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Pretty much Same playmakers as last, year,,,what's the difference?


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One word:


It shows in all phases of the game.

It is so good to be a skins fan these days. This is the kind of team that makes you proud. No showboating, No mondo-egos to point fingers when down by 14 in the 1st.


Prouder than ever to be a skins fan !!!:eaglesuck

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I would say the biggest reasons are:

1) The playbook

2) The playcalling from that playbook

3) Campbell not feeling as though he might be yanked at some point due to a mistake - has him feeling much more confident and it shows

4) Health on the offensive side of the ball

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:secret: it's the system. Both on defense and on offense but moreso on offense.

In this league, unless you have a monstrous O-line and a solid RB, you cannot play run first, ball control football. We didn't and still do not have that type of line. That is not to say that we cannot run the ball, but we have balance now, something that was missing last year.

And that helps the defense stay off the field and be more rested throughout the game and the season.

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Randy Thomas and Jon Jansen are healthy

Santana Moss is healthy

Clinton Portis actually worked out during the offseason.

Jason Campbell has made strides as a QB.

Al Saunders was a disaster.

Zorn has a killer instinct as a playcaller that Gibbs had lost.

Is that enough for you?

I disagree with you on Al Saunders. Gibbs handcuffed him. That man had some of the best offenses with the Rams and Chiefs. But Gibbs was stuck in the 80's.

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I'm sorry but that isn't the difference, character was already there and coach Gibbs had much to do with that. I think it consistency in that there wasn't huge tunover...we have a modern play calling coach that is aggressive and doesn't rest on leads ie playing to win not playing not to lose. Joe did much for this club but couldn't take it to the next level...this coach so far is getting more out of these players and not handicapping them.

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I think no one saw anygmaes last year or was too drunk.

Moss hamstring was hurt almost all year. Remember the Packers game he took himself out.

Jansen and Thomas got hurt in the first two weeks, the right side of the line

Campbell was in his first year starting with a training camp.

Did no one watch any games last year? You can't run the ball if you run left everytime.

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The playcalling. Its not run, run, pass anymore. Sure sometimes we might run 3 times in a row, but we also line up in shotgun on first down to pass, pass early and often but yet we are still balanced and have that power run team mentality. Ive said this for a while now. Jim Zorn has great football common sense. What does this mean? Mike Martz, great Offensive mind, bad football common sense with his play calling alot of times.

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One word:


It shows in all phases of the game.

It is so good to be a skins fan these days. This is the kind of team that makes you proud. No showboating, No mondo-egos to point fingers when down by 14 in the 1st.


Prouder than ever to be a skins fan !!!:eaglesuck

-Healthy Randy Thomas and Jon Jansen

-Healthy Moss

-A year of experience under Heyer's belt

-Another year of experience under Torrence's belt

-Zorn, Campbell and the WCO

-Portis running hard

-Defensive scheme designed around LaRon Landry amazing range and featuring more man-to-man coverage less and less Cover 2


I can't wait until the rookie receivers really start making an impact




Emergence of Chris Horton

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I keep going back to those folks who said the Portis for Bailey trade was a bad trade for us. Right now, Clinton Portis is the BEST RB in the league when measured with all of the things RBs do (run, catch, pass block, etc). He is getting better lanes to run because the OL is healthy, he's hitting the line harder, and most importantly, the other team must respect the deep ball.

And, not turning the ball over helps, too:D!!!

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