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Why DC still loves LAvar Arrington


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I still love LaVar and he will always be one of my all-time favorite Redskins players. It is unfortunate the way his career ended with the Redskins and the fact that he went to play for a divisional rival. But, people tend to forget that even Hall of Famer Art Monk (I love saying that now) didn't leave in the best circumstances and ended his career playing for the Eagles. Same with Brian Mitchell.

What matters the most is that LaVar never left this community. Neither did Art Monk or Brian Mitchell. Just like them, LaVar will always be a true Redskin in my book.

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We love him because he loves us. His beef may have been with GW and the FO, but he ALWAYS loved the fans. BTW, he refused to even talk with the Cowboys when he was released.

Let's not go nuts. He went to the Giants. That's almost as bad.

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People are going to interpret this the wrong way, but we love him because we identified with him. He was the emotional leader on our team in the early 2000s, the one person you can always expect a good season out of. This was especially true when Darrell Green retired. He just generated that excitement.

However, things changed a bit in 2004. Gibbs is back, and we draft a player that suddenly creates a similar amount of excitement in Sean Taylor. After injury, Lavar's status just declined as well. A lot of us were adopting Taylor now as our favorite.

I really was hoping it would all work out, a healthy Lavar and Taylor could have lead our defenses for at least 5 more seasons. Alas it was not meant to be.

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I never quite understood the love, never will.

I guess I like my heroes to actually win at something. But call me picky.

Now that's my knock on him as a player. As a person, his character was on vivid display for all to see before the playoff game against Tampa. So he's got that going for him too.

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People are going to interpret this the wrong way, but we love him because we identified with him. He was the emotional leader on our team in the early 2000s, the one person you can always expect a good season out of. This was especially true when Darrell Green retired. He just generated that excitement.

However, things changed a bit in 2004. Gibbs is back, and we draft a player that suddenly creates a similar amount of excitement in Sean Taylor. After injury, Lavar's status just declined as well. A lot of us were adopting Taylor now as our favorite.

I really was hoping it would all work out, a healthy Lavar and Taylor could have lead our defenses for at least 5 more seasons. Alas it was not meant to be.

a healthy LaVar and ST would have been bad news for any other team out there. That was something I think we all wanted.

I agree with your post too..:applause:

and for the record I got MAD love for LaVar. I wasnt ever able to burn my 56 jersey.

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I still love Lavar ... course I wish it would have ended better here with him.

I'm not gonna rehash my own version of everything that happened. But I will say this, I think that the Redskins as an organization played a huge part in ending Lavar's career (as well as Lavar himself), and a lot of it was because of pride, ego's, etc. The fans suffered a bit because of all of that, as well as the players on the field who had to play with and answer media questions as to why a mediocre talent at best, "Highway 57", was starting over Lavar ... we all know it was out of spite.

found that completely unfair to the other players on the team and disrespectful to the fans that pay money to see a winner.

But separate Lavar the player, from Lavar "disgruntled player in a contract dispute" ... and there still is no doubt in my mind that he could have been one of the best ever. And he gave the fans something to cheer about. He WAS a BEAST, and no one will ever change my mind about that.

IMO B-Mitchell deserves more negativity than Lavar, Bmitch said "eff the fans too" when he left town. Lavar never did that. I have no doubt in my mind that he regrets some of his actions, regardless of what he says when being interviewed.

But if anything at all, i would love to see him get another shot a playing somewhere, just another shot at knocking another QB on his tail (except JC). Just one more season, even as a role player, to let him end his playing career the way he wanted to.

I'd never burn a redskin jersey, that's sac religious in my book. if anything i would remove the players name from the back of it. But that's just me.

There's not enough time in this world to be a "hater" years after the fact, regardless of anyone's position on the whole matter, it's time to let it go folks ... he does a lot of good, a lot more good than a lot of people on this board, myself included. For that i will always admire him.

Best of luck to you Lavar in your future endeavors, glad I go to see you play in person. Hail to em!

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