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Joe Gibbs to be speaking tonight at RNC


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Come on, Joe. You saw how an overly conservative offense hurt the 'skins. You know that being conservative is bad. It limits and restricts our freedoms and our ability to succeed. Listen to the Lord. The Lord loves America. He wouldn't want you to do this. Conservatives only want to sell our nation piece by piece to China, the Saudis, and Dubai.
Please add a smiley because I know you are joking.
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High taxes are only one part of the ratio. It's high government spending and high taxes which fiscal conservatives hate. We hate high government spending and low taxes more cause it's even more irresponsible!!

As for promoting freedom, please George has weakened American Civil liberties more than any President in my life time.

Really? Exactly what liberties and rights have you lost?

Please elaborate.

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I know a lot of folks think that I have been overly hard on Palin, but it's really been more of a WTF kind of thing for me. Here's someone who's never done anything to catch national attention, is a relative political novice in an isolated and oil based state, and has these controversies attached to her.

It worried me. The Presidential Contest could go either way. I want all the players to be people who could handle the job. This was so far into left... err right field that I wanted people to give me some whys. Her speech has settled my fears to an extent, but I still have many honest questions and reservations about her. Less so than before though which is a good thing.

Still, when I'm trolling... it's usually for a laugh not to make people angry or outraged. We all know that Joe is a solid, conservative, principled man and while the "conservative" may be a weakness ;) He is amongst the best and most noble kind of conservatives.

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Really? Exactly what liberties and rights have you lost?

Please elaborate.

I thought you were kidding..

On civil liberties issues, Bush clearly has the worst record of any President. He has led an all-out assault on the separation of church and state, abortion rights and gay and lesbian rights. The USA PATRIOT Act is packed with threats to freedom of speech and due process protections. Police no longer need warents to enter peoples homes, and when they enter they no longer have to announce to people they were there. Bank records likewise have to be delivered to the government on demand, as do phone records and cause and warents aren't required. Hell the books you check out at the library are now subject to review by the governent, again no warrent required as is your internet surfing history, your medical records, and even the email you recieve..

His administration has justified holding people including US citizens indefinitely without charges, and in a broader sense it has made sweeping claims that it is not bound by legal precedents or existing human rights standards including signed international treaties with 50 years of precident supporting them.

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Wow, I never would've thought this would happen...

Joe Gibbs making a public appearance during a Redskins game...

Somehow I don't think the choice of when to speak was in his hands to make. I'm just glad he's speaking. I hope there are commercials during the game so I can listen in. We should also be able to get it on video later.

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Don't watch much Nascar do ya?

ols I was going to say the same thing. But I think at the Nascar events he was keeping track of the Redskins game as well..lol.

lol would be hilarious if he had an earphone in listening to the game during his speach.

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I have a transcript:

"Jesus Jesus Jesus. Country Country Country. Football Metaphor Football Metaphor Football Metaphor."

This is so far off base. I can't believe you posted this drivel.

Everyone knows that Gibbs uses the football metaphors as a hook before the Jesus talk. :)

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Missed it because the Redskins game was on and even though they were getting dominated at that point PBS ,which usually airs all the speakers , decided to take off and have fools opine around a roundtable while Gibbs was speaking (aka they didn't show it) , so does anyone have a link for the speech online

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Missed it because the Redskins game was on and even though they were getting dominated at that point PBS ,which usually airs all the speakers , decided to take off and have fools opine around a roundtable while Gibbs was speaking (aka they didn't show it) , so does anyone have a link for the speech online

only youtube I found had no sound, but here is the transcript I guess.


found it posted a few times so I guess its it.

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Here is some of it according to FOX

ST. PAUL –- John McCain and Sarah Palin’s election “would be a return to God’s word” and bring the U.S. “back to a spiritual revival,” Joe Gibbs, former head coach for the Washington Redskins and NASCAR race car owner, told the Republican National Convention Thursday.

In the most religious-themed primetime speech of the four-day convention, Gibbs, a grandfather of eight, compared a spiritual life to football.

To win in football, he said, one must have a game plan, and God’s game plan is the Bible.

“If you follow God’s plan, his Bible, his word, it leads to success. When I followed that game plan, I was able to have some of the greatest experiences in the world. Bad game plan leads to disaster. I can attest to that.”

Gibbs closed his remarks with one piece of advice: When tackling the big issues, “Wouldn’t it be great for someone to say, ‘I wonder how God would think about this?”


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