely talented guy, who unfortunately had lost his way. i wish i could say that i was shocked by the events last night, but i was not. i am deeply sorry that an innocent life had to be thrown into his destructive path. yes, it's day or mourning, but it's also a day of awareness and gratitude. sadly, some of us carry the message by dying.
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Yeah, I was really surprised about Johnny Lewis.

I obviously didn't know him and didn't really follow his career any after he left SoA but I remember reading an interview with Sutter explaining why the character was killed (Lewis requested to leave the show to pursue other acting opportunities). He was really positive about the guy and how much he liked him and said if anyone else was considering him for a role he would give him a recommendation.

The next thing I hear is that he killed his 81-year-old landlady, possibly while high on drugs (TMZ), shortly after being released from jail where he had other charges pending. It's a tragic ending to a guy who showed a lot of promise as an actor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shane from the shield, Boyd from justified made the show last night. So is Clay behind the home invasions? I think the new guys (from the other charter) are breaking into the houses. They were the ones who were complaining the most about the break-in at the table.

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lol, I thought that was Boyd Crowder. Tig looked like he wanted to hook up with it lol.

Kurt Sutter dropped a hint last night on twitter.

kurt sutter ‏@sutterink

do not miss the magnetic venus on tonight's SOA. your JUSTIFIED viewing will never EVER be the same. seriously... never.

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I don't know about the home invasion crew. I don't believe one of the new guys has a prosthetic leg.

He does, he put it up on the table in the first episode when they voted the new guys in. Then during an invasion they specifically showed the same leg to clue people in.

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He does, he put it up on the table in the first episode when they voted the new guys in. Then during an invasion they specifically showed the same leg to clue people in.

Thanks. I missed that first part, but caught the second part. I guess that is why I was unsure. I wonder what the motivate behind it is?

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Thanks. I missed that first part, but caught the second part. I guess that is why I was unsure. I wonder what the motivate behind it is?

That's the big question. At this point I'm leaning toward Clay being behind it, trying to destabilize Jax's role as leader by making the town feel unsafe about the club. He keeps bringing up the notion that the niners are behind it, trying to make it look like Jax is incapable of protecting Charming from the "black problem." That was a big story line throughout previous seasons, preventing the incursion of the big city gang element from coming into the small town. The idea that the club might not be the good guys, but they were keeping a worse criminal element out, if that goes away then Samcro has no purpose in Charming.

I mean it's kind of odd that Clay and Gemma split and those 3 break in to her place and beat down Unser, who Clay is jealous of at this point. Then we see Clay at the police station and sees the Sheriff's wife with him, after which the Sheriff brings up the break ins and Samcro to Clay, next thing you know they're doing a home invasion where the sheriff's wife is hurt. A lot of the attacks that we don't get details on seem to be random, but those two seem very targeted.

Now though that it looks like they're going to have some physical proof it's not black guys with the DNA evidence under the fingernails of the sheriff's wife it's going to blow up.

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It's been a great season so far. Clay being behind the home invasions has been fairly obvious for a while, so that was no surprise but him faking his condition being far worse than what it is, that's an interesting wrinkle to all this. He's not the half dead old man just running out the clock he wants everyone outside of his little gang to think.

I thought Clay would survive to the final season but I don't see how he can live past this year. It's going to eventually come to light what's going on and the club obviously won't allow him to return to power and you can't let him sit at the table after this. Something has to give.

Tara has taken a bit darker shift over the past couple of years, after her conversation with Otto in the latest episode I'm thinking she might kill Otto herself. She didn't appreciate how it ended and she's taking a bit of a Gemma angle with desperately wanting to protect her family.

Oh yeah, almost forgot...I can now say I've seen someone beaten to death with a snow globe. Crazy show.

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I hope that wasnt who i think it was' blood there at the end.

The crash seemed to be an afterthought in the previews for next week considering there was no mention and Jax didn't seem all distraught.

---------- Post added October-24th-2012 at 04:09 AM ----------

Gemma almost seems out of place right now.

I wouldn't be mad if she was the next character killed off.

Agreed on the out of place thought. It's an unnecessary storyline that doesn't really serve any purpose other than to fill time.

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The crash seemed to be an afterthought in the previews for next week considering there was no mention and Jax didn't seem all distraught.

There is a possibility they haven't been found. Jax and Tara are going to the cabin and the crew was going to join them the next day. Gemma was going to be on her own with the kids in Charming.

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