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Extreme fan? What have you done to watch a Skins game?


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Snuck out of bed at the four seasons in Maui, the MORNING AFTER MY WEDDING, to turn the game on at 6 AM Hawaii time.


My wife and I went to the game at FedEx on Nov. 5,2006; when we beat the cowgirls on the Troy Vincent blocked FG / ST return and facemask 15 yd-er / un-timed kick. oh yeah,we got married on the 4th.

--I also talked her into going to the Jets game in NY last year on the 4th.

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Sat through a pouring rain storm at the final game of the 2001 season with my brother and nephhew to see Marty get win #8 and Stephen Davis break the team single season rushing record. By the end of the game, I estimate there were less than 1,500 people left in the upper deck. The following day the Washington Times commended the people who stayed to the end, citing them as true Redskins Fans worthy of free season tickets for life. I clipped that and sent it in with my ticket invoice the following year, but it didn't help.

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During the mid eighties I used to get up and watch the games in the middle of the night in Germany. No big deal unless you get up during the weekdays at 4 am (the time the game ended) to run a few miles of PT at 5 am in the snow...So during football season my Mondays pretty much sucked - I sat up all night drinking German beer, imbibing in the killer Afghan black h**h, watching the Redskins in German (ich sprechen zehr gut Deutsche) and then had to go run for miles in the freezing cold when I was done!

Man, I miss my youth sometimes.

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For the past two weeks I had come up and stayed with my grandparents to go to games. Immediately after the game Sunday I rented a car and drove the 15 hours straight back home because of a test at school in the morning (there were no good flights)....well I made it back here at 10am and just woke up..

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For the past two weeks I had come up and stayed with my grandparents to go to games. Immediately after the game Sunday I rented a car and drove the 15 hours straight back home because of a test at school in the morning (there were no good flights)....well I made it back here at 10am and just woke up..

15 hours to florida?

You must not believe in speed.

Took me ten hours flat to get from DC to Orlando :silly:

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I gave up sex to watch the game.

And let me tell you what she was wearing still makes me wonder today if I did the right thing.

We lost to the Cardinals to an aging Boomer Esiason who looked unstoppable.

That **** threw for like 300+ yards that day.

Looks like you shoulda taken the sex :applause:

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Get up at 0200 every Monday morning to watch the Skins game live here in Japan before heading off to work for a full day.

Sucks bad, but I wouldn't feel right if I knew they were on and didn't watch

I did this in 2005 when the Redskins were on every week on the Armed Forces Network to close out on the 5 game winning streak to end the season. I actually bought a DVD recorder to record the late afternoon games because I was with the Marines.

4:00PM games became 5:00 AM games for me and I had physical training and the rifle range during certain games. So I had to avoid hearing about the games and watch it on my dvd player.

It was worth every penny, I still watch the last game against the Eagles to make me happy. Sean Taylor and Clinton Portis flying into the endzone is money. :)

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This doesn't really count, but I'll share anyway. I'm at college in PA (the "Vienna, VA" in my profile is where my parents live), meaning I'm surrounded by Eagles fans. I was wearing my Cooley jersey during the monday night game @ Philly last year. When Cooley scored the TD just before halftime, I ran up and down the hall, poking my head in people's dorm rooms and yelling "GO SKINS!" I initially regretted doing that, for fear that the Eagles would come back and win it, but they held on!

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Brought a computer to my brother's engagement ceremony and watched it in the board room at the conference center.

He still doesn't know. Serves my parents right for scheduling things on an October Sunday.

I hate how people schedule things on Sundays in the autumn as if there's nothing going on and expect you to just "go with the flow."

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September 11, 2004, the night before the opening game when Joe Gibbs came back I got hit by a suburban riding my motorcycle. I had a compound fracture of my collarbone and a concussion. The morning of the game, I made the hospital release me against the doctor's wishes and had my girlfriend drive me to Fed Ex. Well as it turns out , that was a bad idea (go figure). I guess the morphine was still working! When portis took the first carry to the house and everyone went crazy, the woman next to me grabbed me cheering. Wow, talk about a bad decision haha.

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2005 was my first year having season tickets (to this day I've never missed a game). As we all remember the Redskins played the Giants on Christmas Eve at FedEx Field that year (a Saturday). I told my family before the season even started that I'd be skipping Christmas Eve dinner (a huge tradition in an Italian family) that year because I'd be at the game. As Christmas Eve got closer, it turned out that nobody was going to be able to host dinner for various reasons. So on Thursday of that week, I get a call saying that we're all going over to my cousin's, and that her "dinner event" was to be at 1 PM. Seeing as I already had "plans," I felt no remorse whatsoever when I told everyone that I wouldn't be attending. This caused a big problem as you can imagine...they of course saw no problem with asking me to cancel my "plans" since "something more important" had come up. To this day I'm glad that I went to the game, although it was the last Christmas before my grandfather passed away. While I do feel a bit guilty about that (he was like a father to me), I'm the one cousin/brother/son/nephew/etc that everyone expects to do everything and anything, so for once I did something for myself. That might not be much to some people, but in my family it's a big deal.

I know exactly where you're coming from, I'm Italian myself. I'm sure your Grandfather knew how much of a Redskin fan you are and he probably didn't have a problem with what you did so get rid of those guilt feelings.

Enjoy the game this Sunday and remember that your Grandfather will probably be sitting beside you, rooting for the Redskins with you..:cheers:

Hail to the Redskins! Hail Victory!

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I have spent a bucket load of cash to come from the UK to see the Skins 3 times since 2004. They only won once as well :-(

Lost count of the number of times I've gone to work on a couple of hours sleep after watching a game live here in the UK.

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Well in the end, I got to watch and record that awful awful awful loss to the Giants in OT at The Big Jack. That was the game we lost after opening 2-0 in Spurrier's second season.

this was my first Skins game in person! and that loss was awful, we opened up the season against the jets and were looking pretty decent... the giants fans at the stadium were merciless! :gaintsuck

I soon thereafter married the woman who took me to that game though.

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I have a couple, but the best was 05 game against the giants at home, play offs on the line. I won two tickets to the game in the club level. Well being Xmas eve I assumed I couldn't go, but after the dal-ass game there was no way I wasn't going (I had also attended the dal-ass game with my cowboy fan brother in law). So I told my wife that I would not be attending her family's traditional xmas eve dinner at the four seasons in manhattan, missing our daughters first xmas eve with the family. What's worse is I couldn't find anyone to go with me as it was the holiday, so I drove down to DC and back (from NYC) by myself in one day, watched the game alone and had am xmas eve dinner of Popeye's Chicken on the road...

We all know it was worth it though, and even though I went to the game alone, I watched it with 80,000 friends...

Also I made my wife go with me to watch the game on her birthday (Sept 11) while we were on vacation in Maine, and we had to drive an hour away while she sat there watching the most boring game ever against the bears...

I do realize how lucky I am in the wife department.

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