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What is the deal with Ravens fans?


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I highly doubt that anyone in a similar situation wouldn't party also. It's not like they could reject the team since they lost one the same way and they know what it feels like. Cleveland was also guaranteed a team a few years down the road, unlike Baltimore, who got hung out to dry when the Colts left.

Baltimore did not get hung out to dry. Baltimore hung itself out to dry. When you get fewer than 20,000 fans at NFL games you lose NFL franchises. In their defense they obviously learned their lesson but the string of blackouts in Baltimore for Colts games was impressive to say the least. Give it a few mores years and the Ravens will mirror the O's. They had great attendance for a decade and then it all just faded away.

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My town's a bit more on the affluent size, but we're definitely closer to Ravens country and I can say without a doubt that the Ravens and their fans SUCK. They're constantly talking trash about the Skins, when their team is the one that lost to the Dolphins last year, and have no quarterback to speak of this year. And I hate to generalize, and OF COURSE there are exceptions, but a lot of Ravens fans are a little...trashy.

I say this as a proud Orioles fan. I grew up a Skins and an Os fan, and I don't switch teams so to speak just because another one comes along.

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i'd buy that if people actually cared about the Nats, but the Nats have the worst attendance and viewing record by far in the MLB (i think i remember hearing that on the radio).


You asked the question and you got the answer from Godfather151981, it's not your right to "buy it" or not. This is the way it is...Period! Fact is fact...Go Skins/O's!!!

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  • 1 month later...

i just wanted to bump this thread, because even after week 5, with 3 of the top 5 teams being in the NFC East, and the skins at 4-1, the ravens at 2-2, the people at my job STILL talk crap about the skins and how the NFC east is a weak division ...

sad really, sad.

oh yea, and their division is 7-11, and our division is 14-5

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I guess the Ravens are such studs...they have beaten two teams with ONE combined record and EIGHT combined losses.

They commit more Turnovers per game than TD's..and its not even close.

At this point if it still fires you up then you are taking it too personal...they are being straight up HATERS and thats fine....u gotta realize there is NOTHING the Skins could do that would shut them up or make them change their minds..not even a win over them in that purple palace known as M&T Bank. They would just complain and make excuses.

They will end up with 6 wins tops this season, just watch. They dont get Cincy/Cleveland at home but once a year each.

I was in Anne Arundel (sp) County on Monday and didnt see one of those ugly purple car flags whatsoever....2 weeks ago everyone had them perched on their cars.

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i just wanted to bump this thread, because even after week 5, with 3 of the top 5 teams being in the NFC East, and the skins at 4-1, the ravens at 2-2, the people at my job STILL talk crap about the skins and how the NFC east is a weak division ...

sad really, sad.

oh yea, and their division is 7-11, and our division is 14-5

Take a Philly fan, subtract his football knowledge, and you've got a Raven fan.

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Next time they get on your nerves, just ask them who they were routing for in 1995.

The few Ravens fans i know say that the Ravens fan base circa PRE-Ravens equaled 33% rooted for the Skins, 33% rooted for the Cowboys due to their hate for the Skins and 33% said they rooted for the Steelers because they think Bmore is like a Pittsburgh-type-town (blue collar etcc.).

From what ive heard not too many people kept up with the Colts but obviously im sure some did.

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The few Ravens fans i know say that the Ravens fan base circa PRE-Ravens equaled 33% rooted for the Skins, 33% rooted for the Cowboys due to their hate for the Skins and 33% said they rooted for the Steelers because they think Bmore is like a Pittsburgh-type-town (blue collar etcc.).

I think a fair number of Balti-morons rooted for the Eagles because Philly was (a) close by and (B) not Washington.

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I live in Ellicott City and I am surrounded by Purple. This goes back to when the Colts left town. The Baltimore fans thought that Jack Kent Cooke blocked any return of professional football to Baltimore. When Mr. Cooke tried to build the new stadium in Laurel they tried and succeeded in blocking the deal.

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I bartend at a sports bar in Columbia, so needless to say, I get my fair share of Crow fans in there, but the best question I get from Crow fans is, 'how are you a Redskins fan?' Instead of telling them I was born inside the beltway, and raised on Burgundy and Gold, I simply reply, 'How can someone who has only liked football for 12 years question anyone elses favorite team?'. They usually shut up or get riled up, but either way, they are usually left being laughed at by the people around them..

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It has to be the purple camo. They really are on to something there.

The only thing I can say is that my father refused to let me be an O's fan when they were the only baseball intown. He told me that my team was the Senators and until they return I dont have a team. I'm guessing baltimore was going through a similar deal when the Colt's left town in the middle of the night.

That being said let them enjoy hyping up a non existant rivlary. Their team has no history or tradition.

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:2cents::2cents:The baltimore fans that I know, were old time Redskin Fans, but jumped ship after the Ravens starting winning. So the redskins to them are like an

EX-Girlfriend, Their ex lost all that weight she put on when they were dating and some how got hotter then ever, and is now married to that nerd you made fun of in high school that made it big. While the Ravens(your now wife) got disproportionally fat , and spends all day at home shopping online and spending your money on crap you don't need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Say what you want about Ravens fans and justifiably so, but I was in Ft Lauderdale/Miami this past weekend and the Ravens fans were out in force at the game. I'm talking several thousand strong. Of course I was sporting a 'skins shirt and we got back to our hotel bar just in time for the 'skins to stress me out.;)

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