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A victory for the dems could actually be a victory for the GOP


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you can only hope that congress will be made up by the new breed of young competent, and moderate Democrats like Kaine, Warner, and Obama

the new line of democrats seem to me to be more competent than previous democrats, and leagues above the recent GOP.

I pray they are competent. Hopefully their timeout from power has smartened them up, because they will be in power for a very long time

If you see kooks elected along the lines of Kucinich, we are in some major league trouble

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I promise I'll still be around to be able to say over and over "I told you so".

Obama and the Dems will rule for the next 12-20 years (I agree with SHF). And our children wont have a country left.

It wont be the end of the GOP, it will be the end of America.

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I'm gonna call it. Obama wins. It's over. Forget what happens tonight in the debate, the election is already decided.

However, my fellow Republicans, with these next four years being the most liberal in U.S. history, (not counting the W years) this country, which collectively leans slightly to the right, will remember why they loath democrats as much as Sarge does everyday. This victory could start a GOP revolution of sorts where the dems could very well not have the majority for many years to come.

Just my opinion.

If the country votes for a democratic house, senate, and president, what makes you think they lean to the right still?

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I promise I'll still be around to be able to say over and over "I told you so".

Obama and the Dems will rule for the next 12-20 years (I agree with SHF). And our children wont have a country left.

It wont be the end of the GOP, it will be the end of America.

Good point, comrade Kilmer.

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If the country votes for a democratic house, senate, and president, what makes you think they lean to the right still?

This is easily a very center-right nation, even with the upcoming election

Obama has not run on a "leftist platform"

To be quite frank, he hasn't run on much of a platform except "I am not George Bush and John McCain is"

And voters are ready to punish the GOP for the last 8 years

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This is easily a very center-right nation, even with the upcoming election

Obama has not run on a "leftist platform"

To be quite frank, he hasn't run on much of a platform except "I am not George Bush and John McCain is"

And voters are ready to punish the GOP for the last 8 years

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I'll admit that for the last 20+ years this has been a right leaning country, but I think we are seeing a re-aligning (if not a revolution).

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I'll admit that for the last 20+ years this has been a right leaning country, but I think we are seeing a re-aligning (if not a revolution).

I would agree if Senator Obama had a game changing platform that Ronald Reagan had in 1980

He doesn't though. It is the same Democratic playbook going back to the 1960s

Regardless of that, the Democrats will be able to ride Senator Obama's political skill for the next 8 years, and then the fear of "another George W Bush" for 40 years after that. It worked incredibly well between 1932 and 1968

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I would agree if Senator Obama had a game changing platform that Ronald Reagan had in 1980

He doesn't though. It is the same Democratic playbook going back to the 1960s

Wait a second, so now Obama is not a flaming liberal?

Personally, I don't think he's a flaming liberal, but he's certainly left leaning. Like most dems in office. I think the country is saying we need to move back to the left more.

Also, I think the republicans have gone much further to the right than they have before. Let's be honest, Reagan looked like Jimmy Carter compared to George W. Bush. And while McCain has a HISTORY of being more moderate, for the last 6 years or so he has made a strong shift to the right. But Palin - IMO - makes even McCain look like Karl Marx... and she is supposed to be the "future" of the party.

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This is easily a very center-right nation, even with the upcoming election

Obama has not run on a "leftist platform"

To be quite frank, he hasn't run on much of a platform except "I am not George Bush and John McCain is"

And voters are ready to punish the GOP for the last 8 years


End wasteful war

Tax redistribution

Defend Roe vs. Wade

Engagement vs. Confrontation (Foreign Affairs)

Change tone of political discourse

Healthcare reform

and yes roll back Bushism

What's John McCain's platform again?

Freeze spending

cut taxes

and balance the budget

belligerent foreign policy

And small town values, whatever the **** that is

how naive of him

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Wait a second, so now Obama is not a flaming liberal?

I just said he has not run a flaming liberal campaign. I honestly don't have a clue what he will be.

Personally, I don't think he's a flambing liberal, but he's certainly left leaning. Like most dems in office. I think the country is saying we need to move back to the left more.


I would agree if we had actually moved to the right. We have simply moved to corruption and ineffectiveness

When a Republican president's biggest achievements are NLCB, and Medicare Part D, that is not an example of a country moving too far to the right.

Again, this is all semantics and really doesn't matter. In the grand scheme of things the name George W Bush will be used to scare voters for the next 40-50 years

And it will work every single time

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I would agree if we had actually moved to the right. We have simply moved to corruption and ineffectiveness.

Well, what you call corruption, some would say is right wing lobbyists getting what they want. :2cents:

When a Republican president's biggest achievements are NLCB, and Medicare Part D, that is not an example of a country moving too far to the right.

You really think those are examples of his biggest achievements? Pesonally, I think he and other republicans would point to foreign affairs still ( :doh: ) and then to the tax code (although conservatives - not be confused with republicans - would point to his spending as ludicrous.)

Again, this is all semantics and really doesn't matter. In the grand scheme of things the name George W Bush will be used to scare voters for the next 40-50 years

And it will work every single time

You're probably right about all that. In one sense, it is semantics. But conservatives did vote for Bush TWICE, and so they should accept some responsibility for his policies. The truth is that while a conservative may want lower spending, what they REALLY want are lower taxes. And that is a system that didn't work. :2cents:

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power purifies? You make that up yourself? Please explain how it does. I would love to hear this. :)

If you mean the same as absolute power corrupts absolutely then I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Power corrupts implies these people were good before they entered politics, I claim they are in essense **** people from the start. Thus their ****ty essense seeps through once they don't have to worry about pretensions.

I contend that power just reveals their true nature. Once someone is not limited by power, they will do whatever they damn please. Power will remove the pretentions of politicians. Once Hitler gained absolute power in Germany we saw what his true (pure) nature was. Same with Khomeini etc... this example is easy to see in people that have a lot of power. Or parties for that matter.

Once the GOP gained power we saw their true nature. Populist nationalism with no pretentions of any of the ideas they claimed to believe back in the Gingrich years.

I'll see what the true nature of the democrats are pretty soon. I don't think it's good, but that's why we need divided government. And if we had a competent GOP then we wouldn't be in this situation to be in... the same with the Democrats back in 2004.

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Power corrupts implies these people were good before they entered politics, I claim they are in essense **** people from the start. Thus their ****ty essense seeps through once they don't have to worry about pretensions.

I contend that power just reveals their true nature. Once someone is not limited by power, they will do whatever they damn please. Power will remove the pretentions of politicians. Once Hitler gained absolute power in Germany we saw what his true (pure) nature was. Same with Khomeini etc... this example is easy to see in people that have a lot of power. Or parties for that matter.

Once the GOP gained power we saw their true nature. Populist nationalism with no pretentions of any of the ideas they claimed to believe back in the Gingrich years.

I'll see what the true nature of the democrats are pretty soon. I don't think it's good, but that's why we need divided government. And if we had a competent GOP then we wouldn't be in this situation to be in... the same with the Democrats back in 2004.

I agree with your ideas. However, I believe there are both types who get into the political game (with your type the majority). I still do believe that since people are evil by nature (Christian theology speaking), power and more importantly, keeping/obtaining more political power causes people to trash their good ideals for evil selfish ones.

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However, my fellow Republicans, with these next four years being the most liberal in U.S. history, (not counting the W years) this country, which collectively leans slightly to the right, will remember why they loath democrats as much as Sarge does everyday. This victory could start a GOP revolution of sorts where the dems could very well not have the majority for many years to come.

Just my opinion.

While I believe this theroy to be true. The thing that scares me the most is the supreme court appointments. I shiver at the loons that will be placed under an Obama presidency.

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Which is why it was so important for Republicans to nominate young conservative justices.

There is NO chance that a Dem ever ever EVER nominates anything but a left wing idealogue. But sadly, there are more than 1 left leaning justices currently that were appointed by Republicans.

Never again.

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Which is why it was so important for Republicans to nominate young conservative justices.

There is NO chance that a Dem ever ever EVER nominates anything but a left wing idealogue. But sadly, there are more than 1 left leaning justices currently that were appointed by Republicans.


I think this speaks more about the lunacy of current conservatism (the Palindron syndrome) which labels conservative justices appointed by conservatives as liberals... I mean yeah they may be liberals compared to the current lunacy of the Palindrones. The fact that moderates are pushed away by the Palindrones is evidence of the current GOP's extremism.

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I promise I'll still be around to be able to say over and over "I told you so".

Obama and the Dems will rule for the next 12-20 years (I agree with SHF). And our children wont have a country left.

It wont be the end of the GOP, it will be the end of America.

Yes. Because the Clinton years were one big failure while the Dubya years were one big success.

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I think this speaks more about the lunacy of current conservatism (the Palindron syndrome) which labels conservative justices appointed by conservatives as liberals... I mean yeah they may be liberals compared to the current lunacy of the Palindrones. The fact that moderates are pushed away by the Palindrones is evidence of the current GOP's extremism.

John Roberts may end up being one of the best SCOTUS picks ever

Might be one of the few areas Bush did well

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Yes. Because the Clinton years were one big failure while the Dubya years were one big success.

A major part of the success of the 1990s was divided gov't

My point is, we aren't going to see divided government for a very long time, unless Republicans manage to slip into the White House every now and then

Over the next 50 years, I'd say Democrats will control Washington DC completel for 42 of them

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A major part of the success of the 1990s was divided gov't

My point is, we aren't going to see divided government for a very long time, unless Republicans manage to slip into the White House every now and then

Over the next 50 years, I'd say Democrats will control Washington DC completel for 42 of them

Good point, my friend. But I don't think dems will control things for 42 out of the next 50 years. The GOP will evolve -- it has to in order to survive -- and be back in power in no time at all. Heck, McCain could still win this election. You just never know.


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You know after thinking about this thread for a little I think it is almost certainly accurate.

A victory for the dems could actually be a victory for the GOP.

Think about it. Members of the GOP have IRAs and 401K's too. Several of them hold down honest jobs. A few of them even love the ideals and precepts of the Constitution. For those and even for those who don't, a victory for the dems could be a victory b/c a healthier America, a more prosperous America is a victory for all of us... even members of the GOP. I mean if the GOP would always vote Dem then we would all be victorious. We could all win.

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Good point, my friend. But I don't think dems will control things for 42 out of the next 50 years. The GOP will evolve -- it has to in order to survive -- and be back in power in no time at all. Heck, McCain could still win this election. You just never know.



McCain has too much going against him. This one is over with barring something completely crazy happening.

With incumbent advantages and the name "George W Bush" along with changing demographics, the GOP would have to morph into something completely different to ever have a shot again at any type of power

And my 42 out of 50 years is saying that in those 8 years it will be divided gov't, at best. The 42 years will be all Dems

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