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Comcast.net: ACORN defends efforts amid voter-fraud allegations


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On Monday, election officials in Ohio's most populous county asked a prosecutor to investigate multiple registrations by four people who signed up through ACORN. One voter said he signed 73 voter registration forms over a five-month period.

This is downright scary.

"This is another one of those distractions that get stirred up during the campaign," Obama said.

So, Obama thinks voter fraud is a distraction. :doh: I guess when it comes from a group that you're in bed with, it's easy to see it as only a distraction.

The McCain campaign needs to call on President Bush to appoint a special independent investigator to look into this fraud and to see how far up the chain it goes. They need to give serious consideration to suspending this election until this issue has been fully investigated and resolved. This kind of **** happens in third world countries. It shouldn't happen in this country.

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Hell, it happens in Florida. It happens in California. In Chicago Mayor Daly was famous for consistently capturing 100% of the cemetery vote.

Not saying it's not serious, but it's hardly a new tactic in American politics.

After the ridiculousness surrounding the last two elections (Tampered voting boxes, hanging chads, voters being turned away...) it just feels like more tit-for tat bull****.

Win at all costs seems to be the order of the day.


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They need to give serious consideration to suspending this election until this issue has been fully investigated and resolved. This kind of **** happens in third world countries. It shouldn't happen in this country.

Now THAT is scary!

Ok - Can someone tell me how the voter fraud they are accused of would even effect a election?

Seriously - Some ex-cons were hired to get people to register to vote. They had to get 50 a day to get paid.

So many started filling out fake registration cards to get paid.

right? That's the gist of the story?

Ok. But that wouldn't change a election? I mean, people would have to show up and VOTE using the fake names.

The Ex cons that did this did it to get paid. So you think they are now going to show up and claim to be Tony Romo sits to pee and try to vote? Why? What makes you think they would do that?

And you want them to suspend the election?

Funny- When there were rumors of touchscreen malfunction on Ohio in 2004 can you show me where your outrage was?

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Funny- When there were rumors of touchscreen malfunction on Ohio in 2004 can you show me where your outrage was?

Yeah, there were "rumors" of fraud in Ohio. This is hardcore evidence from a group associated with Obama. This is serious ****.

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Yeah, there were "rumors" of fraud in Ohio. This is hardcore evidence from a group associated with Obama. This is serious ****.

Its serious ** cause you don't like Obama. Where is the Obama connection to the voter registration fraud. I can send you a link where McCain spoke at a ACRON event. Is McCain involved?


And, by the way, still waiting for you to tell me how the fraud they are accused of would effect a election?

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Yeah, there were "rumors" of fraud in Ohio. This is hardcore evidence from a group associated with Obama. This is serious ****.

Show me the hardcore evidence about the group.

So far, what you've shown is the 347th repetition of "Some employees are stealing from ACORN, this means ACORN must be criminals!"

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Show me the hardcore evidence about the group.

So far, what you've shown is the 347th repetition of "Some employees are stealing from ACORN, this means ACORN must be criminals!"

Well, at this point, who knows how far up the ACORN chain of command this goes. That's why an investigation is needed. And, isn't ACORN ultimately responsible for their own employess? Whether there was criminal intent or gross negligence and incompetence.

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Truman, I've been meaning to thank you personally for voting for the Virginia Republican party. Thanks for giving us Democrats the commonwealth for the forseeable future! You the man!

I'm also glad to see you guys have your talking points straight:

Mr. Frederick, who refuses to apologize for his remarks, deserves no such leeway -- this isn't his first far-fetched logical leap. A few months ago, Mr. Frederick charged Democrats with "coordinated and widespread voter fraud . . . throughout Virginia." Asked for proof of one of his more scurrilous claims, Mr. Frederick said, "I bet it exists somewhere."

This way you will make sure nobody is mistaken about your radical nonsensical unsubstantiated beliefs. Nice job. :)


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Well, at this point, who knows how far up the ACORN chain of command this goes.

The guy who's been calling them a criminal organization for weeks?

The one who keeps coming up with thread after thread after thread in which his "reasoning" is "Look: Here's a report of an employee stealing from ACORN, and since the word "crime" and "ACORN" exist in the same sentence, that means ACORN committed the crime"?

The one who claimed "hard core evidence"?

That's why an investigation is needed.

Right. After all, if a business gets stolen from often enough, then obviously what's needed is a criminal investigation os the victim.

And, isn't ACORN ultimately responsible for their own employess?

Ah, so when ACORN gets stolen from then it's ACORN's fault? Right, I've got it.

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The guy who's been calling them a criminal organization for weeks?

The one who keeps coming up with thread after thread after thread in which his "reasoning" is "Look: Here's a report of an employee stealing from ACORN, and since the word "crime" and "ACORN" exist in the same sentence, that means ACORN committed the crime"?

The one who claimed "hard core evidence"?

What a joke. :doh: So, it's only ONE employee huh? What, did you not read this little paragraph.

"Some of those registration cards have become the focus of fraud investigations in Nevada, Connecticut, Missouri and at least five other states. Election officials in Ohio and North Carolina also recently questioned the group's voter forms."

Unless my math is wrong, thats TEN states with potential vote registration fraud. That tells me this problem is systemic. Do you even know what that means? So the question is, is it systemic because of a coordinated effort by the higher ups in the ACORN organization. Or is it systemic because of gross incompetence and/or poor hiring practices and training. Either way, the issue is the same.

Right. After all, if a business gets stolen from often enough, then obviously what's needed is a criminal investigation os the victim. Ah, so when ACORN gets stolen from then it's ACORN's fault? Right, I've got it.

What the hell are you talking about? Who stole what? Did you even read the article. These were ACORN WORKERS committing criminal voter registration fraud. So, you're telling me if several employees of Bank of America across the country were stealing from customers in ten different states, Bank of America wouldn't have any liability? Isn't it their workers? Don't they tell us to "trust us with your money."

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What the hell are you talking about? Who stole what? Did you even read the article. These were ACORN WORKERS committing criminal voter registration fraud.

Which they did so that they could falsely get paid by ACORN, for a job that they didn't do.

ACORN paid them to register voters. The employees falsified the paperwork, and said "Here, I worked hard for you, pay me".

So, you're telling me if several employees of Bank of America across the country were stealing from customers in ten different states, Bank of America wouldn't have any liability? Isn't it their workers? Don't they tell us to "trust us with your money."

The workers aren't stealing from the bank's customers. They're stealing from the bank.

And you're claiming that this proves that the bank needs to get prosecuted, for being stolen from.


Look. Frankly, I suspect that ACORN really, really wants to help Democrats get elected. That's why the Obama campaign hired them, to help Democrats get elected. (Just as there are organizations whose goal is to help Republicans register and vote.)

But sending in a voter registration application for Mickey Mouse doesn't help the Democratic Party, because Mickey Mouse isn't going to show up and vote. (Nor does sending in his application disenfranchise a single person. Only thing it might hurt, other than costing ACORN some money, is that some clerk will spend one second pitching it in the trash.)

The only person who was hurt, when somebody filled out an application for Mickey Mouse, was ACORN. (And the Democratic Party, if they were hiring ACORN.)

Same thing with registering the same person 20 times. He's only going to vote once. And the only victim is ACORN. (And some clerk who may have been stuck typing the same name and address into the computer 20 times. And maybe they sent 20 identical voter cards to the guy's address, thus wasting 20 postage stamps.)

All you keep finding, over and over and over and over, are cases where ACORN employees stole from ACORN.

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.....The workers aren't stealing from the bank's customers. They're stealing from the bank...........

(Nor does sending in his application disenfranchise a single person. Only thing it might hurt, other than costing ACORN some money, is that some clerk will spend one second pitching it in the trash.) ......

Same thing with registering the same person 20 times. He's only going to vote once......

The Bank gets its money from US (thats the TAXPAYER)

The Bank does not monitor its workers

The Bank has a pattern of allowing FRAUD

Time spent on THOUSANDS of FRADUALANT registrations makes it HARDER to verify the vote

How do YOU know that someone who registers more than once won't vote more than once?......Do you have the OBAMESSIAHS crystal ball?

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Which they did so that they could falsely get paid by ACORN, for a job that they didn't do.

ACORN paid them to register voters. The employees falsified the paperwork, and said "Here, I worked hard for you, pay me".

You are making assumptions on WHY this was done. Without a formal investigation, we'll never know. There are also single instances of a fake name being registered, which has nothing to do with "volume".

The workers aren't stealing from the bank's customers. They're stealing from the bank.

And you're claiming that this proves that the bank needs to get prosecuted, for being stolen from. .

Who said that? I said ACORN has to be INVESTIGATED. This is not a single instance or two of fraud. It is more widespread than that. If anything, I would think Obama and his supporters would welcome an investigation, if they have nothing to hide.

But sending in a voter registration application for Mickey Mouse doesn't help the Democratic Party, because Mickey Mouse isn't going to show up and vote. (Nor does sending in his application disenfranchise a single person. Only thing it might hurt, other than costing ACORN some money, is that some clerk will spend one second pitching it in the trash.)

That was one example. There are other instances where "real" names were used.

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This sort of thing is exactly why they don't want voter ID cards. Than they can't pull this kind of scam.

I mean god forbid we acually have a system that is reliable and weeds out those who are allowed to vote.


Why do Democrats always fight COMMON SENSE voter laws

To use the Liberal talking point about Drivers Licenses and GUNS.....

Why is it you need a License to drive a car?.....put you don't even need a picture ID to vote?

(because liberals take bad pictures?)

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The Bank gets its money from US

You've been making this claim about 20 times, now. Haven't seen any support for it, yet. And I've asked.

How do YOU know that someone who registers more than once won't vote more than once?

:secret:The way they know he registered 20 times is, they got 20 applications all with the same name and address.

If I send in 20 applications, all 20 of them listing my real name and address, they aren't going to put my name in the voter roll 20 times. And when I show up at the polling place, they aren't going to ask me to sign the book 20 times, and hand me 20 ballots.

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You've been making this claim about 20 times, now. Haven't seen any support for it, yet. And I've asked.....
You conveniently missed my post in the other ACORN thread....

But the organization's real genius is getting American taxpayers to foot the bill. According to a 2006 report from the Employment Policies Institute (EPI), Acorn has been on the federal take since 1977. For instance, Acorn's American Institute for Social Justice claimed $240,000 in tax money between fiscal years 2002 and 2003. Its American Environmental Justice Project received 100% of its revenue from government grants in the same years. EPI estimates the Acorn Housing Corporation alone received some $16 million in federal dollars from 1997-2007. Only recently, Democrats tried and failed to stuff an "affordable housing" provision into the $700 billion bank rescue package that would have let politicians give even more to Acorn.

All this money gives Acorn the ability to pursue its other great hobby: electing liberals


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Why do Democrats always fight COMMON SENSE voter laws


The hypocrisy is staggering.

You just gotta love the absolute desperation the polls are eliciting from the GOP.

But I guess Acorn had something to do with the polls too, right?

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