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Ravens lose. It's gonna be a fun day at work!


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Those chest-thumping, excuse-making Ravens lost,again.

Outside of the NFC East, I hate the Ravens most of all. Bunch of loudmouth, obnoxious poser fans, who constantly hate on me and my beloved Skins.

They kept ragging me, hard, after our week one debacle against the Giants, and their opening day win against the hapless Bengals.

I keep telling them that they're pretty good against winless teams.

It's going to be a great week!!

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one of the staff in my scholarship program is a huge ravens fan and skins hater. he was talking so much **** last week after the dallas game (before the ravens lost to pitt). he didn't want to admit the skins looked good and swore that the ravens were gonna crush us when we play them. needless to say we took a bet where the loser has to wear a shirt the day after that says "My team, the _______, SUCK and lost to the greatest team ever, the ______". i'm feeling pretty good about making that bet right now lol.

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Maybe it's because the Skins are 4-1 so I'm in a generous mood, but I'm going to give the Ravens credit.

They've been a better team than I thought they'd be (I thought they'd be a 12 loss team).

I think their fans were fooling themselves when they were 2-0 and started thumping their chests as if they were anything special, but the Ravens have shown in back to back weeks that they can go toe to toe with anyone and come close to winning.

If Flacco develops and stops with the rookie mistakes, they're dangerous.

But until then, enjoy rubbing it in this week.:D

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Ravens D is great...their Offense is a complete joke.

When you are living on that fine line of 10-7, 13-10 games one mistake will kill you. They put themselves in position where if they committed a mistake they were in trouble, no room for error when you are in a 3-5 point game every week.

Those gimme home games against the Browns/Bengals were Xmas in September presents for them. The Ravens have the Colts on the road this week (LOSS) and still have all 4 NFC East teams to deal with.

With that pitiful offense I will be shocked if they win more than 6 games.

I know one thing is for sure, I have tix to the Skins/Ratbirds game up there in December...we better represent and maim them!

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Those chest-thumping, excuse-making Ravens lost,again.

Outside of the NFC East, I hate the Ravens most of all. Bunch of loudmouth, obnoxious poser fans, who constantly hate on me and my beloved Skins.

They kept ragging me, hard, after our week one debacle against the Giants, and their opening day win against the hapless Bengals.

I keep telling them that they're pretty good against winless teams.

It's going to be a great week!!

Come on.

Tell us how you REALLY feel, Rick. :D

Yeah, I don't really hate the Ravens, but I sure do hate there fans. Living as close to B-More as I do, I have a bunch of Ratbird fans around me and they will talk trash and show there colors, until they lose, then I can't fine a one of them.

There bandwagon fans are almost as bad as bandwagon Cowboys fans. :D

They are pathetic.

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