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Radio: Zorn Lashes Out


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DREADING the upcoming game? lol :doh:...You gotta be kidding me. I could see if you said he was tense or anxious, or hell, even nervous...but dreading the game? Gawd, do people LOVE putting their speculations in the worst possible light around here, or what...

That was my interpretation of it.

If you would like to provide something a little less condescending that would be appreciated :rolleyes: t

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This happened a couple of days ago around 4 pm. The guys at 980 were trying to stir the pot and the Z man basically was defending his QB rather forcefully.

Sometimes Czaban just needs to be told to shut up.

My first reaction is game day nerves but if this happened a couple of days ago I'd just say Don't **** With Zorn and leave it at that.
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To say that Coach Zorn is probably crapping his pants right now would be an understatement. He is about to coach his first NFL football game. I give him a pass on this one.

Well put haha.

I do retract some of my earlier points. After re-listening to the interview I think that he was justified in defending JC. I think it does take some forcefulness to get past these media types. I still think the sighing and the tone could have been a bit more professional. :2cents:

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That was my interpretation of it.

If you would like to provide something a little less condescending that would be appreciated :rolleyes: t

No, because jumping to THAT serious a conclusion deserves condescening responses, to be honest.

I remember last season where WAY too many people on here decided that Landry and Sean Taylor must not really get along too well, and it was all due to the fact that it "seemed" as if Landry rarely congratulated Taylor on a play, that it "seemed" as if Landry and Taylor were never connecting as team mates on the field, it "seemed" that Landry and Taylor rarely talked on the sideline on the rare occasion the camera actually showed them there...At the time I thought it was ludicrious for anyone here to start reaching such negative conclusions based on so little info, and thankfully more than a few shared my opinion.

Then I read this quote from the article about Sean Taylor posted in another thread:

Another player whom the tragedy hit especially hard was Landry, the sixth overall pick in the ‘07 draft. Almost as soon as NFL commissioner Roger Goodell called his name on the podium, Landry began hearing from people in NFL circles who cautioned him about Taylor’s supposedly surly nature.

“Guys were telling me, ‘He’s going to be a hard guy to work with,’ ” Landry recalls. “But when I got here, it was the total opposite. He worked with me in meeting rooms and on the field and helped me get over that hurdle that all rookies face.”

As part of his mentoring of Landry, Taylor used to give the rookie a ride to and from the team’s training facility during the week. Upon learning of Taylor’s death, Cerrato recalls, “LaRon starts crying and says, ‘Who’s gonna take me home?’ ”

But yeah...we can tell that Landry and Taylor obviously have some tension between them and aren't connecting as team mates because of how things "seemed" from our insanely distant viewpoint. :rolleyes:

I would LOVE it if fans on here would quit jumping to ridiculously negative conclusions and speculations...but that's never gonna happen, is it? We thrust our own viewpoints into the heads of the players and coaches without stepping back and saying "Wait...that's a pretty harsh view for me to be reaching without any real direct knowledge". So when I see it happen, the condescending tone comes out, and I don't give a **** that it does.

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Well, it is ridiculous to say JC didn't play well in the last two preseason games. His int. was Devin Thomas's fault. There should be a way in those situations for the receiver to take the int.Like Interception caused by receiver and the Carolina game was a joke. Our OLine looked like they bet on Carolina.

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The negative speculation does need to stop, for a little while at least. Hang your hat on the fact that any perceived touchiness probably stems from both nerves and stress, and let's just keep the good vibes going here today. If we get our ass kicked tonight, there will plenty of time for negativity later.

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From what I've heard from Czaban and Pollin in the past in what they say minutes after they interview someone, I'm going to give Zorn the benefit of the doubt, especially since I haven't heard the actual interview. These 2 are notorious skins bashers and they did go at an angle with Campbell. They tried to make it seem like there was a controversy when there is none. Good for Zorn

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The negative speculation does need to stop, for a little while at least. Hang your hat on the fact that any perceived touchiness probably stems from both nerves and stress, and let's just keep the good vibes going here today. If we get our ass kicked tonight, there will plenty of time for negativity later.

Exactly. I would expect Zorn to be nervous and anxious, no matter how he came across during an interview. That's only natural. And that alone could cause him to be less patient, even a little more touchy, than he normally would be. Hell, even Gibbs talked about being a bundle of nerves the day before HIS first game after he came back. I wouldn't expect anything less from Jim Zorn before his first game, ever, as head coach.

But to say he's "dreading" the game went overboard, way overbaord.

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I just listened to it, and I don't think Zorn was unprofessional at all.

Pollin said Jason played poorly in the last game. Zorn corrected him and told him that JC only had 7 plays a few of which should have been catches, I think he was letting him know not to blame all on Campbell, when if those catches had been made, he wouldn't have thrown that INT and his numbers would have actually looked better. Then Pollin turned right around and said Zorn was saying JC played fine. To which he corrected him again and pretty much said don't put words in my mouth. Those guys are super critical of the team, sometimes unfairly, Zorn was just letting them know he's not going to give them talking points.

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DREADING the upcoming game? lol :doh:...You gotta be kidding me. I could see if you said he was tense or anxious, or hell, even nervous...but dreading the game? Gawd, do people LOVE putting their speculations in the worst possible light around here, or what...

I agree, Zorn is probably NERVOUS/TENSE as hell

Tonight will hopefully put some of it to rest.

PRIME TIME BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I didn't read it as anything other than Coach getting a little miffed about the leading questions and confronted them about it.


After the guy whined about only trying to get Zorn's assessment of Campbell's play.

Zorn: "Well then ask me that and I can give you my assessment”


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I just listened to it, and I don't think Zorn was unprofessional at all.

Pollin said Jason played poorly in the last game. Zorn corrected him and told him that JC only had 7 plays a few of which should have been catches, I think he was letting him know not to blame all on Campbell, when if those catches had been made, he wouldn't have thrown that INT and his numbers would have actually looked better. Then Pollin turned right around and said Zorn was saying JC played fine. To which he corrected him again and pretty much said don't put words in my mouth. Those guys are super critical of the team, sometimes unfairly, Zorn was just letting them know he's not going to give them talking points.

Well I tend to disagree a bit. In one portion of the audio it sounds as though he is sighing when Pollin is speaking. While he may not agree with what he says you still don't do that. Bur from my original post without the edits I think portions of the comments I made were not warranted.

I stand corrected that was not a proper choice of words considering this was prior to listening to the audio again. I think where that came from was that I thought in the original interview he sounded like he was defending JC just so he could look like the QB position was set. That's not the case and after listening to the audio it's clear to hear that.

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