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Extreme fan? What have you done to watch a Skins game?


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As much as I love the Northwest, I hate that the Redskins are hardly on TV out here. I can usually catch 2 games a year if lucky. I finally found a lil sports bar in town that shows all games and even have a small group of Skins fans to hang w/. So yesterday as I get ready to drive there, I realize that I have locked my keys in my truck. And the spare is no where to be found. :mad: I can't get ahold of anyone to give me a ride....****!

Some of you know that I had ACL surgery nearly 4 months ago. Well, I can walk ok, but that is a 2.5 mile journey to this bar. And it was pouring buckets of rain. So I decided to go against doctors orders and rode my bicycle, in the pouring rain, peddling with only one good leg on a nearly flat tire. It took 20 minutes and my knee was pretty pissed all day (and still is today). But...I got to watch my beloved team. (I did get a ride home thankfully)

Now, Some of you have maybe done some other "extreme" things in order to see a game, whether it's on TV or at a Stadium. Stories??

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2005 was my first year having season tickets (to this day I've never missed a game). As we all remember the Redskins played the Giants on Christmas Eve at FedEx Field that year (a Saturday). I told my family before the season even started that I'd be skipping Christmas Eve dinner (a huge tradition in an Italian family) that year because I'd be at the game. As Christmas Eve got closer, it turned out that nobody was going to be able to host dinner for various reasons. So on Thursday of that week, I get a call saying that we're all going over to my cousin's, and that her "dinner event" was to be at 1 PM. Seeing as I already had "plans," I felt no remorse whatsoever when I told everyone that I wouldn't be attending. This caused a big problem as you can imagine...they of course saw no problem with asking me to cancel my "plans" since "something more important" had come up. To this day I'm glad that I went to the game, although it was the last Christmas before my grandfather passed away. While I do feel a bit guilty about that (he was like a father to me), I'm the one cousin/brother/son/nephew/etc that everyone expects to do everything and anything, so for once I did something for myself. That might not be much to some people, but in my family it's a big deal.

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Slapped my mother across the face to turn the car around when she tricked me into going on a family event.

My mother conned me into missing part of the Maryland game against California a few weeks ago. I moved out of my parents house last November and into a condo I bought. However, I was still expected to come back and perform the daily chores that I had to do while I lived there according to my mother and my sister. My sister see's no reason why I shouldn't be coming every weekend to cut the lawn. Anyways, my mother called me just as the Maryland game was starting and said that my Dad was going to watch it, and that I should come over and we'd watch it together. When I got there, my Dad was outside cutting the lawn, and she told me that since I was there I might as well offer to finish it for him! I immediately realized that I had been used, but I did it anyways. (For the record, the last time anyone had cut the grass was in July when I did it.) Nevertheless, my Dad of course had no idea that I had been told that we'd watch the MD game together, but I made it home in time to see the end of the 4th quarter. I have no problem helping my parents, but they expect it done yesterday and at their convenience. I normally plan my weekend around church and games, and running over there to cut grass wasn't part of my plan. I'm not trying to come across as a jerk for not helping my parents, but as I said, I don't want to be conned into doing it. They're still fairly young (50's), so it's not as if my Dad can't do it, he just hates cutting grass as much as I do so he doesn't do it.

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When i went on vacation last year in Jamaica, i called around to like 10 different bars to see if any of them would carry the game, i finally found one with direct tv and nfl sunday ticket, and drove like 2 hours, well caught a 2 hour cab ride to watch the game. (Philly at home)

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I live in San Diego and don't get too many games on TV. I also have to work some weekends. I got Sirius satellite radio so I could at least listen to the broadcasts when the game isn't televised. At work, I can't get any reception on the sat radio, so I attatched the antenna to a 50 ft extending pole and ran the pole all the way up to the celing where we have a skylight so I could get a reception and hear the game.

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Snuck out of bed at the four seasons in Maui, the MORNING AFTER MY WEDDING, to turn the game on at 6 AM Hawaii time.


Not too sure this one can be beat. It'd take something like breaking out of prison, or skipping their mothers funeral for me to give them the #1 spot from you. Your fandom cannot be questioned in my book. :2cents:

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At the time I was at home from college for my holiday break... so I got a seasonal job at Hect's (Now Macy's). It was the game versus the Eagles (I believe). I was actually at work and DURING THE GAME... I was going to call in sick but I wanted the extra cash before I went back to school... As I went to work and checked in I quickly regret it. So as soon as the game started I took my lunch break and watched like the 1st quarter. So for the rest of the game I was taking 15min breaks here... bathroom breaks there... I was ducking and dodging my manager the WHOLE game... I pretty much just stayed in the break room for 3 hours (except at halftime). But the best moment is when it was worth it... that game Sean Taylor dove into the inzone to seal the win... After that I ran out screaming (Yes I Hect's) RIGHT in front of my manager by chance and she looked at me... I didn't know what to say so I said... "THE REDSKINS WON... WE MADE THE PLAYOFFS... I QUIT"... Hey it was only a seasonal job at Hect's and it felt good and I had to go back to school at the end of that week anyway.

(sorry for any errors... I'm in class right now)

EDIT: Hey that was my first post

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I gave up sex to watch the game.

And let me tell you what she was wearing still makes me wonder today if I did the right thing.

We lost to the Cardinals to an aging Boomer Esiason who looked unstoppable.

That **** threw for like 300+ yards that day.

It was worse than that....

522yds....Boomer Esiason at Washington, Nov. 10, 1996
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Little backround, not only do I watch the Skins games. I record them. Not only do I record them, but I record two versions of the game. One with the TV broadcasters and one with the radio call overlayed.

After the hurricane or tropical storm (don't remember what name they gave it) in September of 03, all the power was out in my area for 5 days. I was hoping power would be restored. No such luck.

So with my trusty walkman and went off to my place of work at the time.

I went into the production studio. We had a tuner in there so recording the TV broadcast was a piece of cake.

The radio proved more difficult.

I had to wheel a TV and VCR up to a conference room on the second floor. Hooked up a tuner. Fed the VCR. Got my walkman and feed the headphone out of the walkman into the VCR audio ins. Yes it sounded like crap. But I had to do all of this because I wasn't getting any reception in the studio and I had to get my radio call.

Well in the end, I got to watch and record that awful awful awful loss to the Giants in OT at The Big Jack. That was the game we lost after opening 2-0 in Spurrier's second season.

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At the time I was at home from college for my holiday break... so I got a seasonal job at Hect's (Now Macy's). It was the game versus the Eagles (I believe). I was actually at work and DURING THE GAME... I was going to call in sick but I wanted the extra cash before I went back to school... As I went to work and checked in I quickly regret it. So as soon as the game started I took my lunch break and watched like the 1st quarter. So for the rest of the game I was taking 15min breaks here... bathroom breaks there... I was ducking and dodging my manager the WHOLE game... I pretty much just stayed in the break room for 3 hours (except at halftime). But the best moment is when it was worth it... that game Sean Taylor dove into the inzone to seal the win... After that I ran out screaming (Yes I Hect's) RIGHT in front of my manager by chance and she looked at me... I didn't know what to say so I said... "THE REDSKINS WON... WE MADE THE PLAYOFFS... I QUIT"... Hey it was only a seasonal job at Hect's and it felt good and I had to go back to school at the end of that week anyway.

(sorry for any errors... I'm in class right now)

EDIT: Hey that was my first post

So you went through all that trouble to watch the game and keep your job, but when we finally won you quit?

That is awesomeness at its finest.

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I remember sitting up in a Baobab tree for three hours with my shortwave radio, desperate to get a signal for voice of america so I could hear the score of the 2006 playoff game, thinking that maybe waiting two weeks to find out what happened wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Of course I stayed up there until I heard we lost.

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These are some awesome stories! Unfortunately I can't compete with these, but it is a pain watching games in England.

Do remember one time when I was working behind bar for a christmas ball when I managed to convince my boss to let me go before close, meaning I could get home in time for a 1am game. It was while watching the game that I realised I was meant to be going for lunch the next day with some friends of the family. Needless to say sleep was pointless by this time, so it was a matter of finding some TV at 5am that would take me thru to when we had to leave for lunch.

On the up side, my tiredness was excused, as two of the people there live and work in Washington and get to the odd game so were glad of someone to tell them how it went! Unfortunately I dont remember what game it was, pretty sure we won tho.

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My wife and I went to San Francisco for our honeymoon in '04. We were playing the Steelers the Sunday we were out there. If there's one thing I know about Steelers fans, it's that there's a Steelers bar in every major city in America. So I looked online to find a Steelers bar in SF, and sure enough, I found one--Shanghai Kelly's was the name of the place.

So we went to Shanghai Kelly's and watched the Skins get drubbed by the Steelers in a bar jam-packed with Steeler fans. I mean, it was shoulder-to-shoulder, nothing but black and gold. And the two of us.

But the Steeler fans were pretty cool, to be honest. They weren't jerks about the beating they put on the Skins. They were pretty welcoming overall.

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