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Passing Game Problems Overshadowed by Turnovers


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the turnovers provided the Rams with the raw points to stay in this game, but the failure of the Redskins to make plays in the passing game on anything like a consistent basis was the missing element today.

after the Redskins first score on the Portis TD, it became evident on subsequent drives in the first half that the Rams were getting enough pressure on Campbell to prevent Washington from being able to set up the deep ball or even the intermediate stuff to Randle El and Cooley.

there were post-game mea culpas about the turnovers, Pete Kendall's run to infamy, etc., but the first sign of trouble was seeing Leonard Little CONSISTENTLY getting around the right side of the Redskins line to apply pressure on the quarterback.

At one point in the interviews Rabach said the Redskins OL and backs had problems communicating the protections on key passing downs and that in part lead to the poor showing and the hits on Campbell.

I buy that, but only in part.

In every game the OTs are going to have a certain number of plays where they have to man up and win their matchups in protection.

Today, Jansen didn't win the matchup with Little.

As a result of that and some episodic breakdowns on the other side, the Rams were able to get far more pressure than expected from their down linemen, which allowed Haslett to drop 8 into coverage on more than the odd occasion.

And don't believe that didn't play a LARGE part in the outcome, because it did.

The Rams came into this game with the worst pass defense in the NFC and after Manning Jr. got hurt St. Louis was really at the breaking point in the backfield.

But there was no backbreaking deep balls to Moss or open field plays for Devin Thomas or Cooley to take a ball to the house down the seam.

There was no challenge to what was likely the weakest unit of the two teams on the field today.

Jansen no doubt on grit and determination held his own the past 2 weeks with help from Yoder and the backs in pass protection. And Jon is still a capable run blocker.

But he is slow enough off the ball in protection 1 on 1 that he could get Jason Campbell killed.

And that is why Zorn was unwiling to commit himself to Jansen after Heyer returns from his shoulder injury.

Jon at 32 is a good situational backup and short starter who can help you get over the hump for a game and perhaps one after that.

But he is not a 16 game starter anymore, despite the support he has received from his teammates.

Zorn has the right instincts on this call as I think future events will show.

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We never took shots down the field.You can only dink dunk so much.I really thought we would open the offense up a little bit this week ,but that didn't happen.Zorn needs to show aliitle more urgency in his play calling.

Did you not read the OP's comments about how the right side pass pro broke down??

How do you throw deep if your QB's under constant duress??

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Once Heyer gets back and Campbell can pass without always having to scample around it will get better...Still the passing game is LIGHT years ahead of where it has been in about 3 years because If Moss is taken out of the game we dont bog down like we use to. El, had a decent game as did Cooley. Our running game is TOOOO good for us not to have open passing lanes on a consistent basis.

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We never took shots down the field.You can only dink dunk so much.I really thought we would open the offense up a little bit this week ,but that didn't happen.Zorn needs to show aliitle more urgency in his play calling.

I actually think that Zorn was calling for deep shots. Campbell threw one deep to I think Thrash (the one where the Rams got a 5 yard defensive holding penalty).

And I think on a couple of those plays where Campbell was sacked, he was looking down the field.

They rolled a safety to Santana almost the whole game (especially obvious passing downs), much like the Eagles did.

Campbell was running around all day though. Kind of hard to find your deep guys.

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We never took shots down the field.You can only dink dunk so much.I really thought we would open the offense up a little bit this week ,but that didn't happen.Zorn needs to show aliitle more urgency in his play calling.

That was the whole point of the post. JC never had time to set his feet and throw down the field. It was clear there were times we wanted to go deep but JC had to scramble around and quickly get rid of the ball

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Meh. Too much whining. We ountgained them 368 to 157 before the big play to Avery that set up the field goal. We took what they gave us despite the heavy pressure on Campbell.

Despite 3 turnovers and despite how badly we pass protected we still should have won this game. That's a sign of a good team IMO.

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I was watching the game over a prro quality feed on a 20" screen bulldog, and could not get a great picture on details, but jansen was part of what I saw. Great analysis (as usual)and I wonder if you think JZ did an adequate job calling blocking schemes to assist Jansen knowing his increasing weakness. In moderating the board today while trying to watch under the conditions, did not get to check that kind of thing out to closely. I sure the same thing you repor in Cambpbell being more pressured and breakdowns coming form that side.

Mayeb some good news is with all the mistakes and things that went awry, any number of small changes and we would have won this one, too. We just pushed the gaffes too far for the stage we're still at, developmentally. Plus I think this O-line and the changes brought by aging and injury will be an ongoing story coming in and out of prominence. I guess if there's been one hallmarl of this line the last five seasons 9counting this one so far) has been streaks of greatness with interruptions of fair to very poor. Consistency has eluded us.

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DING DING DING.... We have a winner.

I think people have gotten a little ahead of themselves so far this season. We've had great success this season, but make no mistake; our offense is still learning the system.

That's not the point of this thread.

The point that the OP was trying to make was that even though there were communication breakdowns today, the losing battle of individual matchups (in this case Jansen) in the trenches was the bigger concern.

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I'm tired of hearing about communication issues. There's no excuse for that when you play at home. Blitzes have been hurting us each and every week and we still haven't figured it out. Zorn has to figure out a way to get Santana the ball. Where were the crossing routes and screens we'd seen in earlier weeks?

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the turnovers provided the Rams with the raw points to stay in this game, but the failure of the Redskins to make plays in the passing game on anything like a consistent basis was the missing element today.

I disagree, BD. We could have won this game on running the ball alone but the turnovers caught up with us.

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One thing I've always wondered:

Is run blocking more associated with lower body strength with the legs keep pumping to push forward, while pass blocking is more associated with upper body strength? So that you can maintain your position?

Pass blocking and run blocking both have to do with footwork, in particular pass blocking

Jansen simply doesn't have the foot speed he used to. Those achilles injuries really took a toll on him

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Good post.

I think our passing game is efficient and methodical but not explosive. You look at teams like the Colts, Cardinals, and Cowboys and they can pick up chunks of yards in an instant.

Our passing game is improving but not a finished product yet.

You are spot on. Part of what makes the passing game of those teams efficient and effective is the play made by their respective QBs. They make quick reads, and have quick releases ... the throws are accurate, that allows the receivers to get chucks after the catch.

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Jansen definitely lost several one-on-one match ups. I also think the mis-communications played a major role. There were numorous times when the Rams got to Campbell and you'd see at least one lineman or back in no-man's-land. The Redskins had enough guys in protection, but they didn't block the right defenders.

I completely agree w/ the OP saying Jansen is a pass-blocking liability; however, it will be interesting to see how good the run game is when Heyer returns. The run game has been lights out these last 3 weeks w/ Jansen in there. Heyer isn't the mauler that Jansen is. If only these two guys could be fused into one player, we'd have a great right tackle. At this point I worry that we have a 1/2 a lineman in both guys.

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It is such BS that Thomas isnt out there!!!! Who made the big play for the Rams today??? Their rookie wr. I dont care if he doesn't know all the plays put him out there and throw him a deep pass!!

Listen, when the kid stops effin up you might see him more and when the O-linemen we have can block without tight end and running back help you might see some more 4 WR sets. But until that happens how do you plan on getting him into the game?


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On point bulldog. Jansen just could not contain Little when he was backing off in pass pro. He did fine punching him when it was a run, but that's it.

It's really that simple. This loss isn't as bad as it seems. It just hurts more because the Rams were winless, and we put the ball on the ground like it was part of the gameplan.

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Yes, we had issues with our pass protection...

But what was wrong with our passing game?

Jason Campbell's statline was 18/26 for 208 yards with 0 interceptions and 0 touchdowns. That's 8 yards per attempt. That's good for being tied for fourth in the league behind Phillip Rivers, Drew Brees, and Tony Romo sits to pee.

The only problem is the lack of touchdowns, but who knows what would have happened had we not fumbled the ball on first down thrice in scoring range. We did not get a chance to see any "problems" with our passing game in the redzone.

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