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Radio: Zorn Lashes Out


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EDIT: This interview was from the Sports Reporters on Sept. 2nd. The edition I was listening to was a repeat and basically both Czaban and Pollin had a call in right after the interview so I wasn't aware it was taped already.

This morning I was listening to ESPN 980 with Steve Czaban and Andy Pollin who had Jim Zorn as their guest. They asked Zorn a variety of questions about keeping the draft picks and letting Frost go as well as his comments.

Then Andy Pollin proceeded to ask Jim Zorn about Jason Campbell and if he felt he could do a good job at quarterback considering the last 2 preseason games. Zorn gave his answer and Pollin elaborated and questioned JC as a quarterback.

Zorn then interrupted Pollin and just lashed out on him. Saying he was had an "angle" and that basically he wanted him to criticize JC. Pollin refuted and Zorn continued to attack saying the same bit about him having an angle.

Pollin: "Your quarterback play, very good in the first half of the preseason then not so good particularly from Jason Campbell in the second half. What kinds of things are you looking for in terms of improvement at this point from Campbell?"

Zorn: "Well I would disagree with you because I gave him 7 plays in the last game. And he threw one ball that was dropped, he threw another ball that was tipped and popped up and an interception. So I just have to disagree with you."

Pollin: "To clear it up you would say he has played well throughout the preseason?"

Zorn: "No you're creating an issue here that you want to have some kind of angle."

Pollin: "No I'm just curious how you would assess his performance in the preseason."

Zorn: "Well you tried to say he didn't play well and then when I said he did you tried to say that he played perfectly."

Pollin: "I didn't say he played perfectly I'm just trying to *Zorn sighs* get your assessment of the quarterback play."

Zorn: "Well then ask me that and I can give you my assessment. I'm very pleased with the growth of where we're at with our quarterback wise. I do not think that he is perfect by any means. You're putting me on the defensive though. You know you want me to make a statement that can't be made yet. We have to have a season. We have to have games. And 7 plays does not determine whether a guy is your guy or not."

Pollin: "Well that is not my intention and I apologize if it came out that way."

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Day of game... let's ask the coach about the questionable cuts, demotion of a veteran, and question the quality of the single most important player to this team and Zorn's tenure.

I think Zorn is thinking about the Giants and I can understand if he's irritated by the media fishing. Good for him.

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I didn't hear the interview but from what you're describing Zorn was sticking up for his quarterback...I don't see a problem. Zorn has come across to me as a no nonsence coach who doesn't pull any punches. All these ESPN clowns try to poke and prod people until they give them a sound bite they can blow out of proportion and Zorn wasn't having it. I kind of like the fact he got in their faces about this typical ESPN horse s!

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It really is unfortunate I don't have the audio clip to show you because then I could put into context what I said.

I think from his tone that it was more defensive and I sensed Zorn cracking a bit under the pressure. The way he conducted himself however was very unprofessional. He did not let the interviewer finish his question which I don't think had an angle and proceeded to accuse him of misleading him to make a claim he did not want to.

Obviously the day of the game and you're going on the road is tough that is correct. But it was not unreasonable for him to act human in the interview or just say he's confident in JC's ability.

That's just what I got from his comments

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well you were up early Michael, yeesh.

Anyway, its probably just pregame jitters. Im not going to assume that this was as big of a deal, as i know for a fact that Zorn is usually the complete opposite during interviews. This happens to everyone once in a while. Now if he is in the same mood during the game as he was in this interview, then maybe it could be a problem, but as for now its all good.

However, seeing Zorn sticking up to Pollin makes me kind of happy.

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I say Bravo :applause:....

I remember times when Gibbs would get stern during a press conference with someone asking a question he wasn't gonna fall for, especially if an important game was coming up. Some media member would ask him a question in which they're even slightly twisting his words, and he would correct them instantly, interrupting them even to do so.

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I felt exactly the same way as you did. I thought I was the only one.

DREADING the upcoming game? lol :doh:...You gotta be kidding me. I could see if you said he was tense or anxious, or hell, even nervous...but dreading the game? Gawd, do people LOVE putting their speculations in the worst possible light around here, or what...

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I get the whole stressed vs. stoic issue here, but I'm inclined to salute JZ for this. Andy Poley could pi$$ me off in a matter of minutes on just about any topic. You can only take so much of 'smug and condescending.'

I missed the Zorn incident, but [no joke] I did hear AP tell Riggo this morning that in high school someone stole his sweatshirt and when he saw the bigger guy wearing it in the hall he was too afraid to confront him and just let it go.


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Day of game... let's ask the coach about the questionable cuts, demotion of a veteran, and question the quality of the single most important player to this team and Zorn's tenure.

I think Zorn is thinking about the Giants and I can understand if he's irritated by the media fishing. Good for him.

I agree, I'm almost surprised it hasn't happened sooner with the way media is around here (so quick to jump on or make up the negative).

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