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Comcast.net: ACORN defends efforts amid voter-fraud allegations


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We are downplaying the seriousness of the issue because someone (?) is overplaying the seriousness of the issue. Someone (?) consistently refuses to acknowledge the difference between registration irregularities and actual voter fraud. Having posts that just say: "Acorn Bad... Obama Bad...." without ever discussing the actual issue is hardly a discussion, is it?

The actual issue has been discussed in detail, by me, on a number of posts.

Have you noticed that no one outside the far, far right ever suggests that an election can be stolen this way? Don't you really think that the Republicans (the ones who currently control the Federal Elections Commission and the Department of Justice) are watching this stuff like hawks?

"Stolen this way"? What "way" is that? Don't we need the FBI to investigate this before we know the whole story? Weren't you the one that said just one post ago "I myself will not presume to know the results of that investigation in advance".

I have no doubt that some voting irregularities will be found in all 50 states, and in favor of both parties. Elections are messy things. You need a lot more than that to show a real problem.

So you're agreeing that Florida in 2000 had no impact. Good.

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....Which hasn't kept you from even slowing down the rate at which you yell accusations at their employer......
Acorn seems to have an issue with training its employees

You could call it a "Pattern"

This "Pattern" of criminal behavior needs to be rectified

Maybe the FBI thinks ACORN is not up to the task

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And so far you haven't even come up with a plausible theory of how this could possibly be anything other than employees stealing from their employer.

Which hasn't kept you from even slowing down the rate at which you yell accusations at their employer.

I haven't called for an investigation into whether Dick Cheney personally blew up the WTC, either. Because I haven't seen even a plausible theory as to how this crime could possibly have been committed.

Frankly, I'd say that the folks who claim the CIA planned 9/11 have a more credible scenario than you have. And they're nuts.

But you're right. It's obvious that ACORN is intentionally hiring employees who steal from ACORN. Because ACORN likes getting stolen from. It's obvious.

But yet the FBI is concerned enough to launch an investigation into potential VOTER FRAUD committed by ACORN. Did you not even read the article I posted. It was very short and sweet: FBI to investigate VOTER FRAUD BY ACORN.

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ArtMonk81, Honestly, it has become very fatiuging giving you warnings. I do so because most of the rules you break seem to be because you either don't comprehend them or maybe really haven't tried to read them carefully, or at all. You don't seem to be malicious or defiant about it (which is way so many warnings instead of worse), just clueless.

In this instance I have told you no less than FOUR times in various threads (it's in your user notes) to quit quoting long chunks of texts in posts you're responding to, just as you've done in this thread yet again. I have directed you to read the rule each time. Now this is the last time. If you break this rule again you will be placed on read-only for one month. Thank you.

I truely apologize, but I have not seen nor read any of the so-called warnings that you have said you have given me. This is the first time that I am being made aware of it. can I purpose a suggestion. I pay attention to my PM's, if you would like to warn me, please do so that way.

If you are warning me by posting, I do not read everything in a thread and the possibilty of missing something is great. Just a suggestion. :)

had I seen your warnings I would have heeded them.

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The fighting withdrawal of the ACORN defenders increasingly shows the weakness of their arguments

Yep. It's amazing how many "fraud" experts we have on this site. And it's ironic that they're all Obama supporters too. Fancy that.

I'm just glad the FBI is investigating this now.

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Acorn seems to have an issue with training its employees

You could call it a "Pattern"

This "Pattern" of criminal behavior needs to be rectified

Maybe the FBI thinks ACORN is not up to the task

The "pattern" is "people steal from ACORN"

Come up with a theory. Assume you're ve been given the assignment of stealing the election for Obama. Come up with any scenario you like that fits the things you've presented.

There isn't one.

Until then all you've got is one shrill whackjob who keeps screaming that ACORN must be criminals, because the whackjob keeps accusing them of it.

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Acorn reps examine the sheets at the end of the week. They see that one of the sheets has Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck listed as newly registered voters. They say "Damn, we got burned." And what is more, the law requires Acorn to turn in that voter registration sheet anyway.

Well, here's the issue. In Ohio the feds have said they want a list of these fake sigs so that when these fake people come into the polling place to vote, they can be checked.

The Gov and whoever is in charge of this process, has refused to get this list. admitting that somewhere in the range of maybe 100 to 200 thousands sigs may be fake, and that it's too close to election to do any of this and there just isn't enough time.

So it looks like the checks and balances I've been told were in place to stop this from affecting the election may not be there after all.

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Yep. It's amazing how many "fraud" experts we have on this site. And it's ironic that they're all Obama supporters too. Fancy that.

I'm just glad the FBI is investigating this now.

Sorry. I see exactly two fraud experts.

And neither of then is even capable of coming up with a believable theory.

Won't even attempt it.

But they must be right, because they keep saying the same things that weren't believable last week, either.

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Ok, so you posted earlier that the FBI is investigating the allegations of voter fraud. So, my question of course is: since it's obviously being looked into, why are some of you still throwing a **** fit about it? It is still pointless, it should be obvious to everyone by now that this is not some nationwide voter fraud effort, just a stupid organization with stupid employees. Although I'll give it to you, if my candidate was losing by as much as yours is, I would probably try to make up some bs story about how the election was going to be stolen too.

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Sorry. I see exactly two fraud experts.

And neither of then is even capable of coming up with a believable theory.

Won't even attempt it.

But they must be right, because they keep saying the same things that weren't believable last week, either.

I've already stated how I thought this fraud could be perpetrated. I'm not a criminal and don't think like a criminal, but I'm sure there are many other ways where this voter registration fraud could be taken to the next level, i.e. election fraud.

This I do know: the FBI has determined that this issue is serious enough for then to investigate the matter and I'm sure they have more information, and more experience and background in these matters than a couple of dudes arguing on a Redskins message board. Let's see what they uncover.

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It is still pointless, it should be obvious to everyone by now that this is not some nationwide voter fraud effort, just a stupid organization with stupid employees.

Obvious? And you can make this determination how? Do you know more than the FBI does? Do you really think the FBI would waste time, resources, and money to investigate a matter if it was just "a stupid organization with stupid employees". :doh:

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I've already stated how I thought this fraud could be perpetrated. I'm not a criminal and don't think like a criminal, but I'm sure there are many other ways where this voter registration fraud could be taken to the next level, i.e. election fraud.

I have seen one, rediculously stupid and completely unbelievable "theory". Was that you? And are you still standing behind that patently absurd fraud?

The theory was "Assume that there are thousands of election workers all across the country, all of whom have the ability to cast thousands of fake votes on election day, but none of whom can manage to create a voter registration, during the year leading up to the election." (Or to even use real voter registrations of voters who just didn't show up on election day.)

That's why these thousands of covert infiltration agents need ACORN. Every one of them is capable of casting a fake vote for Mickey Mouse, but none of them is capable of sending in an application in Mickey's name without ACORN's help.

Again, I'd believe Dick Cheney personally blowing up the WTC before I'd believe that load.

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I have seen one, rediculously stupid and completely unbelievable "theory". Was that you? And are you still standing behind that patently absurd fraud?

The theory was "Assume that there are thousands of election workers all across the country, all of whom have the ability to cast thousands of fake votes on election day, but none of whom can manage to create a voter registration, during the year leading up to the election." (Or to even use real voter registrations of voters who just didn't show up on election day.)

That's why these thousands of covert infiltration agents need ACORN. Every one of them is capable of casting a fake vote for Mickey Mouse, but none of them is capable of sending in an application in Mickey's name without ACORN's help.

Again, I'd believe Dick Cheney personally blowing up the WTC before I'd believe that load.

You're like a broken record. You posted this same post last night. What, did you do a "copy and paste". And here's my response, to that same post from last night, that you felt compelled to post again tonight:


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Obvious? And you can make this determination how? Do you know more than the FBI does? Do you really think the FBI would waste time, resources, and money to investigate a matter if it was just "a stupid organization with stupid employees". :doh:

Obvious because of a simple look at human nature. This concept seems to escape your grasp. And about the FBI wasting time, etc... It's the federal government, of course they are going to be wasteful. Besides, its an allegation, I'm pretty sure they have to look into it. Just as if I called up the FBI and said that I suspected you to be a serial killer with several dead bodies in your basement, they would have to at least take a look at it. Your GOP goggles are of a particularly powerful variety my friend.

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The "pattern" is "people steal from ACORN" .....
The "Pattern" is ACORN allows for it...ex cons having access to Private Registration Information (New Mexico)

Encourages it..Submits known Fraudulent Registrations

Pays for it....Cigarette Bribes


Thats a pattern....and a troublesome one at that

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You're like a broken record. You posted this same post last night. What, did you do a "copy and paste". And here's my response, to that same post from last night, that you felt compelled to post again tonight:


It seemed appropriate to point out that the same whackjob excuse for a theory that couldn't stand up to reason for a full minute, yesterday, still won't if it's trotted out, today.

And if you trot it out tomorrow, I'll point at it and laugh, again. Because it will still be a joke, tomorrow. For exactly the same reason.

:secret:There's an old expression about "doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results".

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:doh: Please go away.

Great argument there Truman. Simply mind blowing. You know what, you are completely right. Absolutely correct in every single way. There is no way that anything I said could be correct. Forget the simple application of common sense on human nature, your conspiracy theory seems much more plausible. And I just may go away, hiding in shame because I seem to have lost this debate, with the all-knowing Truman. I am so terribly sorry I ever questioned you.

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.....So it looks like the checks and balances I've been told were in place to stop this from affecting the election may not be there after all.
So just to be clear for the Mickey Mouse defenders here...

The effect of REGISTRATION FRAUD....spills over to effect Vote count?

You don't say?

I thought it was ok to pay an ex-con to write Tony "Mickey Mouse" Romo sits to pee 50 times on a registration form, just so ACORN can pay him a living wage!

Not mocking you 81, your point is important......... to some

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It seemed appropriate to point out that the same whackjob excuse for a theory that couldn't stand up to reason for a full minute, yesterday, still won't if it's trotted out, today.

And if you trot it out tomorrow, I'll point at it and laugh, again. Because it will still be a joke, tomorrow. For exactly the same reason.

:secret:There's an old expression about "doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results".

Except your post had nothing about my "theory" in it. I never said "thousands of election workers" had to be involved. You did.

So, were you one of the ones that said Bush stole the election in 2000 by way of Florida? Were there thousands of election workers involved in that alleged fraud?

Please stop while you're already behind. And don't forget to email the FBI and let then know they're wasting their time.

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Who can tell me what ACORN is? I honestly have no clue.

Its a voter registration organization, and according to Truman, a secret government plot involving thousands of people to cast false ballots and give the election to Obama. So, yeah, pretty much ignore Truman, basically because he's a moron.

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