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What is the deal with Ravens fans?


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Speaking as a person that has familial ties to both cities, that's what I love about Baltimore. Natty Boh's a beer that should never be poured, ANYWHERE. But they drink it like water (me too sometimes) because it's theirs. (For anyone that's never tried "Clipper City Ale" that's made in Baltimore, you're missing a treat!)

Natty Boh is the name of the fantasy league I am in here in Baltimore...lol. Thats what I get for working up here.

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When I started interning in Bmore, I got a lot of crap from all the Ravens fans.

But you just have to establish that you don't hate the Ravens, at least in my case. I'm indifferent to them, wouldn't mind them doing well (not better than us, of course), but I could careless really. Once I got that established at work, other people realized that that was how they truly felt about the Redskins...and some even root for us now.

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It's hard to generate any kind of rivalry with another team when you only play them once every four years...and just once every eight years at the same stadium.

I won't speak for you Skins fans, but I'm willing to bet that many of you care just about as much about the Ravens as most Cowboy fans care about the Texans. It was a little better with the Oilers, but we still didn't care much.

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The answer is that Baltimore for GENERATIONS has been hating on the district. It's like DC is the kid that grew up and made something of itself and Baltimore is its older brother who works at McDonald's, gets drunk every night and beats his wife, and can't figure out why DC is the favored son by their parents.

Direct Hit!!!


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Sour grapes. Outside of Baltimore proper, a lot of Ravens fans were weak Skins fans who jumped on the bandwagon when the Ravens were a Superbowl team and the Skins were in the toilet. They're bitter that their new team was just a flash in the pan and have been awful ever since, but can't lose face by crawling back to Washington. So they express their frustration by talking smack and fabricating a one-sided "rivalry".

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With an average attendance of around 30,000, this year's last place Nats team actually outdraws the first place Tampa Bay Rays, despite above major league prices for a below major league team.

What I hate hearing from Ravens backers is how blue collar their city is and fans are. Redskins fans from Pennsylvania to North Carolina and in the inner city of DC are not the white shirt wine drinking Hill staffers the media make us out to be. I grew up on the Hill and hate Hill staffers.

You're right in that the Redskins fanbase is largely blue collar. A lot of us might well have office jobs, but we're blue collar. But DC as a whole is much more white collar than Baltimore. I'm not saying that one way is better than the other, but I'm just stating it as a fact.

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It's hard to generate any kind of rivalry with another team when you only play them once every four years...and just once every eight years at the same stadium.

I won't speak for you Skins fans, but I'm willing to bet that many of you care just about as much about the Ravens as most Cowboy fans care about the Texans. It was a little better with the Oilers, but we still didn't care much.

That might be a good analogy, although I consider the Ravens my #2 NFL team. I suppose the difference is that while both Houston and Baltimore lost NFL franchises and then got them back, the Colts were much more storied than the Oilers. The BALTIMORE Colts (not Indy) had the greatest QB of all time, and won arguably the greatest game ever played. The Oilers had a history no doubt, but not like that of the Colts.

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That might be a good analogy, although I consider the Ravens my #2 NFL team. I suppose the difference is that while both Houston and Baltimore lost NFL franchises and then got them back, the Colts were much more storied than the Oilers. The BALTIMORE Colts (not Indy) had the greatest QB of all time, and won arguably the greatest game ever played. The Oilers had a history no doubt, but not like that of the Colts.

yeah, I think it's just more of a rivalry with the city, and not necessarily one with the team that currently plays in that city. Other sports can leak into the equation as well. DC/Balt with baseball...Dallas/Houston with basketball (nothing much there in regards to baseball, imo)

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I work in Columbia, MD but I'm a die hard redskins fan, but being midway between Baltimore and DC, there are a lot of Ravens fans here. Most of the people I work with a Ravens fans.

I just do not understand why they hate so hard on the Redskins. They talk down about the Redskins saying how bad they are and the Skins suck blah blah, but the Ravens record last year was terrible AND they lost to the Dolphins.

In general it seems that the Redskins fans don't give a crap about the Ravens, but the Ravens fans will go out of their way to talk smack about the Redskins. Their records don't even have any bounds on eachother because they are in different divisions.

Anyone have any idea why this is?

Ravens are def more blue collar. Half the people at Skins are wine and cheese and don't even watch the game. You will never hear someone at a Ravens tell someone to sit down. Can't say the same for Skins games.....................

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The answer is that Baltimore for GENERATIONS has been hating on the district. It's like DC is the kid that grew up and made something of itself and Baltimore is its older brother who works at McDonald's, gets drunk every night and beats his wife, and can't figure out why DC is the favored son by their parents.

So what would Philly be in this scenario? That Uncle, you know, the one everyone has and no one talks about?

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I work in Columbia, MD but I'm a die hard redskins fan, but being midway between Baltimore and DC, there are a lot of Ravens fans here. Most of the people I work with a Ravens fans.

I just do not understand why they hate so hard on the Redskins. They talk down about the Redskins saying how bad they are and the Skins suck blah blah, but the Ravens record last year was terrible AND they lost to the Dolphins.

In general it seems that the Redskins fans don't give a crap about the Ravens, but the Ravens fans will go out of their way to talk smack about the Redskins. Their records don't even have any bounds on eachother because they are in different divisions.

Anyone have any idea why this is?

I agree. I don't understand why they hate so much. My brother-in-law and his friends are Ravens season ticket holders. They are always knocking the Skins. But as soon as I bring up the Ravens record, they get angry. I talked about Boller. They have no answer. I talk about the Ravens offense, end of discussion.

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I just thought of something else. Our owner, Dan Snyder, is constantly portrayed in the media as a junior Peter Angelos. Given how well Angelos is not liked in Baltimore, it certainly wouldn't surprise anyone to think fans from Baltimore would prefer to hate the Skins for that reason.

Now, change the Skins playoff success under Snyder, to the point of proving he can be successful long-term as an owner, then he'd get more respect throughout the media.

Now remember Jerry Jones was similarly vilified in Dallas after throwing the legendary Tom Landry to the curb. Success on the field changed perception of the man.

Angelos and Snyder are two owners the national media likes to hate on. Deserved or not, that's for you to decide. And like it or not, both men are linked with each other until one builds a long winning tradition.

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Living & working in Northern VA I never see any ugly ass Ravens gear thank god. I rarely am in Maryland any more so I dont run into any Ravens fans especially after last years joke of a season they had.

The thing is though if they sit there and want to boast "Redskins Suck, Redskins Suck"...etc.. then what do they think of their own 5-11 squad that got beat by MIAMI?

The Ravens dont cross my mind unless someone mentions them to me, I see a thread on this board or I see them on our Schedule for the upcoming Sunday (rarely occurs)....so I dont give them much thought honestly.

I will admit, I do enjoy seeing them lose though but I will always hope they beat our division rivals whenever they play (like this year).

I think one of the previous posters is correct, they are just jealous of the Redskins so they hate. We get more national and local media attention then they do so its easy for them to get sick of us. We could go 16-0 and win the SB and they would still sit there and say "REDSKINS SUCK"....its just part of the fanfare.

I wouldnt take too much offense to it. They hate us more than we hate them, not much more than that.

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Ravens are def more blue collar. Half the people at Skins are wine and cheese and don't even watch the game. You will never hear someone at a Ravens tell someone to sit down. Can't say the same for Skins games.....................

It really matters what section you're in at FedEx. In my section (226) nobody would ever pull a stunt like that. Occasionally we get someone that's not really in tuned with the fact that we're a blue collar section and they want the rest of the world to accomodate them by sitting down, but those people tend to be ignored.

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that is true too ... i have people here who think that DC is a scary place to go to and that they can't believe I actually go out for nights out on the town there. they have never been to any place in northwest DC but they think every part of DC is like south east.

then they praise baltimore, but you walk 2 blocks away from the harbor, and you are in places like see on The Wire...

I'm from b-more, and even I don't understand the hate that my peoples have for DC. Me personally, DC is like a second home to me. Baltimore has its nice spots, but the blights or "eye sores" are much more glamorized (i.e. The Wire). But for the most part, i would say jealousy has a major part of the hate. I have to admit DC and the surrounding areas (NOVA, Montgomery Co., PG) are a little more affluent than metropolitian baltimore. Plus its the nations capital, so it obviously gets MUCH more national and world-wide attention. Not really hard to see the issue at hand.

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It really matters what section you're in at FedEx. In my section (226) nobody would ever pull a stunt like that. Occasionally we get someone that's not really in tuned with the fact that we're a blue collar section and they want the rest of the world to accomodate them by sitting down, but those people tend to be ignored.

I'm coming to sit with you next Sunday LOL

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I heard some drunken ravens fan in Denver bashing the skins (it was before a ravens vs broncos game). While the dude was about as easy to listen to as scratching glass, he was saying something about how the Colts where the baltimore's team and when they left the Skins pushed themselves as "baltimore's team" and blah blah blah.

Maybe thats part of it.

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I heard some drunken ravens fan in Denver bashing the skins (it was before a ravens vs broncos game). While the dude was about as easy to listen to as scratching glass, he was saying something about how the Colts where the baltimore's team and when they left the Skins pushed themselves as "baltimore's team" and blah blah blah.

Maybe thats part of it.

Yet I'm sure he had no problem with the O's pushing themselves as DC's team. Baltimore fans also hate Indy for stealing the Colts...yet they partied like it was 1999 when Baltimore stole the Browns from Cleveland. Bunch of hypocrites up there, seriously.

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Yet I'm sure he had no problem with the O's pushing themselves as DC's team. Baltimore fans also hate Indy for stealing the Colts...yet they partied like it was 1999 when Baltimore stole the Browns from Cleveland. Bunch of hypocrites up there, seriously.

Ain't that the truth. And unlike the Browns they deserved to lose their team. Their attendance was terrible.

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I work with Ravens fans. This year is worse than others perhaps because we are playing them on the 7th of December?

They are doing some serious hating already. I have been sent the article about the woman dying at Samuels house three times today via email.

My opinion is they know it is going to be a long sad season at M&T and feel pretty bad about it, since misery loves company they are trying to bring down the Skins fans.

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