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Stop Hatin' on Reed


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Too much negativity I think regarding Reed Doughty just because Horton has made a couple nice plays. Sure we should be happy about him but don't give up on Reed as a potential starter or a great back-up at the safety position. That TD to Austin he should have had a safety help over the middle and he did guess the route correctly at first, he just wasn't able to stick with him and getting no pass rush on Romo sits to pee allowed Austin to just roam around until he got open. I don't think you can fault Reed too much.

He's still fast as heck and put a crushing hit on Romo sits to pee one play. His coverage skills need work but I don't think he's as bad as Roy Williams. He covers the run extremely well and is a very good tackler. Just be happy we got two or three NFL quality safeties with like 6th and 7th round picks in the last couple years. I think Reed and Horton should about split snaps the rest of the year, Reed on most rushing downs and Horton on passing, and we'll have a great tandem back there.

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No one is really hating on Reed. And honestly kid, saying "Horton has made a couple nice plays" is definitely underestimating things. He's made 3 interceptions and 1 fumble recovery in only 2 games. He's done more in 2 games that some players do in a season. On top of that, with 1/4 of the season already completed, he is top 5 in int's. He's making plays like a pro. He's better than Reed and needs to be on the field.

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why is there debate about who should start between the leading contender for DROY and reed freakin doughty?

the criticism of doughty comes from the fact that every time someone makes a big play on our defense, there's reed doughty arriving a second late.

nobody finds themselves making excuses when horton's in the game.

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No one is really hating on Reed. And honestly kid, saying "Horton has made a couple nice plays" is definitely underestimating things. He's made 3 interceptions and 1 fumble recovery in only 2 games. He's done more in 2 games that some players do in a season.

after three seasons:

reed doughty career interceptions: zero

reed doughty career fumble recoveries: zero

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I like Reed and i like Horton too...but for Reed's case Horton did not give M.Washington help over the top when Whitten made that one TD catch..i love Horton and Reed they both have a lot to learn from one other IMO....Go check the replay Horton could have and should have helped MW on that play..Correct me if i'm wrong but the LB should get help form the SS on TE's?

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Oh, enough already.

We mostly all LIKE Reed, and no one in their right mind is calling for him to get cut, but it's impossible to assert that we are not getting more from Horton right now. The kid just makes plays.

If you saw the sideline shot yesterday, Reed was one of the first ones congratulating him after that pick. He's not worried about it, why should the fans?

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I don't think most people are hating on Reed. He is a stand up guy and did an admirable job stepping in for ST last season. Horton has outplayed Reed this year. Setting aside his turnovers, Horton just seems to be a better athlete with good deal more range than Reed. Our best players need to be on the field and so far this season Horton has been the better player. Given the fact that he is rookie, he is only going to get better.

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What some call hate is just reality. Reed is a good special teams player but he shouldn't be a starting safety in the NFL. He's a liability that seems to have no upside.

Couldnt agree with this more, just doesnt have the tools for his posistion in NFL.

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Reed is a great guy and even a competent backup, but he's being outshined by the 249th pick of the NFL draft.

I hope Reed is a Skin for a longtime, but in the role of a mentor and a backup.

A 249th pick that leads all rookies in interceptions. You have to admit Horton is exceeding everyone's expectations.

Reed Doughty is not as bad as people say he is, and I don't think people should dread seeing him run on the field.

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Reed Doughty is a fine strong safety. He reads plays well, and I had no problem with him starting until I saw Horton. Horton is a certified ball hawk, and is just what we need to make turnovers that we were having trouble making before. It may be the fact that we finally have a pass rush helping out, but Horton finds the ball and attacks, causing havok. When you're playing teams close the way we are, you need a guy like that. Love Reed, hope he stays on the team, but hope he finds a nice spot at number 2 on the depth chart.

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