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This Week Is the Time to Let It All Fly!


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With the chance to go 4-1, and win 2 out of 3 on the road in the division, this is the week to throw just about everything we have at the Eagles. Anything conservative is not acceptable. We have a real opportunity to show that we are the top contenders for the Super Bowl in the NFC.

I know it's hard to realize, but this is not the same old Redskins team we're used to seeing over the years. Jim Zorn has shown that he is not afraid to throw the ball, and, he has us outplaying teams in the second half. If we can take a lead into the locker room on Sunday by playing an aggressive first half, we can put the game in the hands of McNabb and not Westbrook or the Eagles defense.

There should be absolutely no pressure on us to win this game. It is an opportunity to play loose and aggressive while throwing some things at the Eagles that we haven't shown yet. I fully expect Coach Zorn to throw everything we have at Philly on Sunday.

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Yea and Gibbs ran the same play twice in a row at the Goal Line with Betts at the end of the game and sealed our fate in that one....we also had a lead that we let get away if I remember right. I don't see Zorn willingly making the same mistake Gibbs did.

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Not to mention this also finishes up our division road games, which is amazing for week 5. To be 4-1 with zero division road games on the schedule is like a dream come true.

You are absolutely correct! That means the road to the NFC East Title goes through FedEx Field. The Redskins can control their own destiny as the remaining NFC East match ups are all home games.



Hail to the Redskins! Hail Victory! :cheers:

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With the chance to go 4-1, and win 2 out of 3 on the road in the division, this is the week to throw just about everything we have at the Eagles. Anything conservative is not acceptable. We have a real opportunity to show that we are the top contenders for the Super Bowl in the NFC.

I know it's hard to realize, but this is not the same old Redskins team we're used to seeing over the years. Jim Zorn has shown that he is not afraid to throw the ball, and, he has us outplaying teams in the second half. If we can take a lead into the locker room on Sunday by playing an aggressive first half, we can put the game in the hands of McNabb and not Westbrook or the Eagles defense.

There should be absolutely no pressure on us to win this game. It is an opportunity to play loose and aggressive while throwing some things at the Eagles that we haven't shown yet. I fully expect Coach Zorn to throw everything we have at Philly on Sunday.

I tend to agree with you. But you have to remember that there is a risk-reward analysis. I agree, that an aggressive style in this game makes a statement that we aren't the "usual" redskins and we are here to play to win. It also gives us an opportunity to get a lead and put them behind the 8 ball all game playing catchup and making them one dimensional which would greatly favor us. The flip side of the aggressive coin however is that it can snowball the other way if we don't execute (or if the eagles play as well as I think they can). We get down 14 -0 early in this game because our deep ball shots result in sack fumbles or interceptions etc and we will have a game that looks lopsided at the end, shake our confidence and have the entire world calling Dallas a fluke while reminding everyone of the Carolina pre-season game and giants in NY game. It could have a bas effect on our psyche whereas even a close loss keeps this team in the right frame of mind for an easy part of the schedule. That being said, I agree that I would take that chance because a skins win means an elite mentality which we haven't had in a decade.

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Not to mention this also finishes up our division road games, which is amazing for week 5. To be 4-1 with zero division road games on the schedule is like a dream come true.


And let's not forget, we'd be 4-1 in the conference, which is also HUGE when thinking about playoff scenarios. (Oh, and 5-1, after kicking the dog snot out of the Rams at the Fed.) :)

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Agreed Agreed Agreed....I dont understand people saying this game means more for the eagles. I mean if we lose were tied with philly and possibly dropping a game to Dallas and New York, and we would be in the drivers seat winning 2 of 3 division road games...Cause i expect to win the division homegames.

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This game almost reminds me of the Giants game last year at home. The Giants were down and we had a chance to put them at 0-2 in the division. Im really hoping for a different outcome. But then again, this is a new era.

Definitely. If we crush the Eagles' dreams Sunday, we will be heading to the playoffs.

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I totally agree. It's time to stick the knife in and leave the Eagles for dead. I don't give a rat's ass about division pride, and I DO NOT like the fact that so far this division is a four way race. Good thread, let's hope that the team is prepared and focused just like weeks 2-4.

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When I say "let it all fly" I'm also talking about the defense which I didn't allude to in my post. With our run defense playing so well, I'd like to see us put some serious pressure on McNabb and make him beat us with his arm. The Eagles offense is banged up and we need to make them as one dimensional as possible. Start with Westbrook who they rely heavily on. We have to put a spy on him at all times. Next, put pressure on McNabb so that he doesn't have time to get the ball downfield. Historically, he struggles on shorter and intermediate throws while he's more successful on the longer throws downfield.


Take away his safety valve (Westbrook) with the spy and make him go elsewhere with the ball. Also, when I say use a spy, I might even consider going 5 d-backs with one of them as the spy. Linebackers struggle to keep up with Westbrook. Our secondary should match up well with the Eagles receivers. Blache needs to take advantage of this matchup.

I know, this sounds like a successful defensive game plan every week and it is. But taking Westbrook away from McNabb is huge if we're gonna beat the Birds in Philly.

On offense, we can't leave Campbell sitting back there as a target. We've got to keep the Eagles pass rush guessing by using screens, quick outs to Moss and Randle El, and quick stuff to Cooley, in addition to getting Campbell out of the pocket. The Eagles defense will really test Jason's ability to audible protection schemes. Once we do that, we can mix in some gadget plays, and take shots down field to Moss.

This game is very winnable!

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This week means everything for us. It's all about the attitude. If we come out and lay an egg, the perception could creep into everyone's (fans, media) that the huge Dallas win was a fluke.

I, for one, am very excited to watch Sunday. I think we are going to keep this rolling. A key for me has been Jason Campbell's pocket presence. Every time he sees a defender coming, he'll take a few quick steps, dodge, and let it fly. He's going to need to keep doing this Sunday with the Iggles' pass rush.


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When I say "let it all fly" I'm also talking about the defense which I didn't allude to in my post. With our run defense playing so well, I'd like to see us put some serious pressure on McNabb and make him beat us with his arm.

Make no mistake. McNabb CAN beat us with his arm. You have to pick and choose your spots where you bring the pressure because he knows how to move around in the pocket to buy time. The object is to NOT give him that time. If we are going to blitz, it HAS to be efective and you HAVE to remove Westbrook as a safety valve. When you get to McNabb, you absolutely HAVE to wrap him up. He has made a history of killing us AFTER breaking tackles.

At the end of the Dallas game, pressure caused McNabb to self-destruct. Instead of going into a prevent defense, Dallas attacked. I think that is something Greg Blache can learn from.

Offensively, if we need some trickeration like Portis or ARE throwing the ball or a reverse or two, THIS is the perfect time to use it. When it works, it shuts up the home crowd and we're going to need that with those obnoxious Philly fans.

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The eagles have talent at the WR position, this is not your mom's Eagles this year. Control a gimped Westbrook and keep Jackson from making long plays and we should be OK.

On offense we will see new plays and if our line holds up early against the blitz or we if we can burn it a few times. The game is ours.

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The eagles have talent at the WR position, this is not your mom's Eagles this year. Control a gimped Westbrook and keep Jackson from making long plays and we should be OK.

On offense we will see new plays and if our line holds up early against the blitz or we if we can burn it a few times. The game is ours.

The westcoast offense is perfect against the blitz, I dont look for the eagles to blitz as much this week.

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I find a loss in this game unexceptable. Because as mentioned before that puts us at 3-2

and game behind Dallass and game behind Gnats. We need to stay at that top. We need to crush Philly unlike what we did against Gnats last year. So this game is just as important to the us as it is Philthy.

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