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A victory for the dems could actually be a victory for the GOP


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I'm gonna call it. Obama wins. It's over. Forget what happens tonight in the debate, the election is already decided.

However, my fellow Republicans, with these next four years being the most liberal in U.S. history, (not counting the W years) this country, which collectively leans slightly to the right, will remember why they loath democrats as much as Sarge does everyday. This victory could start a GOP revolution of sorts where the dems could very well not have the majority for many years to come.

Just my opinion.

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You know, you kind of have the right idea.

I would say that you are pinning your hopes to the wrong structure of power.

I would argue that neither party is for YOU, or indeed for any individual.

Both parties are mired in greed and power, so let's hope that Americans start pulling away from the false hopes of partisan politics, and begin/stay involved in providing guidance to these lost and wayward souls, as our Founders wished and the Constitution requires. We (each and every last one of us) needs to stop with the red and blue koolaid, with the voting against someone based on their party, with playing the blame game.

We need to get serious, or regardless of which candidate you support, or which party colors you wrap around yourself, or where you are on the educational, social or economic ladder. Every last American is in dire trouble. You want to blame someone for the ills of this country? Get a mirror out, and start there. That's where the government "of the People and for the People" is at, staring right back at you. Believe what you want, if every one of us turned off the TV in the evening, and communicated to our congressional and executive branch leadership about what they thought of pending legislation, and what they thought this country needed to solve a particular problem or set of problems, we sure would be unlikely to be where we are now.

As a small representative sample of what I am talking about, look at this board. We all believe in one thing - The Washington Redskins football team. However, we communicate about many things, share many things with each other, and have stimulating, well thought out discourse. Not everyone is an expert on every subject, and sometimes we get a bit crazy, but gosh darn, there are some good solid ideas, some good solid give and take, and we are all better for it.

We sure do need something like that for America, don't we? Can't we all spend some time each day for the Red, White and Blue like we do for the Burgundy and Gold?

I highly recommend a review of Popular Science, Nov 2008, Dear Mr. President (page 73).

Start this election cycle off well. Promise yourself to vote, and vote for people rather than against them, vote for yourself rather than a party, and stay involved holding your elected representation and leadership accountable every day.

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The next President and Congress will probably be hated. We're in for tough times. I wish them well whoever they are for the most selfish of reasons.

Agreed. Whoever wins is gonna inherit a pig.

And a Congress, a large chunk of which, will be trying to prevent him from solving any problems (so they can blame him for failing to fix them.)

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Won't happen

As I have stated in other threads, Democrats will be able to use the name "Bush" and scare voters for 40 years

Dems will keep the White House for 8-12 years at least. Probably till 2020. President Obama will cruise to re-election if the economy upticks in the slightest way and the D's don't do anything completely retarded and he gets out of Iraq

Dems will keep Congress for the next 50 years with the incumbent advantages and changes in demographics that will occur, with a minority majority (race wise) becoming more and more a reality

All Dems have to campaign on is "George Bush" just like they said "Herbert Hoover" from 1932-1968

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Blaming Clinton only worked for 6 years. The voters have seen this routine before.

Clinton had nowhere near the negatives of GW Bush.

He left office with higher approval ratings then Reagan

Bush 2 equates much more to Hoover. Democrats were able to campaign against Hoover through the 1960s until Nixon discovered the "southern strategy." President Bush will be associated with the Iraq War and with the economic meltdown

And voters will constantly be reminded of it.

President Obama will just need a little bit of growth, not much, and he can point to the last 8 years and contrast it to his 4 years (even if there was growth for 98 percent of the past 8 years)

It won't be hard

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Denial, anger, and now acceptance.

I kid, I kid.

It ain't over, folks. Election's still a couple weeks away.

Whoever wins, McCain or Obama, I'll give them my full support and hope they do a great job. They've got quite a mess to clean up.

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The next President and Congress will probably be hated. We're in for tough times. I wish them well whoever they are for the most selfish of reasons.

Disagree. I think the economy(in the next 4 years) will go up, so whomever is President(most likely Obama) will receive praise for this. Not saying Obama will have nothing to do with the economy improving. I'm simply saying that I believe that in 4 years, it will be better regardless of who is President.

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Blaming Clinton only worked for 6 years. The voters have seen this routine before.

I have to agree with SkinsHokieFan (write down this date!) on this one. America seems to believe that Clinton left the country in notably better fiscal shape then he found it. They seem to feel the same way about Reagan, even though neither man deserves the full accolades he receives. Both will go down as better than average presidents on the economy.

Not a living soul will say the same for Bush, just as not a living soul said it about Hoover. I suspect history will say that Bush was given the "hero president" opportunity that comes only twice a century, and within 18 months managed to squander it in Iraq while presiding over the most volatile fiscal situation since 1939. Not to mention civil rights.

That's good for at least two and a half decades of "never forget" rhetoric from the Democrats -- and maybe far more.

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Heck, the changing demographics of this county alone means the GOP is going to have to make some serious changes if it wants to compete with the dems.

Not really. This election was handed to the Dems and if they can't win . . . they need some serious changes.

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Not really. This election was handed to the Dems and if they can't win . . . they need some serious changes.

Keep telling yourself that, Rove.

We're about to elect an african american with the middle name Hussein to be president. And it could be the biggest landslide in modern history.

The demographics, they are a changin'.

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Keep telling yourself that, Rove.

We're about to elect an african american with the middle name Hussein to be president. And it could be the biggest landslide in modern history.

The demographics, they are a changin'.

Obama would have to have 520+ electoral votes to be the biggest landslide in modern history.

Nixon in 72 and Reagan in 84 had victories that big. Obama is projected to have around 350-370 electoral votes; which would put in in Clinton terrority.

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Won't happen

As I have stated in other threads, Democrats will be able to use the name "Bush" and scare voters for 40 years

Disagree. People have very short memories.

Dems will keep the White House for 8-12 years at least. Probably till 2020. President Obama will cruise to re-election if the economy upticks in the slightest way and the D's don't do anything completely retarded and he gets out of Iraq

Obama will have his faults to play off of and those will be fresh in people's mind. I seriously doubt that W's faults are remembered as long as you think they will be.

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