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Obama says Palin's family off-limits


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Her daughter's pregnancy is an issue because Republicans claim to have cornered the market on family values. Furthermore Mrs. Palin doesn't believe in sex education in schools.

Gee, I wonder what side of the aisle you sit on :rolleyes:

Kids make mistakes, it's that simple. She's having the baby and not having a backroom abortion and she's not hiding it, either. Apparently the kid who's fathering it isn't running, either.

It ain't a perfect world and no one claimed that it is.

I didn't get the memo where teens of republican parents weren't supposed to get knocked up, btw. I thought that was a strictly liberal thing.

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reskins 10 giants 21 cause jason not his family are not ready to start yet he has 5-7 record and he has never thrown the bomb to moss cause he overthrows long passes every day evry way ev ery play. the giants defence is going to play up on us cause they know jason cant throw long and were are going to lose cause zorn named him starter as soon as came came to work for skins now he can have his 1 year term but i still say jasons family is off limits and jason is a replica of brunell when he was struggling

Uh.....welcome aboard

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Her daughter's pregnancy is an issue because Republicans claim to have cornered the market on family values. Furthermore Mrs. Palin doesn't believe in sex education in schools.

Hellloooooo, it's the candidate's daughter who got pregnant out of wedlock, not the candidate herself. I can see an issue being made against Polin had she birthed a child out of wedlock or got an abortion...but absolutely not her daughter.

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reskins 10 giants 21 cause jason not his family are not ready to start yet he has 5-7 record and he has never thrown the bomb to moss cause he overthrows long passes every day evry way ev ery play. the giants defence is going to play up on us cause they know jason cant throw long and were are going to lose cause zorn named him starter as soon as came came to work for skins now he can have his 1 year term but i still say jasons family is off limits and jason is a replica of brunell when he was struggling

Damn Commie liberal.

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reskins 10 giants 21 cause jason not his family are not ready to start yet he has 5-7 record and he has never thrown the bomb to moss cause he overthrows long passes every day evry way ev ery play. the giants defence is going to play up on us cause they know jason cant throw long and were are going to lose cause zorn named him starter as soon as came came to work for skins now he can have his 1 year term but i still say jasons family is off limits and jason is a replica of brunell when he was struggling

*Edit after reading this...no clap smiley for you

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The scariest part of this is that Palin knowingly put her 17 year old daughter in the position of having the entire world know her personal business.....all for a job? Whether or not you think it's right for the media to talk about it, or you think that teenage pregnancy his horrible or not, the reality is that a responsible parent should understand that the media WILL bring it up, and choose NOT to put your child in that position. For a party that preaches "Family Values", you'd think they'd actually practice what they preach.

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The scariest part of this is that Palin knowingly put her 17 year old daughter in the position of having the entire world know her personal business.....all for a job? Whether or not you think it's right for the media to talk about it, or you think that teenage pregnancy his horrible or not, the reality is that a responsible parent should understand that the media WILL bring it up, and choose NOT to put your child in that position. For a party that preaches "Family Values", you'd think they'd actually practice what they preach.

This really is the absolute weakest argument yet about the whole fiasco. She's 17 years old and for better or worse made her bed and now has to deal with the consequences. It wasn't a secret in her Alaska town so it's not like they were hiding it to begin with.

As for the family values jab, I think they did a pretty good job when they didn't rush her to have an abortion for the good of her mothers career. But I suppose that point never crossed your mind, did it?

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Glad Obama chose to address this. In his speech at the DNC he made it very clear that he wants this to be a clean campaign. I believe McCain wants the same thing after what happened in SC in 2000.

However, there will be supporters of both sides who choose not to follow this advice and all I can say about that is follow what the candidates say and do- don't allow your vote to be swayed by the tactics that their "supporters" buy into. We're not deciding between the leftist protesters that showed up in Denver and Sarge. I personally don't care which side's apologists are more tenacious or dirty.

I consider myself to be in the minority when I say that I haven't fully made up my mind just yet, but I certainly respect both candidates 10 times more than I respected GWB/Kerry in '04.

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reskins 10 giants 21 cause jason not his family are not ready to start yet he has 5-7 record and he has never thrown the bomb to moss cause he overthrows long passes every day evry way ev ery play. The giants defence is going to play up on us cause they know jason cant throw long and were are going to lose cause zorn named him starter as soon as came came to work for skins now he can have his 1 year term but i still say jasons family is off limits and jason is a replica of brunell when he was struggling


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However, the jaded side of me thinks that he figures the pundits and bloggers will do enough damage and that he doesn't have to say anything...they'll do his dirty work for him.

Even I tend to agree with this. Hard to know what you are dealing with when the topic is a politician. Image is their business and they are very good at it.

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This really is the absolute weakest argument yet about the whole fiasco. She's 17 years old and for better or worse made her bed and now has to deal with the consequences. It wasn't a secret in her Alaska town so it's not like they were hiding it to begin with.

As for the family values jab, I think they did a pretty good job when they didn't rush her to have an abortion for the good of her mothers career. But I suppose that point never crossed your mind, did it?

Actually, comparing a town of 9000 to say....THE WORLD is the absolute weakest argument! Should part of the "consequences" be to be forced to share your personal situation with the entire world? A good parent would hope not, and never put that extra burden on their child. And one could argue, given her mother's championed pro-life stance, that they view it as a positive...one more chance to point out that she CHOSE to keep it.

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Actually, comparing a town of 9000 to say....THE WORLD is the absolute weakest argument! Should part of the "consequences" be to be forced to share your personal situation with the entire world? A good parent would hope not, and never put that extra burden on their child. And one could argue, given her mother's championed pro-life stance, that they view it as a positive...one more chance to point out that she CHOSE to keep it.

For anyone who lives in Alaska, that is their world. But this is completely immaterial. What it states is that there is no shame in it within the Plain's community and is only a factor to those looking for a witch hunt.

A good parent teaches their children right from wrong, allows them to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Part of family values is accountability for your own actions. Something that is sorely missing in today's society and completely absent from liberal theology.

But once again, liberals would only be content if young Bristol had an abortion. The fact that she is doing the right thing and raising the child and learning from mistakes not caused by her parents but by her own actions is what's important here. Some people cannot see that due to their own ideological blinders.

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if edwards had said something like this 4 years ago before he brought up cheneys lesbian daughter in a debate, i might have thought he was a decent guy. at least til he officially proved himself a typical scumbag politician.

good classy move by obama.

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The scariest part of this is that Palin knowingly put her 17 year old daughter in the position of having the entire world know her personal business.....all for a job? Whether or not you think it's right for the media to talk about it, or you think that teenage pregnancy his horrible or not, the reality is that a responsible parent should understand that the media WILL bring it up, and choose NOT to put your child in that position. For a party that preaches "Family Values", you'd think they'd actually practice what they preach.

Yeah,maybe she should have just done the lib thing and had her daughter abort the baby :rolleyes:

You know, to keep from being punished with an unwanted child, as Barack once said.

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.”

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Yeah,maybe she should have just done the lib thing and had her daughter abort the baby :rolleyes:

You know, to keep from being punished with an unwanted child, as Barack once said.

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.”

He was talking about using sex education (you know, the logical thing to do) so they don't end up dropping out babies with HIV at age 16.

Conservatives are so against early sex education and giving out condoms in high schools but they get their panties in a wad when a teenager gets pregnant and thinks about abortion.

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FYI - The Liberal thing to do isn't to suggest how to handle it. Its to believe that American's should be given the choice on how to handle it.

I am anti-abortion....... and pro-choice. Meaning, I don't like the idea of it. I think it should only happen in situations of rape or where the Mother could die.

But, I'm also a White Male who (I'm guessing) unlike Sarge, has never been pregnant myself. How else would he know so much on what's really going on?

So, I don't believe I have the right to tell any woman what she can and cannot do.

Once there isn't a single Orphan in the United States, I might be open minded about making it illegal. Too many kids are living in ****ty conditions, and they know they are living in ****ty conditions. If the pro-life movement helped those kids with the energy they protest. Those poor kids might have homes and parents right now.

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