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NFL Expert Picks: YAHOO! Sports, ESPN, NFL Countdown, NBC, CBS,and Madden Simulation


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As expected (so far) the Redskins don't fair to well in the minds of the "experts" this week with not a single "expert" picking them to win this one. Even the accuscorer from ESPN that has show the Redskins love over the past few weeks is picking against them. I wonder what the experts will say if the Skins win this week ... will they pick them over the Iggles? So far the Redskins have been picked to win by one guy from CBS and that is it. I will edit the post once some of these get updated.

YAHOO! Sports:




NFL Sunday Countdown:


NBC Sports (Novacek's Picks):


CBS Sports:


Madden Simulation (not updated yet):




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I was on CBS or NBC earlier and I've seen 1 'expert' predict us. I personally don't mind it. Not the whole "us against the world thing" but that I hate experts. Their expert knowledge is 80% common knowledge, 15% facts nobody in their right mind should know, and 5% experience knowledge. Those percentages are scientific facts so please don't argue with them.

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Doesn't anybody here remember last year at Philly??

No one picked us to win that game. Remember the ESPN map of the US all colored red in favor of Philly??

Then after we won,even the sideline reporter couldn't get JC's name right in the post game interview. :ols:

The "experts" know just as much as you and I, when it comes to game prognostication.

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The Redskins can make a real statement with a road victory here. It won't happen. The Cowboys are too powerful on offense and the Redskins won't keep up. Jason Campbell or Tony Romo sits to pee? Easy call.

Dallas -31 Washington -17


Dallas - 97%

Washington 3%

We aren't losing this game.

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I think we all know no one will pick us to beat the Cowboys... It should be no surprise... and thus far, there really isn't any reason to pick us, Dallas is a good team this year. So don't get mad when not one person picks us over the Cowgirls. I am hopeful, and incredibly pumped for Sunday.

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Alright let me explain. I don't think it's that NO experts believe we CAN win. I think many of them actually do. The question is do they think we WILL win. And if you're an outsider you have to believe the Cowboys will most likely win.

A better way of thinking about it. If you're not a Redskins fan or Cowboys fan and you MUST bet a million dollars on one of the two teams who would you pick? I mean the Redskins are going to have a GREAT chance to win this game. The experts are just covering their bases.

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Why should anyone pick us to win this game besides Skins fans? You have to earn respect and so far we haven't done that no matter who we beat..there's always a talking head dealing out reasons...I hope we win..I know we can..but you can't say w/100% certainty..neither can the "experts". So I say to the "experts"...DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!<in that deep Mortal Kombat voice>. Anything is possible....

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Why should anyone pick us to win this game besides Skins fans? You have to earn respect and so far we haven't done that no matter who we beat..there's always a talking head dealing out reasons...I hope we win..I know we can..but you can't say w/100% certainty..neither can the "experts". So I say to the "experts"...DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!<in that deep Mortal Kombat voice>. Anything is possible....

Who says we have to pick the Skins? If I was going to bet on this one, it sure wouldn't be on the Skins. The Skins have, what, 2 wins in 20 years at Texas? No, thank you.

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We still havnt shown that we can play consistent football. If ya had to bet the rent, you almost have to go with the Sowboys since theyre playing pretty good ball. But i like where the Skins are at right now, and i think of how were gonna be in NOMOS face, and pounding his -ss into the turf all game long. TO wont be a problem if Landry, or one of our LBs can hand him his head a couple times as well. We all know how skeert he gets when he thinks someones gonna hit him! As far as the experts go, i think we got alot of fans right here that know more about football than they do! HTTR!!!

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I just updated the post with NBC and CBS. Out of all of them only one person has picked the Redskins, some guy from CBS. :dallasuck


That's wierd cause i checked CBS late last night and there was 2 people who had picked them and neither of them were Richard (who has them picked now). I guess they changed their mind. However these picks are against the spread so I bet no one would pick the Skins straight up.

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