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What is the deal with Ravens fans?


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Ravens fans, heh they are all morons, i dont even give them the time of day usually. Especially from the male Ravens fans who gladly wear that woman color ... PURPLE

I do love saying to them sometimes, i hope your team does descent this year, because if they don't, they could move to another city, that usually gets them in a uproar LOL

I've got nothing against Baltimore teams, but some of their fans are trailer trash and not worth my breath.


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I'm coming to sit with you next Sunday LOL

My seats are on the last row of the lower deck, and one game last year we had a guy sitting several seats down from us that wanted to sit for most of the game. He stood during the pregame with the rest of us, but once the game got going he started complaining and screaming "down in front!" Anyone that's ever sat in "the cave" knows that it's sort of understood that you stand up most of the game. Of course, this pansy wanted the entire section to sit to accomodate him, and he complained the entire time. He threatened to call security, and someone a few rows down told him to go right ahead because there was no way some rent-a-cop was going to force the entire section to sit down.

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Yet I'm sure he had no problem with the O's pushing themselves as DC's team. Baltimore fans also hate Indy for stealing the Colts...yet they partied like it was 1999 when Baltimore stole the Browns from Cleveland. Bunch of hypocrites up there, seriously.

I highly doubt that anyone in a similar situation wouldn't party also. It's not like they could reject the team since they lost one the same way and they know what it feels like. Cleveland was also guaranteed a team a few years down the road, unlike Baltimore, who got hung out to dry when the Colts left.

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Does anyone remember when the Redskin Marching Band was attacked by a bunch of Colt fans right on the field?

Some called it a massacre. Numerous band members were hospitalized. If my memory serves me correctly, George Preston Marshall (the Redskin owner at that time) stopped all preseason games involving the Colts and the Marching Band has never returned to Baltimore.

To answer the original question: Baltimore has always felt like a red-headed stepchild to Washington D.C.. If it ain't from Baltimore; then it sucks.

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I used to work and live in Baltimore, though I am originally from the DC area. I never understood all the hate either. You could even see it on the news stations. When the Redskins would lose, they would show highlight after highlight, over and over. When the Redskins won, you might see a highlight or you might not. Sometimes it was so obvious all I could do was laugh at them. Of course I heard it from my co-workers, too. Just like I used to tell them...I know it hurts, but we really don't care about the Baltimore Raisins.

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I highly doubt that anyone in a similar situation wouldn't party also. It's not like they could reject the team since they lost one the same way and they know what it feels like. Cleveland was also guaranteed a team a few years down the road, unlike Baltimore, who got hung out to dry when the Colts left.

Hypocritical nonetheless, and as for the guarantee of putting a team in Cleveland--that wasn't decided until several months after the announcement that the Browns were moving to Baltimore. So it's not as though the Baltimore fans knew or cared that Cleveland would be getting another team.

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The answer is that Baltimore for GENERATIONS has been hating on the district. It's like DC is the kid that grew up and made something of itself and Baltimore is its older brother who works at McDonald's, gets drunk every night and beats his wife, and can't figure out why DC is the favored son by their parents.

:applause::applause: I believe I have a new sig.

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These people were stuck watching the skins when the colts left. Some fans got on the bandwagon, while others hated only having the redskins to watch. I do believe that many are jealous of our history and success. They are an easy team to root against. I never watch their games. Living up here, the sunday ticket is a must!!

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The answer is that Baltimore for GENERATIONS has been hating on the district. It's like DC is the kid that grew up and made something of itself and Baltimore is its older brother who works at McDonald's, gets drunk every night and beats his wife, and can't figure out why DC is the favored son by their parents.

I feel this. I respect this.

Baltimore is just bad...

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As a Skins fan and an O's fan, I'll tell you that it goes both ways. Nats fans love to hate on the O's, but the Oriole fans are generally just indifferent to it, which ultimately ticks the Nats fans off even more. In both cases (NFL and MLB), each city was without a sport, and the other city's team owner tried to block that sport from returning from said city. (While Angelos' efforts to block DC baseball were much more concentrated, Mr. Cooke did try to block Baltimore from getting another NFL team.) So naturally the fans of the new team (some of them presumably defected from the existing franchise) naturally harbor animosity towards the old team. As I said, it works both ways. Being an Oriole fan in Northern VA isn't always a picnic. I can understand Nats' fans hatred of Angelos, but I've spoken to people that hold Angelos and all of the Baltimore Oriole fans responsible for DC not having baseball for so long. First off, the O's were one of two franchises that voted against the Senators leaving town in 1971. No doubt Angelos did everything in his power to stop the Nats from coming, and that was wrong. But according to this mindset, anyone that considers himself a Baltimore Oriole fan is at fault because he's spent money on tickets, merchandise, etc, which has put money in Angelos' pocket. Speaking for myself, I wanted another team in the region, but my first loyalties will always be to my boyhood team, the O's. I also wanted another football team in the region, but the same rule applies...I'm a Skins fan through and through.

Yeah but the d**chebag Orioles fans need to take their stupid "OOOOOO" (National Anthem) out of Nationals Park.

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Sour grapes. Outside of Baltimore proper, a lot of Ravens fans were weak Skins fans who jumped on the bandwagon when the Ravens were a Superbowl team and the Skins were in the toilet. They're bitter that their new team was just a flash in the pan and have been awful ever since, but can't lose face by crawling back to Washington. So they express their frustration by talking smack and fabricating a one-sided "rivalry".

:notworthy Best. Response. Ever.

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Yeah but the d**chebag Orioles fans need to take their stupid "OOOOOO" (National Anthem) out of Nationals Park.

The nat's need to put some fans in the seats.

Baltimore is passionate about any sports team from the area, whether it be the Ravens and O's, or the minor league sports teams floating around. I will never bash on a city that supports their teams...NOT just their major league teams, but any team. To be fair most baltimorons have lived there their whole life which can explain the citys love for anything and everything Balmer', but i don't see the everyday support in D.C. for the skins that i see everyday in Baltimore for the ravens or O's.

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Because there is a DC-Baltimore rivalry' date=' at least from Baltimore's perspective.[/quote']

This is true.

I lived in Columbia,Md for more than 1/2 my life.This was going on BEFORE the Colts left town.I moved to Columbia in 1980 and was going to H.S. there.Had just moved from D.C..Didn't know anything about the B'more area even though I used to go with my family to visit my sister who was going to Hopkins Univ.

D.C. didn't have a baseball team at the time so I was going to get an O's hat.Until I found out how much the area HATED the Redskins.You could'nt go anywhere without people here saying how much the "Skins suck".

Now..Columbia's a little more balanced with Skins fans but further North it stays the same.I went to a sportsbar just South of Annapolis last year before I moved to Austria.Mostly Rat-bird fans there.And someone tore my Redskins flag off my car.

Just a bunch of low class jerk Balti-MORANS!He's lucky I didn't see the idiot that did it!:ravensuck:redpunch:

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