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Comcast.net: ACORN defends efforts amid voter-fraud allegations


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Who can tell me what ACORN is? I honestly have no clue.
ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the nation's largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, working together for social justice and stronger communities.


I would Add....

ACORN is the nations most successful REGISTRATION FRAUD FACTORY

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ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the nation's largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, working together for social justice and stronger communities.


I would Add....

ACORN is the nations most successful REGISTRATION FRAUD FACTORY

So it is supposed to be about people of low or moderate income coming together to make their communities and lives better, but instead, it is used to fraud voters. Am I getting this right?

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That's what they ALWAYS resort to when they have NOTHING else. Sad.

You are the most stubborn, frustrating human being I have ever talked to. You refuse to accept even the most basic points, while I have never said that it was not POSSIBLE that you could be correct. Only that it was not LIKELY. You refuse to accept that it could be anything short of genuine voter fraud. And I would not have called you a moron if you hadn't blown off one of my arguments by telling me to go away. Not that I didn't mean it though...

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So it is supposed to be about people of low or moderate income coming together to make their communities and lives better, but instead, it is used to fraud voters. Am I getting this right?
Issue campaigns: Each ACORN office carries out multiple issue campaigns. ACORN members across the country work to raise the minimum wage or enact living wage policies; eliminate predatory financial practices by mortgage lenders, payday lenders, and tax preparation companies; win the development of affordable housing and community benefits agreements; improve the quality of and funding for urban public schools; rebuild New Orleans; and pass a federal and state ACORN Working Families Agenda, including paid sick leave for all full time workers.

They are coming under fire, and are being investigated by the FBI, for having a widespread PATTERN of voter registration fraud

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So it is supposed to be about people of low or moderate income coming together to make their communities and lives better, but instead, it is used to fraud voters. Am I getting this right?

Eh, not quite. It's main purpose is to register voters. It has employees that are supposed to go out and register as many voters as possible. These employees get paid based on how many people they register. So, big surprise, there are a bunch of registrations that are false. These registrations were fraudulent. Common sense would indicate that what happened was the employees wanted to get paid more, so they filled out registrations for people who don't exist (Mickey Mouse, etc). However, some people are trying to say that these false registrations are somehow going to lead to actual false votes, which would constitute voter fraud. They have not, however, explained how the hell this would actually happen...

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some people are trying to say that these false registrations are somehow going to lead to actual false votes, which would constitute voter fraud. They have not, however, explained how the hell this would actually happen...
That would be my post 98


81arts post 110

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Its a voter registration organization, and according to Truman, a secret government plot involving thousands of people to cast false ballots and give the election to Obama. So, yeah, pretty much ignore Truman, basically because he's a moron.

Soemtimes that kid of thing can fly. Not this time. See ya in a few.

That's what they ALWAYS resort to when they have NOTHING else. Sad.

Puhhhhhhleeeez, Truman. First, I have personally had to ban you once and warn you two other times about your own conduct. And to pretend that the "righties" on here as a group are any less insulting than the "lefties" is pure bull****.

Both sides produce enough borderline trolling and insulting that it lowers the level of conversation of the whole forum. It doesn't facilitate "spirited debate" just stupid adolescent/adult tit-for-tat nonsense and you’re often right in the middle of it. No less than 3 different moderators see you on thin ice here, so go ahead and keep reporting posts promiscuosly (this is the first one in about six that is legit) and doing your thing. We'll do ours. :)

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Except your post had nothing about my "theory" in it. I never said "thousands of election workers" had to be involved. You did.

So, were you one of the ones that said Bush stole the election in 2000 by way of Florida? Were there thousands of election workers involved in that alleged fraud?

Please stop while you're already behind. And don't forget to email the FBI and let then know they're wasting their time.

How many fake votes, in which states, will it take to "steal the election" in '08?

How many states do you figure will be decided by less than 100,000 votes? And which ones?

My estimate? If it's my mission, I'd say I need 100,000 fake votes, per state, in at least 10 states. Just to have a 50-50 chance of stealing one of them.

Now, what's the minimum number of co-conspirators you'd need, to generate 100,000 fake votes, per state, in 10 states?

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No less than 3 different moderators see you on thin ice here, so go ahead and keep reporting posts promiscuosly (this is the first one in about six that is legit) and doing your thing.

Just 1 in 6? Dang.

By the way, you missed a 'u'. :silly:

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School Board?


School Board?

State Reps?




Gotta be President, since Obama's the evil mastermind behind the whole thing.

And remember, it's a vast, multi-state fraud machine. They aren't doing it to try to elect school boards in 25 states.

How many votes will decide the closest state in '08? Give us the over/under. And which state will it be?

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Gotta be President, since Obama's the evil mastermind behind the whole thing.

And remember, it's a vast, multi-state fraud machine. They aren't doing it to try to elect school boards in 25 states.

How many votes will decide the closest state in '08?

So those saying voter fraud in Florida in 2000 swayed the election are a bunch of liars. Thank you.

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I think its gaining traction here in Ohio.

On the news, one guy said he registered 79 times, all through ACORN.

Also looks like the FBI is looking into ACORN.

Obviously there is registration fraud, thats a given. The question is whether the guy was trying to get paid (registering a certain # of people per day to get paid) or were there higher ups pushing them to do this.

Either way, it could lead to something on election day in Ohio. RIght now some court in Ohio said the polls have to make sure the people can prove who they are when they vote. The Governor, a Democrat, is trying to block this for some reason (cost Im sure shell say) and taking it to the Supreme Court.

I dont know what effect it would have on early voting here in Ohio. I figure there could be some fraud there. Who knows.

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.....How many votes will decide the closest state in '08? Give us the over/under. And which state will it be?
Ask ACORN....They seem to target "SWING STATES"

ACORN tops its 2008 swing-state goals

ACORN--a coalition of community organizations serving low income families--just wrapped up a voter registration drive targeting battleground states Obama needs to win the White House.

Though officially non-partisan, the focus of the ACORN/Project Vote voter drive was on groups leaning Democratic in the presidential contest:


Seems like ACORNERS can't read to well........but they sure can Count!

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I'm asking you two.

I'm not asking about Florida. I'm not asking about "Ooh, they target Democrats".

Your mission is to steal the election for Obama. What's the minimum number and placement of votes you have to fake, to accomplish that mission?

I'm not even asking for exact numbers. (Especially since one of my points is that nobody knows the exact numbers. They're unpredictable.) How many digits are there in the number?

I'm saying that the science of polling and prediction is good enough so that somebody who wanted to steal the election could have a reasonable chance at accomplishing his mission, if he could steal 100,000 votes, each, in 10 states. That in one of those 10 states, the "real" votes would be within 100,000 votes, and therefore my 100K fake votes would change it.

(In the other 9 states, the margin will be so large that even with 100,000 fake votes, I still won't steal the state. But I have no way of knowing which state will be decided by less than 100K, so I have to generate fake votes in all of them.)

Do you want to dispute those numbers? Claim that the election can be stolen by only creating fake votes in one state, for example? OK, how many fake votes would it take to steal one state?

Wanna pick one state? How many fake votes do you figure that ACORN would need to generate, in order to have a good chance of stealing, say, Ohio? Or Florida? Pick a state.

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Your mission is to steal the election for Obama.....
Thats ACORNs mission but even Sun Tzu said we should study our enemy so......

One state can decide an election

One county can decide a State

Lets look at one county.....

An investigation into voter registration fraud is under way in Lake County.

Thousands of applications are in serious doubt. The activist group Acorn turned in 5,000 new registrations. But the Lake County Election Board said they've already discounted at least 2100 of them.


Are we assuming all these FRAUDULENT REGISTRATIONS will be caught?

What if those registrations voted absentee?

What if ONE GUY voted 2100 times in a small county?

How many people live in CHICAGO?

What if this happens in multiple counties?

Does it not concern you?

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.....Wanna pick one state?.....

Who from Cook County hasn't cringed when they've heard how dead people vote or the quip, "Do as they do in Crook County - vote early and vote often?" The most notorious allegation of voter fraud goes back to the 1960 John Kennedy-Richard Nixon election, when, as the story goes, Mayor Richard J. Daley "stole" the election for the Democrats.

Since then, Illinois has had a reputation for voter games. Which is why it was surprising that when charges of voter fraud allegedly perpetrated by the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN) in 11 states made national headlines last week, Illinois and Cook County wasn't among them. (Barack Obama was a community organizer for Chicago's ACORN in the early 1990s, and served as its lawyer in a lawsuit pushing for motor voter rights in 1995.)


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How many fake votes will it take, to have a reasonable chance of stealing the state for Obama?

(Hint: It's zero. The state's been blue forever. There's no motive whatsoever for ACORN to try to steal votes in Illinois for Obama, because Obama's already got Illinois. Try again.)

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